Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1586

Chapter 1586
[Thanks: Nine Heavens Imperial Sword 20000; Roaming dna vest 10000; Wugeng Liuli 10000]

At this time, the sky was already hazy, and the sight in the ruins became clearer and clearer.

After Chen Zhi explained the task, he went to the iron house with Fat Wei and Ghost Sword to discuss the next thing.

And the aftermath work in the ruins was handed over to these descendants of gods to complete.

For Han Hong, a new member, the three demigods are actually very scared...

This kind of fear is unavoidable, even if Chen Zhi let them relax, this primitive fear is still indelible, and everyone knows that the weight of the gods is boundless...

In the world of gods, power is everything, and in fact, almost all demigods have never seen real gods, they just listen to their parents or ancestors talk about gods.

They talked about the power and supremacy of the gods, and the demigods are humble before the gods, they cannot lift their heads, and they never dare to overstep.

And now, a living god appeared among them, and the mere thought of the concept was enough to make them shudder.

They searched for stones and debris on the ground, covering up all the traces of the damage caused by the spell just now.

This was originally a simple and trivial job, but while doing these things, they deliberately kept a distance from Han Hou.

Wujia has been watching Hanhong secretly, measuring his aura and friendliness. It is the farthest away from Hanhong so that it can escape at any time.

But everyone soon discovered that this Hanhong, who had just been promoted to a god, was not that scary.

When he covered up his aura, he was no different from an ordinary god descendant. He even looked like an ordinary orc on the outside. The monkey's bright eyes were even a little cute.

Han Hong was wearing a half-worn monk's robe at this time, and hung the Buddhist beads on his chest. His movements were very sensitive, and he picked up the broken bricks on the ground one by one, and put them aside to pile up.

Work hard and don't say unnecessary words.

But when he occasionally crosses eyes with others, he will give a friendly nod. His little furry head is very cute.

After a while like this, everyone's emotions were relieved, and they were not as tense as before.

At this time, Wujia was full of breath, strode to the middle of the ruins, sat down on a big rock, coughed twice,
"Cough cough~
Brothers of the same school, let's take a break first!

I have something to say! "

After seeing Wu Jia's behavior, everyone was a little puzzled, so they put down their work and gathered together.

That Hanhong also came over, patted the dust off his paws, took his father's prayer beads, and listened to what Wujia had to say.

At this time, I saw Wu Jia raised her neck high, straightened her chest, deliberately avoided Han Hong's eyes, and said in a dignified manner:
"Everyone, there are already more god generals under Master's command!
As the saying goes, there is no rule without rules, so we have to prioritize and discuss priorities.

Everyone knows my identity, I am the first descendant of the gods to belong to the master after Jiang Shang Shenzun proclaimed the land star king Tu Xingsun!

The master has always loved me, and has told me privately several times that as long as he finds a good opportunity, he will be sealed as a god!

So among you, I am the brother and the first comer, do you understand? "

After Wu Jia finished speaking, she still sneaked a guilty look at Han Hong who was standing beside her, her buttocks twitched slightly, and she was prepared to run away immediately if Han Hong got angry.

Unexpectedly, Han Hong twirled the beads and walked a few steps forward, Chang obediently bowed to Wu Jia,

"Very good, very good~~", Wu Jia immediately became proud, shaking her head and tail, like a pangolin that has been drugged,

"The heirs of Dou Victory Buddha are indeed knowledgeable and know how to respect their predecessors.

That's it, we Chinese people, who don't know that the first comer wins.

If my ancestor Tu Xingsun knew about my cultivation today, he would probably have a bright face.

Hahahahaha~~, I, Wu Jia, did not come to this life in vain~~, haha~~"

"Senior brother said yes!",
Han Hong blinked her bright eyes, and clapped her hands in respect,

"I will listen to you from now on! I wish to be the leader of my brother!"


After Wujia was called out by Hanhong, he was so swollen that he almost forgot what his last name was, and then he looked at the tiger again:

"Big man, don't be stupid!

Did you see, the newly-appointed God of War calls me senior brother!You can see what status I am now!
Don't be too low-key about this matter. If you see those demigods who don't know what is good or bad on weekdays, you should also talk about it, so that they know my current identity, so that they can know the depth! "

After hearing this for a while, the dumb-headed tiger came over in a naive way, and bowed:
"Yes, brother!"

"Haha, haha, you're welcome, you're welcome~~",
At this moment, Wu Jia felt that she had reached the pinnacle of her life, shaking her head and tail, not knowing what to do, the carapace on the back was about to come out.

Then he turned back, raised an eyebrow, and asked Xuanniao with a playful smile:
"That, little junior sister~~
Should you call me..."

"Are you looking for a fight?" Xuanniao immediately opened his eyes angrily, and the hair on his body stood up instantly. Wujia was so startled that he almost fell off the stone.

At this time, I heard Xuanniao scolding sharply,

"You old pangolin! You don't know how to live or die!
What kind of prestige are you showing off here if you just leave your work and quit?
The master gave you some face, let's show you off~~
One day I will report back to the master to see if he does not peel your skin!Pooh! "

After Xuanniao spat heavily, he threw the stone tile in his hand on the ground, did not do the rest of the work, turned around and walked away.

Xuanniao's departure made Wu Jia extremely embarrassed. He blushed and pointed at Xuanniao and said:
"This..., this ignorant female bird, what kind of fiery temper is this?

Don't learn from her, birds are inherently stupid, have you seen that, this is uneducated~~
Thanks to the favor of the master, the eyes have grown on the top of the forehead, and the dumb bird is referring to something like her!
You just follow me from now on, don't bother with this idiot! "

"Yes! Listen to the brother's teaching~~",
Han Hong took a step forward to answer, and then said:

"Senior brother, don't be angry, there is still a lot of work today!
You have worked hard today, why not take a rest!Let us do the rest of the work~~"

"Very good, very good~~", Wu Jia nodded very satisfied, raised her short Erlang legs,

"You all go to work!

I take a nap.

But having said that, the news of you joining our Jiang family, junior brother, will soon spread throughout China.

It is estimated that China's God Realm will soon be turned upside down.

But it doesn't matter, with you, the Battle Beast God, the God Realm will be our Jiang family's world from now on..."

(End of this chapter)

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