Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1591 Jiang Ziya in the hearts of Xiqi people

Chapter 1591 Jiang Ziya in the hearts of Xiqi people

"How can this be?",
Chen Zhi didn't expect Bao Ping to say such words:

"The relationship between Jiang Ziya and Xiqi has always been very close, let alone in the Tang Dynasty, even now in the hearts of Xiqi people, he is also the supreme god!

His position is unshakable!

And don't forget, the meaning of Xiqi's existence is to maintain the enchantment he created. "

"you are right!",
Bao Ping shook the teacup, lowered his gray eyes and said:
"If Jiang Ziya has this intention, the leader of Xiqi will definitely obey his wish!

Not to mention the Tang Dynasty, even if he appears in front of me now, I will definitely try my best to satisfy his wish. After all, this is Xiqi, and Jiang Ziya's status is supreme. Only with him can there be Xiqi.

But the premise is that Jiang Ziya can let the leader of Xiqi know his wishes.

In other words, he was able to appear in front of the Xiqi people and clearly express his wishes.

If the people of Xiqi couldn't see Jiang Ziya, they wouldn't even know he was alive.

The leader of Naxiqi will definitely make a choice according to the situation at that time!

Then the question here is simple, how can you be sure that Jiang Ziya and Xiqi were connected at that time?

Jiang Ziya may have made a promise to fight against Buddha and Gaochang Kingdom, but how would Xiqi know? "

"What do you mean?" Chen Zhi looked at Bao Ping, as if he didn't want to accept what Bao Ping said.

"It seems that you have always been dark under the lights! Or..., you have been running away!",
Bao Ping put the cup on the table, pointed to the cup and the teapot:
"You think this cup is related to the teapot because you see them from God's perspective!

But if you look at it from the perspective of the teapot, the teapot doesn't think the cup has anything to do with it, doesn't even see it exists.

Don't forget, the Tang Dynasty has passed thousands of years since King Wu defeated Zhou. In the hearts of Xiqi people at that time, Jiang Ziya had been dead for a long time, and the patriarch of the Jiang family had gone through several generations!

How can a dead man give orders to Xiqi!

How can all these promises be fulfilled without issuing orders? "

"But..." Chen Zhi was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned around, a feeling of speechlessness flooded into his heart immediately,
"Is this dark under the lights? No...

This is a question that he has never wanted to seriously think about.

All along, he firmly believed that since Jiang Ziya was able to live in the Song and Tang dynasties, he made those important moves.

Then Xi Qi must know about this matter...

But in fact, Xiqi probably didn't know about it, and didn't even know that Jiang Ziya was still alive.

Otherwise, why bother to appoint so many patriarchs later, just let Jiang Ziya be the chief, all of this is illogical.

Then why did Jiang Ziya hide it from Xiqi at that time, why didn't he keep in touch with Xiqi?
Or, what kind of form is he living in this world?

Could it be that everything is their presumption, Jiang Ziya is really dead long ago, and the old man in white clothes who did these things is..."

"As for whether Jiang Ziya was alive in the Tang and Song Dynasties, I will not express my opinion on this matter!",
Baoping continued:

"But I think that Jiang Ziya doesn't need to hide to this extent, even if he wants to isolate himself from the world, he doesn't need to be isolated from Xiqi.

Because Xiqi itself is concealed enough, he can just contact the leader, and the leader of Xiqi will definitely keep it secret for him.

However, there is no record of this in the leader's secret file, which proves that in the minds of generations of leaders at that time, Jiang Ziya was indeed dead long ago.

And we can see from what he did afterwards, he was indeed willing to form a good relationship with the orcs of the Western Regions!It was also he who single-handedly pushed Buddhism to the East!

These are all good deeds, there is nothing to hide from others, why hide them?He even broke his promise, which proved that he couldn't help himself at the time and couldn't contact Xiqi.

But since Xiqi didn't know, it proved that Jiang Ziya's situation at that time was very wrong.

Have you ever thought about it?What kind of state would Jiang Ziya survive in this world at that time? "

"This..." Chen Zhi's thoughts were very confused for a moment, and the clues that were originally complicated were now organized together in an orderly manner.

And those unreasonable things are now clear.

Indeed, if you are alive, why hide and not meet?

What is the special reason that made Jiang Ziya not even return to Xiqi, whom he cared about most, and kept it from the Ji family, whom he trusted the most.

That's probably only true, death

"Maybe he was really gone at that time!",
Chen Zhi's eyebrows furrowed unconsciously:
"The lifespan of the sons of gods is limited! They are different from the gods. Even if they live to the end of the Zhou Dynasty, they have already far exceeded their own lifespan.

It is impossible for him to live to the Tang Dynasty, let alone the Song Dynasty.

If he is already dead, then what appeared during my two years in the Tang and Song Dynasties would be..."

When Chen Zhi said this, he couldn't help being a little startled:

"What appeared at that time could only be ghosts"

After Chen Zhi said these words, he not only recalled everything he had seen in the past, including all the clips of Jiang Ziya.

He remembered that when he was in the underworld, he saw Jiang Ziya curled up in a corner, bound in shackles, and said sadly that he had committed a heinous crime.

Then at the bottom of Genghis Khan's mausoleum, in the deep underground, I saw the figure in white clothes fluttering.

Thinking about it now, it really looks like a ghost...

"This is probably the only explanation!" Bao Ping said softly:
"Let's not call him a ghost for the time being, because his status in our Xiqi is too lofty!
But I think, maybe he changed to another form to live.

Maybe it was because his face at that time was no longer suitable for meeting people, and it didn't match the sacred face that Xiqi people had always yearned for!
Of course, this is all my guesswork!

However, our Xiqi has a clear record that in the Western Zhou Dynasty, the god Jiang Shang died.

The cause and place of death are unknown, but in later records, the whole of Xiqi is described, and he is mourned several times.

This also proves from the side that he was indeed dead in the hearts of Xiqi people at that time!

But about his grave...

So far, there is no record..."

(End of this chapter)

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