Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1590 Meeting the Heads of State

Chapter 1590 Meeting the Heads of State
Going to Beihai to find Shen Gongbao is not something that will happen overnight.

Most of the materials in ancient times are false and untrue. We must slowly confirm and prepare slowly, and we must find the right direction.

After 5000 years of history, how true this legendary thing is is a matter of chance.

Perhaps after arriving there, there is nothing but a vast ocean, so now they must list some real and reliable evidence before they can carry out this mission.

But this time, Chen Zhi had to go back to the organization. He wanted to meet with Bao Ping to talk about Beihai Haiyan. Most importantly, he also wanted to see Bao Ping's condition!
After coming out of the underworld, Mu He was assassinated and died suddenly, and Bao Ping's state has been depressed.

He didn't show much grief, but at the same time he didn't show his face.

The old somersault said that it was difficult for everyone to see him on weekdays, and he asked Asuo to speak for him for ordinary things.

But after Chen Zhi sent the message in this time, Bao Ping immediately agreed with Chen Zhi to go in and meet. It seems that Bao Ping should have recovered after the days of calmness.

After returning to the organization with Deng Tong this time, Chen Zhi clearly felt that the organization's people are now more stable and their emotions are much calmer.

Bao Ping's ban on grief is very effective in Xiqi, and people will do some very extreme things when they are in grief.

And after giving up the strong emotion of weeping, people will become more rational, there is no great sorrow and joy, only precise, sensible, and always know what they want to do.

They walked all the way to the royal court, and saw Ji Ying and old warrior Xia guarding the door from a distance.

Chen Zhi really hadn't seen Ji Ying for a long time. After leaving the underworld, he almost seldom saw each other.

I heard that Ji Ying went out to do a lot of tasks during this period, and they all completed very beautifully.

The volume of secret books obtained in Wuhou Valley has been very helpful to her. Now her physical skills have improved several times, and they are even more powerful than before.

After seeing Chen Zhi this time, Ji Ying looked very calm. She didn't say much, but smiled slightly on her beautiful face, and opened the door for Chen Zhi:
"The leader is waiting for you inside, patriarch, please go in!"

The old warrior Xia also saluted Chen Zhi according to the etiquette, and then opened the door for Chen Zhi.

After Chen Zhi entered the royal court, he found that the place was filled with smoke, and the tainted green smoke was even more intense. Also in the smoke, it was also full of the smell of blood crystals, which was very heavy and very pungent.

Chen Zhi walked along the main hall where Jiuding was located.

Soon after the smoke, Bao Ping was seen sitting under the throne, and Asuo was beside him.

When Bao Ping saw Chen Zhi coming, he waved to him and asked him to sit next to him.

Then he nodded to Asuo, "Go ahead, don't say I asked you to do it!"

So Chen Zhi walked over, Asuo bowed to Chen Zhi first, then pushed the chair up for him, and then left...

"Taste it! This is a freshly picked tea...",
Bao Ping said to Chen Zhi with a flat smile.

His face was obviously thinner, his eyes were sunken, and the dark circles under his eyes were very serious. In a daze, he seemed to have changed a little bit, becoming more mature and even vicissitudes of life.

Bao Ping has always been obsessed with tea, and the simple fragrance of his sister's tea can calm him down.

He poured the water from the teapot on the tea set, made new tea, and handed it to Chen Zhi.

"This is called sparrow tongue, and it is said that these sparrow tongues are very exquisite!
Each one is small in shape, just like a sparrow's tongue, hence the name,
It is said that sparrow tongue is difficult to pick, and it takes only a small ridge in an acre of tea garden. Its aroma is rich and unique, and it is a top-quality bud tea.

Even Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty said:
"Add the stove to cook the sparrow's tongue, and sprinkle water to clean the dragon's beard."

It seems that we should drink this kind of tea with a grateful heart~~" After Bao Ping gave birth, he put the teacup in his mouth and tasted it.

"Have you increased the amount of blood crystals?" Chen Zhi looked at Bao Ping and asked,

"I heard that you are taking a lot of this kind of thing now. After all, this kind of thing is a medicine, so it's better to control it!"

"What do you control it for?" Bao Ping didn't seem to care about this matter, he shook the brewed tea, and then pointed to the smoke in front of him:
"I've also added this kind of thing to these smokes now, and the witch doctor told me that this kind of thing is not harmful to the body, it will only make people feel no emotion, which is a good thing.

We human beings have missed too many things because of things like emotions, so it’s better not to have them! "

After hearing what Bao Ping said, Chen Zhi stopped talking.He couldn't help but think of the woman who was crushed under Changbai Mountain, and those bright and sad eyes.

He then paused for a while and tasted Bao Ping's tea, but he didn't feel how delicious the sparrow was, and even felt a little bitter.

"Boss, I want to tell you about the orcs in the Western Regions!" Chen Zhi put down his teacup and said,

"Master Danxuan... let me call him that for now, what he told me about Jiang Ziya!
There is also the matter of the person locked in the sea eye..."

Chen Zhi then told Bao Ping in detail what happened at Huoyan Mountain.

This includes what Jiang Ziya promised at the time, and the oath he later broke.

Then he took out the letter of fighting against Buddha from his bosom, and handed it to Bao Ping:
"Look at this letter!
Fighting Victory Buddha said here that Jiang Ziya once promised to let Xiqi take care of the orcs, take them in and give them honor.

Later, I found many corpses of the monkey clan there. Judging from the knife wounds, Xiqi should have done nothing wrong.

Do you recall that there was any record of that time in the organization?
For example, is there any record of that time in the secret files of the cabinet? "

Bao Ping took the letter and read it carefully, then calmly put the letter on the coffee table,
"There is no need to check the records!

But I can tell you clearly now that if I were the head of the organization at that time, I would have made the same choice.

Assisting the current regime and eradicating alien races is the consistent method of the organization. Otherwise, how do you think the organization has survived for thousands of years without involving any political turmoil?
As for Jiang Ziya's promise, I think you may have misunderstood something!
Jiang Ziya may have indeed promised the orcs of the Western Regions, but it does not mean that Xiqi has promised him!
Have you ever thought that maybe Jiang Ziya had no influence on Xiqi at that time!

He couldn't order Xiqi, and couldn't even talk to Xiqi.

In other words, he promised something that he couldn't do at all..."

(End of this chapter)

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