Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1585 Newcomer

Chapter 1585 Newcomer
After all the prosperity ended, Han Hong temporarily hid the brilliance of his body, and became what he was when he first saw him, a monkey-like orc about the size of a human.

His eyes are black and shiny, and his attitude is humble and docile. After conferring the gods, his mind can be enlightened, and the original savagery and ferocity of the orcs are gone. Instead, he is a nearly perfect creature, and his humble and gentle character is almost another Danxuan. .

After the apotheosis ceremony just now, the temple has completely collapsed, and broken bricks and tiles, large and small, began to fall down.

Fat Wei and Ghost Dao were afraid of danger, so they hurried over from the side.

Ghost Saber was the first to notice the change in Hanhong.

Just like a samurai's natural sensitivity to power, he immediately knew what happened, and turned to look at Chen Zhi, "Is it true?"

"Yes!" Chen Zhi nodded to Fat Wei and Gui Dao:

"He will follow us from now on, this is a real god by our side, a living god!
Before his death, his father entrusted me that we must treat him well.

We have to transport the corpse of the monkey man in the underground cave of Karez, send it back to Xiqi, pack it up solemnly, and bury it in the holy place! "

"Understood!" Ghost Saber nodded seriously.

Fat Wei walked over with a smile, first looked at Han Hong in front of him, then raised his hand and patted his shoulder vigorously, feeling his shiny hairs:
"Okay, monkey brother, a somersault cloud, it really puts on the sky~~
Your status is different now, we are all mortals, we all have to look up to you, and we will ask you to take care of us more in the future!

If you don't make a song, you're done, a blockbuster! "

At this time, Han Hong no longer has the previous rebellious appearance, on the contrary, he feels very pure and simple at this time, that feeling is like washing away all the lead.

Holding the Buddhist beads in his hand, he silently listened to Fat Wei's words. He was completely reborn, completely different from before.

At this time, Chen Zhi drew a summoning talisman totem on his arm, and plumes of green smoke suddenly appeared on the ground.

The generals under Chen Zhi's seat, Wu Jia, Jian Di, and Hu Yu, were all summoned...

Demigods are very sensitive to power, especially the feeling of being a god descendant, which is almost innate.

After discovering Han Hong's existence, the three demigods immediately stepped back a few steps, and looked at Han Hong with extreme fear.

Han Hong is now a real god, and he is extremely talented. After conferring a god, he is a fighting supreme god, which is unimaginable for demigods like them.

In essence, the identity of a demigod is a creature with divine blood, while a god itself is divine blood. The difference between them is fundamental.

Even if these demigods stand far away, they can still feel the endless power of Han Hong. The power is so powerful that it can cover all of them in an instant...

Wu Jia immediately assumed a fighting stance, quickly retreated to a safe position, and then bowed up and crawled on the ground, baring his fangs, as if Han Hong could eat him at any time.

And Jian Di was also obviously frightened, her two white arms immediately became transparent, flew like wings, jumped behind Chen Zhi, and said in a trembling tone:
"Master protect me!

Why did the vast and unspeakable things in front of me fall here~~, I beg the master to protect me, will he kill me~~"

"do not panic!",
Chen Zhi waved his hand, telling Xuanniao and Wujia not to be too nervous, and to go back to their original positions.

"This is my new recruit...

You have now seen his identity. He was originally a beastman, and he lived in the Western Regions all year round, always alone!

In the future, I will take him back to Huaxia and stay with us.

I think he may be a little uncomfortable at the beginning, when you are often together in the future, treat him kindly, just like treating me kindly! "

"Is he under your command like us?",
Wu Jia seemed unable to believe what he had just heard, and looked at Han Hong, then at Chen Zhi:

"But this, this is already..."

"Yes!" Chen Zhi smiled lightly, and replied affirmatively:
"He is already a god!

Is a real god! "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, Wu Jia and Xuan Niao were flabbergasted again, and even the dumb-headed Tiger Niao felt panic. He looked at Han Hong seriously, took several steps back, and kept his posture. considered a safe distance.

"You don't need to panic, even if Zen is made a god!

He is still my general under my command~~", Chen Zhi said with a smile:

"Choose those who are capable and seal them up, and take them under their command, since Jiang Ziya's time, isn't that the case?

Whether it is a demigod, a god, or a beastman, as long as they are under my banner, they are all equal here!
Remember what I said before, all living beings are equal, you must keep this sentence in your heart in the future. "

Several demigods responded at the same time.

With Chen Zhi's words, they had a protective umbrella and dared to approach Hanhong.

In the following time, Chen Zhi, Fat Wei and the ghost knife returned to the metal room to discuss the next thing.

Let these demigods clean up the interior of the ruins.

Sooner or later, this place will become a scenic area, and it will be very troublesome if suspicious things are found during development.

So before the next batch of people arrive, all traces inside must be disposed of, including the corpses of the first batch of people.

These demigods were busy in the ruins, while Chen Zhi and the three of them returned to the iron house, thinking about the future.

Chen Zhi first told them everything that happened in the underground temple before, and then told them his plan.

First of all, all the monkey corpses in the cave below Karez had to be transported out by special personnel. The place was too deep, and Hanhong and Wujia, the demigods, might be needed to help.

Secondly, Chen Zhi mentioned an important clue to them, that is, a person Danxuan mentioned to him before he passed away.

The man locked in the eye of the sea...

(End of this chapter)

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