Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1588 The Man Soaked in the Sea

Chapter 1588 The Man Soaked in the Sea
Ding Ning's condition at this time is really very bad. As a 15-year-old boy, he is not very strong.

In fact, his mind is simpler than that of his peers, just like a five or six-year-old child. Everything he has experienced now is really unbearable for him...

Chen Zhi clearly saw that Ding Ning was trembling like a leaf in the wind, his whole body was wet, and his hair was full of water marks.

The water had a strong salty smell, which is unique to the water in the deep sea, and the water was so cold that Ding Ning's whole body was frozen blue.

Ding Ning's neck was purple from being pinched, and there were two large handprints on it. From the marks, it can be seen that this is the mark of a man's hand, and the palm is bigger than ordinary people!
Ding Ning kept crying and talking about the water ghost coming to catch him, as if he was crazy.

Chen Zhi kept comforting the crazy Ding Ning, and then asked the people around him to help Ding Ning to be carried back to the bed.

Ding Ning was sweating all over his face, talking nonsense uncontrollably, no matter how Chen Zhi tried to comfort him.

He kept saying: "The water ghost wants to kill me. He called me an evil, said that I and a traitor would not live with him, and let me go to the sea to suffer with him!"

Originally, Chen Zhi wanted to ask him some details, but Ding Ning was too frightened to say anything.

Chen Zhi had no choice but to transport the mantra to the tip of his finger, and then put it on Ding Ning's head.

In an instant, a hazy but extremely terrifying scene appeared before Chen Zhi's eyes.

Chen Zhi has seen this scene before. When Ding Ning had a nightmare last time, Chen Zhi surrounded his bed with a barrier, and saw a strange face inside!
But now when Ding Ning used the mantra to watch in Ding Ning's mind, the scene became clearer.

No wonder Ding Ning was so frightened that his nerves became deranged. This scene was indeed too terrifying, making people stand on end with chills, and even wondered if he saw something from another world...

It was a face that had been soaked in water until it was swollen and deformed. It was pale and green, and the two eyes seemed to be festered to reveal gray and white. The part of the mouth had completely turned into a red hole, and the whole body was in a semi-rotten state.

The surrounding water is blue-black, and there are many planktonic skin tissues floating in it.

It's as if this person has been soaked in seawater for thousands of years, and the fat and flesh on his body have been soaked, but he hasn't completely died yet!
That disgusting look made people feel hairy at first glance. Chen Zhi closed his eyes, concentrated his energy, and carefully drilled into Ding Ning's brain with the mantra, to check his most primitive memory.

This time the details of this person were completely revealed. Chen Zhi looked at this person carefully and saw many things that he hadn't seen before.

It was indeed a body soaked in water, with big shackles around the neck, and the body was bound by many stone-control chains, so that it was firmly imprisoned, and even the bones of the limbs were broken in reverse, folded in the Everything is very miserable.

And those control stones are extremely high in color, even in water, they are very shiny, and they are definitely high-purity high-grade control stones.

Those stone-controlling chains were also engraved with dense spells. Chen Zhi knew those spells. They were the god-slaying curse to fix the gods, and they had a great effect of sealing and confinement.

The incantations are densely packed, layer upon layer, very exaggerated. It seems that the level of this bound person is quite high.

The sea water there is blue-black, and there are many black-blue currents around it, constantly bubbling water bubbles, those water bubbles are very large and delicate, showing the shape of clusters, which is only found in extremely deep sea areas. features that appear.

Chen Zhi went to observe the skin on that person's body carefully, only to find that there was no intact skin on this person's body.

He was wearing a pair of armor. The armor should have been very gorgeous in the past, and traces of inlaid gold and treasures could be seen in the past, but now it is soaked.

However, there are still broken silk fabrics flying on the armor. Those silk fabrics are colorful. One can imagine that in the past, they must be as gorgeous and thin as colorful clouds.

Chen Zhi went to observe the wounds on the body. Although the poor body was completely soaked, deep welts could still be seen on the rotten skin.

Those welts were shocking, and there were big wounds on each of them.

When Chen Zhi saw these whip marks, he couldn't help but be shocked, they were the marks that can only be left by a magic whip!
And the weight of this magic whip is extremely heavy, every whip wants a person's life.

Chen Zhi then wandered his own spell into Ding Ning's subconscious mind, wanting to check Ding Ning's subconscious feelings.That subconscious is a spontaneous, even closed-memory feeling.

And Chen Zhi also clearly saw that Ding Ning actually knew this person, not just acquaintance, he had a deep relationship with this person and knew everything about this person.

Although Ding Ning was terrified on the surface, he was actually very sad in his heart. He was sad because he saw this person, and he was sad because of his pain.

Chen Zhi then withdrew his hand and read a few words silently, Ding Ning stopped shouting and fell asleep slowly.

Chen Zhi then covered him with a defensive barrier, so that no external force could invade him, not even an invisible force.

This move obviously worked. Ding Ning immediately fell into a deep sleep and started snoring after a while. His face was no longer distorted by fear, and it seemed that he didn't have any terrible nightmares.

"What the hell is going on!",
Seeing Chen Zhi finish all this, Lao Somersault who was standing by the side dared to ask questions.

"Is this kid crazy or something?
Did you use a spell just now?What do you see in his mind?Is there really a water ghost coming to catch him? "

"It's a water ghost!" Chen Zhi said softly:
"It's just that his identity is not just a ghost, but a descendant of a god who has a deep connection with our Xiqi!
Uncle Jin, do something for me!
You know a lot of people outside, find more archaeologists, and let them look up the ancient books handed down from ancient times to see if there are any original records about Shen Gongbao!

I want to see who this Shen Gongbao was thousands of years ago.

(End of this chapter)

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