Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1575 Naked Blood

Chapter 1575 Naked Blood ([-])

When the fierce wind flashed past from behind, everyone immediately realized that the guy's speed was too fast, too fast to figure out...

Before Chen Zhi and Pang Wei had time to turn around completely, they saw that ferocious monkey face appearing in front of them.

That face was covered with thick hair, with a gloomy aura, appearing in front of them like lightning.

It was indeed the monkey!
But now, the monkey is obviously different. His upper limbs are thick and his body is strong, from the original two or three, as if it has been strengthened by some kind of force.

And its face is no longer like an ordinary monkey, primitive and fierce, if you want to describe it, he is more like a carnivorous beast!

Its face was ferocious like the most primitive beast, with wide mandibles and triangular eyes, revealing sharp fangs full of jagged fangs, all of which were sharp and slender, exuding a cold light.

The monkey's eyes were still blue-green, and when it was full of blood, it emitted a gloomy purple light.

Those hands were like sharp blades, and accompanied by a gust of wind, they suddenly hit Chen Zhi's head...

When its claws were about to fall on Chen Zhi's head, the ghost knife had already arrived.

The ghost knife turned into a black shadow, slammed into the monkey, knocking it away on the spot.

Then the two quickly collided and made a series of quick attacks!

Their speed was really too fast, as fast as electricity, and they couldn't see any movement at all, only two balls of light and shadow like fireballs collided fiercely, then separated violently, and collided again.

Flying up and down, lightning and flint, like two meteors, the scene is amazing!

The monkey's speed is completely different from what it used to be. How many times can its strength be stronger than before?
Although Chen Zhi couldn't see the ghost knife's movement, he could clearly feel that the ghost knife finally drew the knife...

Weapons are of great significance to the samurai, and the samurai draws the sword to represent the formal face of battle.

This proves that the opponent is worthy of attention. In fact, with the ability of Ghost Saber, it is very difficult to find an opponent in the world now.

The monkey's performance all the way was far lower than that of the ghost knife, but now, it is obviously much stronger.

There must be strengthening factors for this change. Chen Zhi suddenly raised his head, and saw the moon in the sky was round and bright, like a huge pearl.

He suddenly realized something, and then looked at the runaway monkey in front of him...

I remember that there are some records about the ancient orcs in Jiang's library.

Orcs are a very ancient race, but they have never been recorded in civilization because their intelligence is very low.

However, in the records, the ancient blood of some ancient orcs has very strong power, and those powers are very powerful and possess wisdom.

According to many original historical records, many orcs were unimaginably huge in the past, and they would even devour gods and fill the sea with their bodies.

When the moon is full, the strength of these orcs will be strengthened, and it will even increase ten times.

At that time, they were unstoppable!
And this kind of blood is extremely rare, the best among the orcs, and very few of them survived.

Under the illumination of the full moon, the monkey's figure became bigger and bigger, and in the end it was like a king kong, capable of smashing huge rocks with one fist!
It was as fast as lightning, with its teeth and claws open, flying like shadows in the air, but even so, it was still slightly inferior to the Ghost Saber.

Ghost Saber is a representative of human speed warriors. In front of him, almost all speeds will be captured by him. Chen Zhi sometimes even thinks that his speed has surpassed that of a god!

The subsequent fights were quite exciting. The monkey grabbed the ghost knife's throat several times, but the ghost knife flashed in an instant. The perfect movement made people amazed!

However, in the last time, the ghost knife grabbed the monkey's arm, and then turned back.

Accompanied by the sound of "Gaba", the monkey's arm broke off on the spot.

This major mistake has already decided the outcome...

Less than a second later, the ghost knife caught the other arm of the monkey again.

With a sound of "gaba", the monkey's arms were completely scrapped.

The monkey was very alert, knowing that it couldn't resist, its feet bent down quickly, and it jumped up violently, almost as if it was flying at that moment.

He only paused in the sky for a moment, and then jumped out of the distant rocks, flying to the front and disappearing!
Ghost Knife was behind, followed quickly, flashed twice in the dark, and then disappeared...

For an instant, the rocky terrain was quiet again.

In the empty desert of Nuoda, only Chen Zhi, Fat Wei, and Danxuan's bloody corpse remained...

After this sudden silence, it made people unable to turn their minds around.

Fat Wei stood there in a daze, holding a machete in his hand, not knowing where to vent the anger he was filled with just now.

However, Chen Zhi's mind kept going in circles. He always felt that something was wrong, and it was very wrong.

This monkey is not that simple, it is obviously smart, not only can understand human speech, but also can judge many things that humans can judge.

When it comes to strategy, it is likely to be more agile and cunning than humans.

Most importantly, this monkey has an obvious characteristic, that is, what it wants to do must be done, and the person it wants to revenge will never let go!
All grievances must be reported!
As a physical ability user, it had tested Ghost Saber a few times along the way, so it should have some understanding of his abilities.

So this monkey shouldn't attack rashly without the assurance of complete victory!
Of course, its performance just now was very good, and ordinary blue-belt warriors are definitely not its opponents.

But it should also know that it is still impossible to defeat Ghost Saber with its current ability.

But even if he knew the result, why did the monkey lure them here?

Even if he was discovered passively by Chen Zhi and the others, but where is it convenient for him to hide, why should he show up proactively?Why take the initiative to attack them?

Danxuan had already been killed by him. After achieving his goal, the monkey could have escaped. Why did he stay?Why do you have to deliver it yourself?
Then there is only one possibility, the monkey thinks he can win!
It didn't intend to duel with Ghost Saber just now, but a false attack to lure Ghost Saber away, but its real purpose was to attack Chen Zhi...

Just as Chen Zhi thought of this, suddenly, a familiar aura emerged from the rock pile behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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