Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1574 Naked Blood

Chapter 1574 Naked Blood
Chen Zhi and Pang Wei then started to run towards the iron house. Ghost Dao was much faster than them. When they rushed into the iron house, Ghost Dao was already standing inside.

The bed that Danxuan was lying on was already empty.

There was no blood or smell left on it, so no change could be felt.

And next to the place where the monkey was tied, the rope had fallen off, leaving a large piece of fur.

"I rely on tnd, this monkey is going all out!",
Fat Wei raised his brows upside down in anger, and cursed loudly:

"This dead monkey is really an unfamiliar wolf. In order to harm people, in order to harm others, he peeled off his own skin. I never dreamed of it!

This is really an antisocial personality!

No, this beast is tm different from humans. Danxuan treats it so well, even a tmd stone should be warmed up, but it still can't influence him!He can still play such a black hand!

I rely on your mother~~"

Fat Wei cursed loudly here, while Chen Zhi's eyes rolled around, looking for all possible clues, and finding the possible path for the monkey.

This is not a city, except for the big ruins in front of it, there is an endless desert. Where can this monkey take Danxuan?

And Ghost Saber had jumped outside at this time, listening to the sound in the wind, hoping to find the trace of the monkey and Danxuan in the sound.

But he frowned and listened for a long time, and it was very difficult, but he still didn't gain anything.

It stands to reason that with the ear strength of Ghost Saber, this kind of situation does not exist.

Even movements within a radius of ten kilometers will be heard by him. It seems that this monkey is in a static state now. It is very smart and has suppressed its own heartbeat and breath.

And Danxuan..., he can't hear his heart beating now, which proves that his heart has stopped beating at this time.

When they didn't see the last moment, they had to do their last bit.

Chen Zhi turned the airflow in his body into short airflow lines, which were completely released like silver needles.

This large desert is extremely empty, there is no shelter, as long as it touches an object, it will feel it.

However, after releasing a lot of air streams, most of the bouncing back was the reflection of the rock, but the monkey was not found.

"Give up!" Fat Wei sat down on a big rock resentfully, and said dejectedly:
"Master Danxuan has fallen into the belly of a monkey!
This shit is all my fault, when you suddenly disappeared, I almost scared me to death.

As soon as I was in a hurry, I ran out with a knife. I really didn't expect this monkey to have such a great ability, and it can even escape its shell like a golden cicada!
It's over, it's over, I have sinned a lot this time, and it makes such an eminent monk, I must go to the [-]th floor of hell after death!
Fucking dead monkey, if I let Lao Tzu catch him, I'll kill him alive, damn it! "

Fat Wei has always been in awe of Buddhism, and after this journey, Danxuan's virtues also made him very admired.

The sudden change that happened right now undoubtedly made him the biggest responsible person, and it was about to explode his lungs.

But just when the sky was about to turn dark, a very short air flow followed the air and slowly touched Chen Zhi's cheek.

The air flow was very weak, but Chen Zhi felt like he had been electrocuted, and he felt it immediately!
It was a living creature, and the airflow reflected back found something in front of it!
Chen Zhi's eyes immediately turned to the direction over there vigilantly, it was the completely opposite direction from when they came, the pale yellow desert, facing each other far away in the darkness, without boundaries.

"Is it there?" Ghost Knife quickly reacted:

"Show me the exact direction!
I go by my own!

There is likely to be a trap there, you stay here! "

"No, go together! Follow him!",
With a lift of Chen Zhi's hand, he picked up a glowing airflow thread and slapped it on Ghost Knife's shoulder.

The ghost knife flew out immediately, and disappeared in a flash!
Chen Zhi glued an airflow belt to his body in time, then made airflow bubbles, wrapped himself and Pangwei, and flew out following the ghost knife.

They are used to this method, and when the situation is urgent, this is the only way to keep up with Ghost Saber.

In the process of speeding along with the ghost knife, everything around them will become blurred, but the journey of thousands of miles will become very close under their feet.

Sure enough, after a flash of thought, their feet landed on the ground.

And where they are now is a messy rocky area.

There are too many colors here, large and small piled up and scattered, in various forms.

Those are big rocks that have been cracked by the sun. They have appeared in this desert for an unknown number of years. They are strangely shaped and surrounded by a scattered area.

And Gaochang City in the distance has long been invisible.

As soon as his feet landed, Chen Zhi immediately smelled a very strong smell of blood.

This smell makes one's heart jump in this dark desert.

When Chen Zhi and the others hit the ground with their searchlights, they could see large groups of bloodstains leading straight to the front. Judging from the large amount of blood loss, it was impossible for this person to survive.

But they still pursued the front along the bloodstain, and when their eyes saw the end of the front, a scene that they didn't want to see finally appeared in front of them.
I saw a big bunker in the middle of the rocks in front of me. Danxuan was thrown there, surrounded by bright blood, which dyed the bunker red.

Na Danxuan's muscles and bones were obviously broken, his limbs were bent, his arms were bent in an anti-physiological structure, his thigh was completely broken, and he suffered great pain before his death.

And Danxuan's face was bitten off a lot of flesh, his body was also bitten off, both eyeballs were gouged out, dripping with blood, no signs of life could be seen.

"I rely on your mother!" Fat Wei immediately went crazy, drew out the machete, and roared to the sky,

"I rely on your ancestor's dead monkey, you have the ability to come here!
Damn, don't hide and come out!
Don't let me find you, when I see you, I have to cut off your hands and feet..."

"Stop talking!" Ghost Knife said quickly, then looked vigilantly at the darkness around him.

However, at that moment, a gust of cold wind rushed from behind them...

Don't let me find you, when I see you, I have to cut off your hands and feet..."

"Stop talking!" Ghost Knife said quickly, then looked vigilantly at the darkness around him.

However, at that moment, a gust of cold wind rushed from behind them...

(End of this chapter)

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