Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1570 Familiar Faces

Chapter 1570 Familiar Faces

Chen Zhi is so familiar with this face!
White and tender skin, black eyebrows, red lips and white teeth, looks a bit like a woman, but there is a deep frown between the brows, that is Danxuan's face!

Once upon a time, Chen Zhi felt that this face did not match Danxuan's personality.

Danxuan's character is actually very tough, with a subtle strength, but this face is too weak.

But now, when this face appeared again, Chen Zhi felt that it fit very well, as if he had found the real owner of this face.

However, under this face is another person...

He is not a monk, on the contrary, his hair is very long, braided dense whip.

His beard and hair are thick and black, and he has a conspicuous beard, which is also braided and decorated with pearls and precious stones, very elegant.

He wears a ring-shaped crown on his head, the gold and precious stones on it, and the pearls are shining, with a strong Western style, exactly the same as the paintings on the murals.

Seeing Chen Zhi's sudden appearance on this pale face, he was very panicked, and opened his mouth to speak a long string of incomprehensible Sogdian characters.

His voice was gloomy, his whole body was shaking like chaff, and he was obviously terrified.

Chen Zhi stared at the person hidden in the belly of the Buddha, and looked up and down his height and weight. He and Danxuan were basically the same person, but this person was thinner and looked more haggard.

After Chen Zhi looked at him coldly for a while, he stretched out a hand to this man:

"Come out,

I won't hurt you..."

As Chen Zhi stretched out his hand, the man screamed in fright, as if Chen Zhizhi reached out to kill him.

He looked at Chen Zhi terrifiedly in the belly of the big Buddha. After watching for a long time, he finally stretched out his hand hesitantly, and with the help of Chen Zhi, he left the belly of the big Buddha.

After the man came out, he curled up and fell to the ground. It seemed that he had been hiding in this secret compartment for too long, so that his legs and back could not be fully stretched, and he kept trembling.

"Don't kill me, (simplified meaning in ancient Chinese)
Do not kill me,
My brother Wang will come to save me, he is the god of war, he will protect me, and those who kill me will get his revenge! ".

Unexpectedly, a series of ancient Chinese was spit out from this man's mouth.

Although there is an incomprehensible format in ancient Chinese between the lines, it is still easily transformed into modern Chinese in Chen Zhi's mind.

"Do not kill me!
help me!

I am the legal king of this country, Tang Wang will not kill me, Buddha will bless me~~"

This person seemed to have been frightened into a mental disorder. Apart from begging for mercy, his hands were still tightly grasping his arms.

His eyes kept looking outside in fear, as if someone would rush in at any moment.

"Don't worry... no one will kill you!
It's safe here now! ",
Chen Zhi said something very sincerely, and then looked up and down at the person in front of him.

I saw that he was wearing a plain white robe, which was not new, and he was holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, and his hair was a little messy.

But the collar on the neck is inlaid with gold and jade, which is an accessory that only ancient nobles can wear.

In fact, when Chen Zhi saw Danxuan for the first time, he felt that his appearance had some strange features.

The height is low, the forehead is slightly protruding, and the palms and pelvis are wide. These are the characteristics of the ancients more than 1000 years ago, and they are somewhat incompatible with modern people.

And now when this face falls on this person, I feel that this appearance and this outfit are very harmonious.

"rest assured!
I'm here now to keep you safe",
Chen Zhi stared at this person with both eyes, and said softly,

"But I have some questions I want to ask you now, can you answer me?"

That person didn't seem to listen carefully to Chen Zhi's words, but kept looking outside in fear, like a frightened bird,
"There are a lot of arrows shooting in from outside, my soldiers are all dead, save me, save me quickly!

When will brother Wang come?

When will he come to me? "

After Chen Zhi watched this silently for a while, he said seriously,
"How about this.

I'll go outside first to see if they're still there!
If they are gone, it proves that this place is safe for the time being, and then you can answer my question well, do you think it is ok? "

After hearing these words, this person seemed to have become a lot more stable. He looked at Chen Zhi with dependent eyes and nodded.

Chen Zhi then went out, walked up the silver ladder, the temple was still there, everything was the same as before, there was no one in the hall, but the incense burner was still burning with the long incense .

Chen Zhi walked to the gate of the temple, opened the gate, and looked out.

An unexpected scene appeared in front of him...

There is nothing outside except a road leading to here, everything is nothingness~~
Chen Zhi knew about this situation. The area he was in now, this temple, was a completely different space...

Chen Zhi then turned around and touched something on the Buddhist altar in the temple.

There is no dust on those instruments, they should have just been cleaned, and even the offerings are fresh. This temple should exist in the state of more than 1000 years ago in this space...

Chen Zhi walked down the ladder again and entered the underground temple.

That person was still curled up in front of the Buddha statue, and he was terrified when he saw Chen Zhi come back.
"Are they still there?

Those Tang Dynasty people, are they gone? "

"Let's go!" Chen Zhi walked up to that person gently, and replied in a very positive tone,

"Don't be afraid, they are gone and will never come back!"

"Ah! That's great~~, that's great~~", the man stabilized after listening to what Chen Zhi said, and leaned weakly on the ground.

Only then did I notice Chen Zhi's outfit...

"Which country are you from, why are you wearing such a strange costume?"

"Don't worry about these trivial things?",
Chen Zhi then put his hand on that man's trembling hand, that hand was extremely cold, without any sign of blood flow.

"Can you answer my question now?",
Chen Zhi looked at this face very closely,
"I have something to ask you!"

"Okay!" The man nodded slightly, his eyes still looking outside in fear, for fear that someone would come in.

"That's good!" Chen Zhi continued,

"Then I'm going to start asking...

who are you?
What is your name and identity?
why are you hiding here "

"Huh~~", this person seemed to have finally settled down, and kept taking long breaths. After a long time, he finally said a word:

"The only one is Gaochang King Ju Wentai!
I am the legal emperor of Gaochang Kingdom. I hid here because I was forced to attack by the Tang people.

Emperor Tang betrayed his promise and ordered the Tang army to attack our capital city of Gaochang and shoot and kill my people with random arrows.

My personal guards finally hid me here and went up to lure the enemy.

I have been hearing them screaming from above, afraid to come out~~
I am waiting here..., waiting for my brother Wang to come back and save me! "

(End of this chapter)

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