Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1584 Conquer [Thanks to Wu Ranyan for rewarding and adding more. 】

Chapter 1584 Conquer [Thanks to Wu Ranyan for rewarding and adding more. 】

After the dust settled, everything that happened here seemed like a dream.

The previous world had completely disappeared, and only Chen Zhi and the heartbroken monkey remained in the ruins.

This monkey is obviously different, from his face, he can no longer see the wild and fierce appearance.

His figure is actually slightly small, and he looked like a child when he was lying there. When he kept crying and crying, his black pupils were innocent and innocent, and it was difficult to connect with that ferocious orc. .

In the following time, the little monkey was crying all the time, persistently begging Chen Zhi to bring his father back to life.

Chen Zhi stood there, looking at the weeping orc with pity, helpless.

"I will treat you well,
Just like treating your brother well~~", Chen Zhi put his hand on the monkey's head, with a very gentle tone:
"I will keep you by my side and let you follow me!
I will also give you identity and honor, from now on you will no longer be alone, I will bring you back to Huaxia! "

"I don't want it, I want my father back!", the monkey still hugged Chen Zhi's thigh, weeping silently, his voice became hoarse and weak.

Chen Zhi continued,

"I will take good care of the remains of your people!

I will move your orc lineage from the Western Regions back to Xiqi, China~~"

I saw the scars on those bodies, none of them died well.

But I will send them back to Xiqi for burial, and your father will enjoy incense forever on the Xiqi altar. This is the glory that only those with special status in China can have!

I will also give you a name and surname, and you can pass it on in Huaxia from now on.

After you die in the future, your remains will also be enshrined in Xiqi, and you will also be among the heroes! "

"I don't want it, I want my father to come back~~", the monkey was still unmoved, hugging Chen Zhi's thigh and weeping uncontrollably.

"Listen to me..." Chen Zhi put his hand on the monkey's head and said seriously:

"I will also give you an unexpected status.

I will consecrate you as a god, a real living god!
You are very talented. After being conferred as a god, your power will be infinitely multiplied, you will be respected and worshiped, and you will be so powerful that it is unimaginable.

Creatures in the world will bow their knees in front of you~~"

"I don't want it, I want my father to come back!", the monkey didn't seem to listen to Chen Zhi's words seriously, still holding Chen Zhi's thigh in pain, his voice was so hoarse that he couldn't cry.

That kind of pain makes people's heart feel like being pierced by an awl.

Orcs are such animals. They don't have much scheming, and they are not good at hiding themselves. Their emotions are completely revealed on the surface. You can call them stupid, but they are indeed very simple.

At this time, Chen Zhi had no choice but to squat down helplessly, holding the little monkey in front of him with tears all over his face, and staring at him tightly:
"I know what you want, but I can't help~~
I really have no way!
There are many mistakes in this world that can be changed, but death cannot be changed!
You remember, the dead cannot be brought back to life!Life is precious, not cheap.

Forget about your father!Live well..."

Listening to Chen Zhi's words, the monkey seemed to have slowly accepted the reality, but he was still powerless, leaning on Chen Zhi's arm unsuspectingly, like a child who was alone and alone.

Chen Zhi held the orange-red spirit stone in his hand, touched the little monkey's head with the other hand, and said softly:

"Your father wanted you orcs to learn civilization and ethics all his life, and to have names and titles, but he didn't leave a name all his life.

He once gave you a surname called Han, I will give you another name——猢
Hozen and macaques, no matter what status you will reach in the future, don't forget your bloodline, and don't forget your father.

From today onwards, your name will be Hanhong, and I will call you the Beast God of Fighting Zhan Shouyu!

Listen! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, a ball of light rose from his hand in an instant, and pressed it on the back of the monkey's head.

And the other hand carried a halo, and forced the gleaming orange-red spirit stone into the monkey's brain!

The monkey didn't react for a while...

In an instant, the light was shining brightly, and the spirit stone in his mind rose from the ground like a shooting star.

A beam of light rose from Han Hong's mind instantly, piercing through the dark sky, and illuminating the whole world!
The monkey's body began to change, and it expanded infinitely in an instant. With a "snap" on the ground, it actually pierced the ceiling, and then both feet left the ground and flew into the sky!

He turned into a meteor and exploded in the air, and the light instantly illuminated the entire ruins and the desert of the Western Regions.

The billowing yellow sand in this desert is as dazzling as gold under this light.

And when Hanhong finally landed on the ground, his figure shrunk again, and his entire aura was different from before...

The aura was vast, yet pure and holy, and the killing aura of the past was swept away!

Instead, there is a vast and profound power, that feeling is very similar to Danxuan's aura.

He knelt down in front of Chen Zhi, bowed his head to salute, kowtowed to Chen Zhi, and asked for the belonging ceremony.

Chen Zhi walked over slowly, picked up Danxuan's string of wooden beads from the ground, and hung them gently on Han Hong's hand.

Then from the treasure bag, he took out the shining silver hoop.

It was the silver hoop bestowed by the god in white to Xuanzang to restrain and defeat the Buddha.

Chen Zhi put the silver hoop in his hand, and the power of Shentie was immediately displayed.

The silver hoop rises and flies, and the gleaming silver metal twists and changes, changing into various forms...

This silver hoop can be connected with Chen Zhi's blood, get through the divine seal, and sign a contract.

It has also become several weapons, including the legendary club weapon.

The stick was engraved with tumbling cloud patterns on the front and back, the style is thick, and there is still a deep hand mark in the middle, which shows that it was the most commonly used weapon to fight against Buddha.

After Chen Zhi finished transforming this piece of divine iron in his hand, it turned into a silver hoop again, and then slowly placed it on Han Hong's head.

The silver hoop instantly became smaller and thinner, and finally turned into a cloud of silver dust, which disappeared into Han Hong's head.

Han Hong raised her bright black eyes, looked at Chen Zhi,

"The slave and maid came from a humble background. Fortunately, the lord conferred the title of Zen God. Now I have opened my mind and achieved a positive result. From now on, I wish the lord will go on the saddle and ride the thorns, so as to atone for my heinous crimes!"

"do not talk like that!",
At this time, Chen Zhi said softly:
"Like your father said, whatever happened in the past, the past, let it go,

From today onwards, we will walk the future path together.

Let's correct the mistakes we made..."

 [Thank you Wu Ranyan for the reward!Thanks to the Nine Heavens Yushenjian, I rewarded another 2 in the morning]

(End of this chapter)

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