Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1595 Alchemy Curse [Add more for the leader Wu Ranyan]

Chapter 1595 Alchemy Curse [Add more for the leader Wu Ranyan]

Chen Zhi is a person who is good at organizing, and is good at integrating complex data and looking for a more optimized form.

In essence, spells are rows of data that shuttle up and down,
The more accurate and suitable the data arrangement, the better the effect of the spell, and when two similar spells are combined, there will be unexpected new abilities.

What would Chen Zhi get the most from the Black Whale incident?
That is, in Master Pu Hang's mind, he saw a spell that could fuse human memory and essence into a transparent human form.

Chen Zhi also implemented this kind of spell in many places afterwards, which can be said to be very practical.

Later, Chen Zhi studied this foreign spell many times, and found that this spell is very inclusive, and there are many details that can be connected with mantras.

And when the two mantras are combined, many things can be done, and even a person's soul can be temporarily extracted.

For example, if a painter puts a lot of energy into painting a painting seriously, then he must have some soul essence left in the painting.

And Chen Zhi can use this painting to extract the essence of the painter. Even if the artist is dead, he can still extract a transparent human figure from his works.

Then Chen Zhi can communicate with this transparent humanoid for a short time.

Chen Zhi gave this new synthesized spell a name - called Refining Technique.

Theoretically speaking, this spell has no probability of failure.

No matter how many years this person has been dead, he will still show his original appearance.

Can answer 1 or 2 questions, of course, all are true answers.

But these are all theoretical speculations, until now, Chen Zhi has not tried it...

The time period after Jiang Ziya appeared in Chinese history is now confirmed to be the end of the Tang and Song dynasties.

His name in the Song Dynasty was Qiu Chuji, and in the Tang Dynasty, he survived as Emperor Taizong's Celestial Master Yuan Tiangang!

Qiu Chuji in the Song Dynasty was almost a mythical figure. Although there were many legends about him, there was nothing real about him in history.

But Yuan Tiangang in the Tang Dynasty was different. He left a book that was handed down to later generations.

This book is very famous, every generation of emperors will read this book, and even now, historians will talk about it.

This is known as China's first prophecy book - Tui Bei Tu.

"Tui Bei Tu" is the first wonderful book of Chinese prophecy. It is said that it was compiled by Emperor Taizong Li Shimin of Tang Dynasty, who ordered Yuan Tiangang, the then national teacher, and his disciples to calculate the fate of the Tang Dynasty.

This book combines various elements such as Yi Xue, astronomy, poems, riddles, and pictures into one.

Among them, many prophecies that have a great influence on future generations are made.

Each of the prophecies appeared in the form of small paintings, not only predicting the major events that happened in the Tang Dynasty, but even the events that happened a thousand years later were written down in obscure words, which is very wonderful.

It is said that after the book was completed, Tang Taizong was deeply surprised and asked Yuan Tiangang carefully about the meaning of these small paintings.

And want to know who is the person who overthrew the Tang Dynasty in later generations?

Yuan Tiangang avoided answering, but his disciples were afraid of Li Shimin, so they explained one by one, and even mentioned the disaster of the Tang Dynasty. It was a woman surnamed Wu who would kill her father and son and usurp the throne.

Li Shimin was about to ask who this woman was in detail, but Yuan Tiangang pushed his disciple's back and said:
"Don't reveal too many secrets~~"

So this book has since been called Tui Bei Tu.

The Tuibei map has been handed down since the Tang Dynasty. After the change of dynasties, countless wars broke out, and it was printed into many versions.

The pictures and text in it have already deviated from the main line, and have even been completely tampered with.

The reasons for tampering are not the same. Most of them are some Taoist warlocks who feel good about themselves.

Therefore, since the end of Tang Dynasty, the original version of "Tui Bei Tu" has been completely lost in the market.

But fortunately, the Jiang family patriarchs of all dynasties seem to be very interested in this book and have collected many versions.

Several of them are already rare copies that cannot be found in the market, and they are hard to find.

However, Chen Zhi found a hand-painted book from the mid-Tang Dynasty. Its source was Xiu Guoshi Wu Sansi Mansion, and it was gifted by Wu Zetian himself.

Chen Zhi then vacated an open space in Jiang's Book Collection Pavilion, and drew a circle in the middle.

Just like the ritual practice in the past, that set of spell pattern totems were drawn in.

This was the first time he used a spell from a foreign race in Jiang's Book Collection Pavilion. If he was not careful, he would be suspected of insulting his ancestors, so he was very cautious.

Chen Zhi carefully drew the totem on the ground, put the original version of Pushing Back Picture in the middle of the ground, and then sprinkled the grain around.

He had already had a skinned black cat prepared before, and it was stuck in the center of the circle bloody like in the past.

Then he began to recite the incantation silently. After a while, the air flowed against the flow, the fire light floated, and the incantation began to manifest.

Just like in the past, the ground began to roll, and a transparent human figure emerged from the place where the black cat was inserted.

The human figure seemed to have no hands or feet, and slowly crawled out of the ground. It was completely transparent and had no specific form.

Then, Chen Zhi began to read the second set of mantras.

This set of incantations is very similar to the mantra for entering the heart, but there have been some modifications before and after. Up to now, it is the full version of the "refining incantation".

Not long after chanting the mantra of improving essence, the transparent shadow that crawled out began to change. Chen Zhi saw that some colors began to split in the transparent shadow.

Some fat and hair color began to develop gradually, and after a while, the transparent person became a lot more real, and finally turned into a real person!

What was a little frightening was that after this person appeared, his back was turned to Chen Zhi, as if he didn't want to meet Chen Zhi.

Chen Zhi was too familiar with this back view.

It was a man in a white robe, with gray hair, long hair hanging down on the ground, shoulders drooping, and his back straight to him,
Like a white ghost...

 Curse [add more for the lord Wu Ranyan]

(End of this chapter)

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