Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1567 Buddha's Belly

Chapter 1567 Buddha's Belly
The two of them searched this hidden small temple for a long time, very carefully, not even letting go of the dust in every corner.

But nothing was found except some valuable precious metal ornaments.

This small temple has only one floor and no dark room.

I don't know why, but there are indeed corpses here, but there are no zombies that Fat Wei said...

After confirming that there was nothing abnormal, Fat Wei finally relaxed his nerves that had been tense.

"Damn, you scared me to death!

I didn't even dare to breathe from just now, for fear that a big rice dumpling would suddenly pop out and bite me, it's really tnd~~"

When Fat Wei said this, he suddenly looked around strangely.

Because the fire platform in the middle was lit, this small temple was already very brightly illuminated by the light of the flames, and all the surrounding arrangements could be seen clearly.

The golden utensils of the Western Regions also glistened under the firelight.

"But it's strange to say that~~", Fat Will said thoughtfully,

"It stands to reason that I shouldn't be mistaken, this is such a damn place, and this temperature, this smell.

There is definitely a big zongzi in it, and it is not too young!Make sure that you belong to the kind of live rice dumplings that don't grow hair, the most tmd evil.

Also, look at the wounds on the corpses, there are obvious tooth marks on the necks, and the paw marks are like knife cuts, they were all bitten by zongzi!Can't go wrong!

Why did the zongzi disappear after coming in? "

"This place is weird...",
Chen Zhi touched the surrounding furnishings, felt the strange temperature,

"Don't you think? These things are so new that they don't look like they've been vacant for a long time.

Although some traces of time can be seen on it, but in comparison, it is a bit too new! "

"What's wrong with this?",
Fat Wei didn't seem to care much about Chen Zhi's doubts,

"Don't forget, this place was originally completely enclosed, and since it is enclosed, there is no air circulation.

There is no oxidation in vacuum, and the ability to protect cultural relics is very strong~~
We have heard from those old-timers before that someone discovered the tomb of the old prince during the Wei Dynasty.

After pushing it away, I was shocked. Damn, a large group of lively and lonely beauties are all standing on the ground!
All of them are beaming with joy, as if they are about to welcome them.

At that time, the old man was so frightened that he almost peed his pants. He thought he had seen hell, so he turned around and wanted to run away.

As a result, after opening the door to breathe, those beauties all fell to the ground at once, and within half an hour, they all turned to ashes~~
The airtight place is what keeps things fresh, just like the airtight cans we eat, which is no surprise! "

Chen Zhi shook his head lightly:
"Here is different from that situation. Even if there is no corrosion in the closed place, it has been empty for a long time. The feeling is different.

And this place, it seems that someone has walked back and forth just now.

It looks empty now, but there may be something in it, but we can't see it now, for example..."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he suddenly turned his eyes to the huge Buddha statue.

It was a very finely carved sitting Buddha statue, covered in gold, shining golden light. The Buddha statue has a big belly and a plump and well-proportioned body, which is a typical Tang Dynasty style.

Chen Zhi walked over, put his hand on the big belly of the Buddha statue, frowned and thought for a while, then touched the position of the base, and moved it slightly inward.

There was a crack in the stomach, and then a small door was opened, and there was a space of about one square meter inside, just enough for a person to get in.

"It's here!",
Chen Zhi said softly:
"Since we have found this place, let's go back first. After 12 o'clock tonight, we will come again...

Fatty, take a picture of all the murals on the stone wall, and take a closer look when I go back..."

"Hmm!", although Fat Wei felt a little baffled, he didn't ask any more questions, and then took pictures of the pictures on the stone wall with his mobile phone, one by one, and followed Chen Zhi out.

When they came out of the basement temple, they found that the monkey was still there obediently, like a pitiful little pet.

Chen Zhi singled out his shackles with a single finger, and the monkey followed them, followed the silver ladder, and returned to the ground.

After they left the big temple outside, they began to walk to the place where they parted just now.

Danxuan and Ghost Sword are still waiting for them on the high platform.

There are many ruins on the high platform, and even broken metal cups and plates, and royal utensils can be seen on the ground, full of strong colors of the Western Regions.

This should be a ruined inner palace, presumably in the past, the palace of the king of Gaochang Kingdom.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Danxuan obviously became very sad. He sat cross-legged on the high platform, his eyes were dim, and he twirled the Buddha beads in his hands, praying silently, as if he had endless words.

After seeing Chen Zhi and the others coming back, Danxuan pointed to the high platform and said to Chen Zhi and others:
"This used to be a good place, but it's a pity..."

Several people followed the original route and returned to the iron house outside again.

Dan Xuanben was seriously injured, he tossed about again in the morning, and started to have a fever in the afternoon.

Chen Zhi asked him to take some fever-reducing medicines, made some special bandages on the wound, changed the dressings again, and let him continue to fall asleep in the metal room.

And that monkey seems to have really opened up its mind and become much more well-behaved since it was apprenticed to the teacher last night.

It seemed that it had already convinced Chen Zhi and others, and it also respected Danxuan, serving very respectfully beside it, and dared not say anything else.

Fat Wei laughed and said that the monkey had three back hairs, and he just needed to be beaten, and now he was finally beaten.

Time passed very quickly, and they escaped the hot sun during the day in the iron house.

Night fell quickly, and the cold temperature hit again, and this time they were ready to enter Gaochang Kingdom again at night.

Danxuan is still in a state of fever, and it is obviously difficult to move around in this situation.

Although the monkey was serving him wholeheartedly, Chen Zhi didn't dare to leave the unconscious Danxuan to the monkey.

So as in the daytime, he kept the ghost knife and was responsible for Danxuan's safety.

In this way, even if the monkey has any tricks, it can't escape the Wuzhi Mountain of Ghost Saber.

After Chen Zhi and Fat Wei made simple preparations, they entered the ruins of Gaochang again.

However, as Chen Zhi expected, the ruins of Gaochang Kingdom, which looked peaceful during the day, turned into another world at night...

(End of this chapter)

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