Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1589 Sea Eyes

Chapter 1589 Sea Eyes
After that, Ding Ning did not continue to have nightmares, and Chen Zhi kept him locked in the barrier to sleep.

The defensive ability of the fierce spell is unquestionable, neither material weapons nor invisible spells can enter it.

Ding Ning slept peacefully in it for the next few days, but he was really frightened. Old Somersault found a psychiatrist to give him psychological counseling, and he probably won't recover for a long time.

During this period of time, Lao Somersault sought out various ancient book experts and archaeologists, read a large number of ancient books, and searched for information about Shen Gongbao.

This kind of work can only be done outside, and the organization can't help at all.

Chen Zhi discovered a long time ago that there is no record about Shen Gongbao in Zangshu Pavilion, and even the documents in the entire organization do not mention this person at all.

However, these experts and scholars outside, after a period of search work, have obtained very limited results.

About Shen Gongbao, this person only exists in the legend of the Gods List, and there is no record in other places.

And the legends of the Conferred Gods List are too old, and they are all passed on orally. Until now, it has been impossible to distinguish which is a story and which is official history.

As for some records of later generations, their contents are very different, and even somewhat contradictory.

But now it is generally believed that Shen Gongbao is a despicable person who was kicked out of the teacher...

In this statement, Shen Gongbao is described as a villain with vulgar appearance, vulgar language and inappropriate actions.

He is indeed Jiang Ziya's younger brother. He practiced immortality and enlightenment when he was young, and assisted King Zhou of Shang when he was an adult.In the last years of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, Shen Gongbao served as the national teacher of the Shang Dynasty and did his best to maintain the rule of the Shang Dynasty.

When he and Jiang Ziya worshiped under the teacher's school together, he was expelled from the teacher's school because he violated the school's rules and regulations and did despicable things.

After he took refuge in the brutal King Zhou of Shang, he became even more absurd, doing all kinds of bad things, acting despicably, and being despised by the world.

He has been an old enemy with Jiang Ziya all his life, and has always been jealous of Jiang Ziya's talent, wishing to get rid of him quickly.

But he has powerful spells, a wide range of friends, and excellent eloquence. He is especially good at turning black and white, smearing and deceiving, and deceiving capable people and immortals to help evildoers.

Shen Gongbao once lobbied his colleagues from the three mountains and five mountains, as well as capable people and strangers to help merchants attack Zhou, and assembled a large force. The historical allusion of 36 groups of men and horses fighting against Zhou together came from his handwriting.

So from ancient times to the present, Chinese people have a very bad impression of Shen Gongbao.They think that he is the incarnation of evil, a despicable villain, good at using black magic, and doing evil things against the will of God.

When the old people in the late Han Dynasty talked about Shen Gongbao, they said that he was a leopard transformed into a beast, intending to harm the world, so he got this name, and scolded him.

Even now there are still old New Year pictures from that time. On it is a leopard that has matured, extremely vicious, and was beaten to death by various gods and generals.

It can be seen that since then, Shen Gongbao has always been the biggest villain in the hearts of Chinese people.

But in fact, the name Shen Gongbao has a lot of origins.

Shen Gongbao's surname is not Shen, but the compound surname Shen Gong, with the single word Bao.

The surname Shen Gong is a noble surname in ancient times.

Before the Yin and Shang Dynasties, the laws and regulations were extremely complete, and the ancient and noble clans of the gods and people were still in the world at that time, and their names could reveal a person's origin and status.

For example, Beibo Hou Chong Hou Hu, Chong is the Guoshi, Hou refers to the Marquis, and the tiger is named.

Jichang is also known as Xibochang, which means that the fief is in the west, Bo is the honorific name for the head of the western princes, and Chang is the name.

Shen Gongbao is the patriarch of the Shen Gong clan. From his surname, it can be inferred that his status at that time should not be inferior to Jiang Ziya, or even higher than him.

However, the record of his death is very simple. Shen Gongbao was sentenced to death because he helped the evildoers, was jealous of Jiang Ziya's talents, and was a deadly enemy with Jiang Ziya.

According to legend, when the Yin and Shang Dynasties were finally over, Jiang Ziya gave Shen Gongbao a chance to make a heavy oath because of something.

Shen Gongbao once swore.

"If I disobey it, I will put my body in the eye of the North Sea."

However, in the end Shen Gongbao violated this oath, so in the end Jiang Ziya ordered the yellow scarf wrestler to roll up Shen Gongbao with a futon and stuff it into the Beihai eye.

Judging from these legends, Jiang Ziya was a man of great virtue and righteousness. He cared about the friendship between his teacher and his family, and he was forced to deal with Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao, on the other hand, took the blame for himself. He not only aided the evildoer, but also violated his oath, so he was blocked in the sea eye of the North Sea.

And what is this oath?No one has made it clear, and people don't care about it anymore.

After thousands of years of vicissitudes, the myth has become more and more legendary, and the facts at that time have gradually been forgotten...

But as for the sea eye in the North Sea, there is indeed a clear statement in history.

In ancient times, people believed that the sky was round and the land was surrounded by the sea, so there was a legend of the four seas in ancient times. The four seas were the East China Sea, South China Sea, West Sea and North Sea.

In ancient times, people believed that the four seas were connected to each other, so there was the saying of the Dragon King of the Four Seas.

There are also legends that there were four great irons in ancient times, and Dayu's Dinghai God Needle was one of them, which was left in the North Sea, blocking the sea eye of the North Sea.

Later, the magic needle was stolen, and the sea eye flooded year after year, so that the sea rushed out, trying to submerge the land.

And the sea eye that Shen Gongbao filled in is the sea eye of the North Sea.

The exact location of the North Sea is currently impossible to confirm.

Some people say that the Beihai Eye is not the North Sea, but the deepest lake in the world. It is said that it is connected to the North Sea underground. There are conch, starfish, and deep-sea sharks in it, so it is called the North Sea.

Others say that the North Sea is actually the current Arctic Ocean, where there is an underground waterway that is the same as the Huaxia Continent, and the connected place is called the North Sea Eye.

This sea eye is located in what is now the Bohai Bay area of ​​Dalian. It is said that in the depths of Bohai Bay, there used to be a bottomless cave. There were often strange sounds and even weird bubbles in the cave.

Hundreds of years ago, fishermen found huge waves at sea, and several fishing boats were involved in them. The waves lasted for several months. When the waves subsided, the sea was full of ruins, and even some ice and snow fragments were floating. spectacular.

Among them was an old man who was lucky enough to survive. He said that he entered the Beihai Sea Eye and saw all kinds of strange things, but the old man passed away not long after, and what he said sounded like It is an existence like the Arabian Nights, and no one cares.

This statement of Bohai Bay has now been proven to be the most reliable, but there is no really strong evidence yet.

But at this moment, Chen Zhi suddenly remembered a very important thing.

That is the sea area sand table made by Yelu Chucai that he found in the mausoleum of Genghis Khan.

At that time, they took a miniature sculpture the size of a sesame seed in the sand table, and it was a pavilion under a magnifying glass, which happened to be in the Bohai Bay of Dalian!
If I guessed correctly, it should be the legendary sea eye of the North Sea...

(End of this chapter)

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