Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1569 The Ruins in the Night

Chapter 1569 Ruins in the Night ([-])

The feeling of fear is too unfamiliar to Chen Zhi.

For a long time, Chen Zhi even thought that he would never be afraid again.

Unexpectedly, this familiar feeling would reappear in the ruins of this western frontier.

A scientist in the West once believed that the reason why people have fear in their hearts is not actually fear in the traditional sense.

In essence, it is a prediction mechanism of the human body. When there is a strong danger ahead, a chemical reaction of self-preservation will be produced in the human brain, reminding him not to move forward.

This kind of inexplicable emotion now appears, which also proves that in this ruins, there is indeed a very powerful thing, a kind of unknown power.

Chen Zhi began to walk along that road and continued to move forward.

Fear, the primal feeling, couldn't make him back down.

All he needs to do now is to hurry to that temple.

No matter what reason Pang Wei left, the ultimate goal is also there, that is their common destination!

As long as Fat Wei is still alive, they will meet there in the end...

Chen Zhi's speed at this time has increased several times compared to just now, he ignored the invisible thing that followed him all the time behind him, as if he didn't feel anything behind him at all.

But he was very sure that the ruins were completely different from the daytime.

There is something here that cannot be explained by science and common sense. The indescribable pressure can drive people crazy.

This road suddenly became longer at night, like a road to the underworld with no end, but in the end, Chen Zhi still came to the end.

When Chen Zhi stepped into the huge temple again, he felt that the temple was obviously different.

Compared to when I saw it during the day, the temple was obviously much newer, and the layout inside was clean, and the paint on the ceiling was bright, so it wasn't a ruin at all.

It can be seen that on the surrounding Buddhist altars, those Buddha statues are lifelike, colorful and well preserved.

And on the censer of the Buddhist altar, there are many long-lasting incenses that have just been lit, as if someone has just treated the Buddha here...

However, it is still empty here, very quiet, quiet and a little creepy~~
Chen Zhi turned his head away naturally, and looked for the ladder again.

The ladder was still there, but this time it was more visible in the darkness.

The silver curved ladder handrails were shining, mixed with colorful gemstones, very eye-catching in the dark, as if attracting him to go over.

Chen Zhi glanced left and right, but saw no trace of Pang Wei, nor any other figures.

So he stretched out his hand and pulled out Baipi from his trouser leg, and walked slowly towards the ladder.

The bottom of the ladder still led to darkness, but this time the difference was that there was a faint candlelight in the darkness underground.

Chen Zhi's brain nerves tensed immediately, he understood Fat Wei's habits, Fat Wei would never act without his own presence, let alone light candles in dangerous places.

And when they searched here during the day, they didn't see any candles or candlesticks.

In other words, someone must have entered here now, and this person is not in their team.

Then this person...

It is likely to be the murderer who killed the staff before.

Chen Zhi supported the ladder and stepped down step by step.

This is the characteristic of metal ladders. No matter how solid they are, they will make a "squeak, squeak" sound with every step.

But Chen Zhi didn't deliberately slow down his footsteps, and deliberately let the people inside hear his footsteps.

Chen Zhi walked down step by step, and when his body gradually sank into the darkness, he could clearly hear voices coming from inside.

It was a distinct gasp...


The panting sound clearly exposed the owner's position, and it was certain that it should be a man's voice!
Chen Zhi went to Shiping and looked down, there was indeed a candlestick on the ground.

It was placed at the foot of the stone screen. It was a very old candlestick made of pure gold. There were not many candles left on the candlestick, and the wax oil flowed all over the place.

The faint firelight appeared extremely faint in the darkness, slowly swaying.

Under the light of the fire, the murals on the stone screen gave off a strange feeling.

The scene of Gaochang being attacked was very bloody, but now in the darkness, it seemed to become even more glaring, and the blood red color was shocking.

Holding the candlestick, Chen Zhi walked towards the darkness step by step, chasing the sound of heavy breathing, and poked inside calmly.


And the heavy panting came from the Buddha statue in front of him.

Chen Zhi didn't turn on the searchlight, but used a candle to shine forward.

The big Buddha still looks like that, but its stomach is tightly closed, and there is no hidden space on the surface.

Chen Zhi walked forward step by step. He even deliberately stepped on his steps so that the people inside could hear his footsteps clearly.

And he was sure that when the person inside heard his footsteps, his breathing became more rapid!

The man was so frightened that he almost suffocated.

Chen Zhi put his hand on the organ, and a gap suddenly appeared on the round belly of the golden Buddha, and then click~~, the secret door opened.

A face as pale as paper appeared in front of Chen Zhi.

When he saw Chen Zhi, he immediately screamed.

His scream was very miserable, piercing the darkness like a bolt of lightning~~
And when he saw this pale face, Chen Zhi's brain immediately went "boom~~", as if he had been hit hard by thunder.

He stood there in shock, looking at the familiar face in front of him in disbelief,

why here? "

(End of this chapter)

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