Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1568 The Ruins in the Dark Night

Chapter 1568 The Ruins in the Dark Night
When the night wind in the desert hit again, this dead and ancient ruin seemed to have life again, and in the darkness, it became another look,
When they first entered during the day, they didn't feel anything yet.

But when Chen Zhi and Fat Wei stepped into the ruins again, suddenly, a feeling of space-time tearing quickly spread into their nerves.

This dark space began to fall apart...

Chen Zhi knew that the aura he felt at that time was definitely not wrong, in this ruins, various spaces were absolutely split!

Space is a very complicated concept. It can freeze many things in space, which will not be invaded by time. That thing may be a stone, a fruit tree, a bird, or even a person.
They began to walk along the main road of the ruins towards the border town, where there was a temple they had visited during the day.

I don't know why, the path I was just familiar with during the day has become complicated at this time, the road has become rough and difficult, and it is even easy to get lost.

And these empty and ruined walls around them suddenly felt a strange sense of life.

It seems that there is something hidden in those dark city walls, and it will be revealed in the darkness at any time. They are just hiding now, watching secretly...

The more they walked forward, the stronger this feeling became. Sometimes Chen Zhi could even feel that there was a person hiding in the darkness not far away, standing there straight, staring at him with his eyes. them.

I don't know why, but the royal city has also become bigger, and the internal roads are intricate and obviously more complicated than in the daytime.

They finally found the intersection of the border town and started walking towards the road outside the city.

At this moment, Chen Zhi suddenly felt a cold in his ears, and it was a weak wind blowing over.

It felt like someone was blowing in his ear.
Then, a hand appeared out of the air behind him, and suddenly grabbed Chen Zhi's hand.

That hand was extremely cold, obviously it belonged to a dead person, Chen Zhi immediately became terrified, and immediately turned his head to make sure if Fat Wei was pulling him.

However, he clearly saw that Fat Wei had already walked in front of him at this time, and it was impossible to touch him at all!
[Whose hand? ],

Chen Zhi thought about it quickly, and then turned around abruptly, only to see that there was darkness behind him...

"What's wrong?",
Fat Wei was taken aback by Chen Zhi's sudden behavior, and stood in front of him and asked a question.

"Chengzi, I told you, don't be surprised!
I found that this place is very evil, it makes people feel so cold, I dare not speak loudly!
Let me tell you, don’t believe in some things. There are no dirty things in this world. It’s hard to tell anyone now. Hurry up and recite the Buddha’s name silently, and don’t look around! ",
After Fat Wei finished speaking, he looked behind Chen Zhi,

"And the situation just now, how can you turn back?

Let me tell you, don’t turn your head easily when walking at night, there are two fires on your shoulders, one on the left and one on the right, which can ensure that your yang energy is strong and you don’t dare to get dirty things on your body.

If you turn your head back, you blow out the fire on your shoulders yourself, so that those things can jump on you from behind~~
You've blown out the left just now, don't turn right again..."

"Where did you hear such nonsense~~",
Chen Zhi replied softly,
"You also believe in the ghost myths told by the old lady.

We haven't seen any real ghosts so far, it seems that this thing doesn't exist, don't scare yourself! "

Fat Wei snorted coldly, looked around with a bluish face,
"It's hard to say whether it exists or not!
But if you haven't seen it, it doesn't mean you don't have it!
In short, listen to my advice, go all the way forward, don't look back! "

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he continued to lead the way.

The two then began to walk forward quickly.

Chen Zhi and Fat Wei are people who have gone through life and death, and it is difficult to frighten them with ordinary things.

However, the difference this time was that Chen Zhi had a strange feeling from just now, which made him very uncomfortable.

He was almost certain that there was indeed something following him behind him, and it was following him very closely...

But because of Fat Wei's instruction just now, Chen Zhi never looked back.

Later, he could clearly feel something behind him, blowing cold breath into his neck, and even pressed his face against his neck, making him feel cold all over, and his hair stood on end.

When that cold hand came up from behind again, Chen Zhi decided not to bear it anymore,

Chen Zhi roared and turned his head abruptly.

And in an instant, he released a stream of air from his hand, completely enclosing a space behind him, freezing the air!
At that moment, a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

The shadow was soft and ethereal, as if it was in the shape of a woman, but it had no face, as if it would float over at any time.

The shadow only appeared behind Chen Zhi for half a second, and then disappeared immediately after a flash!

"Did you see that?",
Chen Zhi quickly took a step back, and asked Fat Wei next to him loudly.

"Did you see it? What's that?
fat man?

Fatty? "

After Chen Zhi asked several questions in succession, he did not hear Fat Wei's reply.

He immediately turned around and looked at the place where Pang Wei had just stood.

But at this time, he found that Pang Wei had disappeared since he did not know when. In this empty ruin, it was dark and cold, and he was the only one left...

Everything that Chen Zhi encountered at this time has surpassed all his past experiences.

He was sure that this was not an illusion, nor a formation, and had nothing to do with the common spells in China.

The feeling here is very different, the Western Regions are too remote, and the people here come from the desert, and everything is different from the Central Plains people, which makes Chen Zhi feel very strange.

The most important thing was that a feeling that hadn't appeared for a long time suddenly spread slowly from the bottom of his heart.

Chen Zhi knew what that feeling was called, it was called - fear...

(End of this chapter)

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