Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1596 Back View [Add more for the evil brother]

Chapter 1596 Back View [Add more for the evil brother]

When this figure with his back turned appeared in front of Chen Zhi, Chen Zhi confirmed his identity without any doubt.

This kind of confirmation is not through appearance recognition, nor through some aura, but a clear intuition, which comes from the intuition in his blood.

He knew that standing in front of him was his ancestor, the supreme deity of Xiqi, Jiang Shang.

Chen Zhi had seen Jiang Ziya in many videos, and that feeling was different. He looked at him from a third-person perspective.

But now, when he really came into contact with this person so closely, Chen Zhi's mood was unexpectedly so restless.

He was very excited, and in the excitement, there was even some panic.
"Is that you?" This was the first question Chen Zhi asked.

But he immediately felt that he was stupid. The essence extracted from the book was not the person himself, nor the clone of the person, but a temporary soul.

In other words, a certain memory of this person's life has been transformed into a tangible material state.

He can answer 1 or 2 questions, which are in his memory and in his analytical ability, and when he faces these questions, theoretically, he will not lie or refuse, because he has no resistance thinking.

He will not ask questions, or have any objections to the questions?Because he doesn't have the mind to think about dissent.

In the final analysis, this is just the shadow of a person's lifetime memory~~
Moreover, the time limit of this shadow is very short, and soon this transparent figure will disappear and return to the air again, and then it can never be summoned again.

For some reason, when Jiang Ziya's image appeared, the air in the entire Zangshu Pavilion instantly became tense.

It seems that everything here has met its original owner, and it begins to produce inexplicable restlessness.

Chen Zhi tried his best to take a deep breath, quickly calming down his thoughts.

Finally, start formally asking questions:
"You deceived the orcs of the Western Regions, right?
You also deliberately deceived King Gaochang, you never thought about fulfilling your oath, did you? "

After Chen Zhi asked the question, he looked nervously at the back of the front, waiting for his answer.

However, the surroundings were quiet, and the figure in front was still standing there without any reaction.

After waiting for a while, Chen Zhi asked a second question.

"It is said that Shen Gongbao was blocked by you in Bei Haihai's eyes, is this a fact?

If so, where is the sea eye of the North Sea?
Where is the piece of divine iron that was originally placed there?Is it the silver hoop you gave to Dou Zhanfo? "

After Chen Zhi asked these two well-thought-out questions, the white figure in front remained motionless, like a sculpture, and did not respond to Chen Zhi's questions.

And now things are not normal...

The soul must answer questions, even the most ordinary human soul can answer Chen Zhi's question.

Even if he doesn't know the answer to the question, or was mentally retarded during his lifetime.

He will also say simple responses such as "yes" or "no", not to mention the former Jiang Ziya.

Chen Zhi stabilized his thoughts, then raised his voice, and said in a commanding tone,
"Answer me! Soul!
Did you hear my question? "

"I heard~~
But..., what exactly are you asking? ",
Suddenly, an extremely strange and old voice came from the white shadow in front.

This sound is extremely creepy, and you will even feel like you are in hell in an instant.

At that moment, Chen Zhi's heart almost didn't jump out. For some reason, he was extremely afraid of the voice, and also extremely afraid of the man in white in front turning his head, afraid of seeing that face.

Although he didn't know what he was afraid of, but he was extremely afraid...

"What did you say?" Chen Zhi tried hard to suppress his trembling voice,

"How can you ask me questions? You are just a shadow..."

"What exactly do you want to ask?" The white shadow in front of him spoke again. Unlike last time, he used all divine characters this time.

This ancient language appeared in Jiang's Book Collection Pavilion at this time, and it was connected with that weird grammar, which appeared to be frightening and mysterious.

Chen Zhi was speechless for a while.

At this time, I heard the white shadow say clearly:
"What do you really want to ask in your heart?"

"I...", Chen Zhi's heart was beating uncontrollably, and finally after working hard many times, he asked softly:
"I want to ask you, is the enchantment you made, the enchantment related to the human world, a lie?"

After Chen Zhi's words were spoken, everything suddenly became quiet.

Time seemed to stand still here, and everything around became silent.

At this moment, Chen Zhi's heart seemed to have stopped.

To be honest, although he asked this question, he was very afraid of hearing the answer.

He is afraid of the real Jiang Ziya, so tell him now that all of this is a lie. He has deceived these ignorant humans for 5000 years!
And this ignorant city of Xiqi has existed ignorantly for 5000 years, and those who give up their lives are ignorantly wasting their lives.
If all this is true, then as Jiang Ziya's only bloodline, Chen Zhizhen can't atone for such a crime even if he dies.

If all of this is false, then I am afraid that the meaning of Chen Zhi's existence, and even Chen Zhi's entire world will no longer exist...

Creak~~, creak~~", suddenly, a strange sound came from the back in front.

The voice was very strange. After turning his mind for a while, Chen Zhi realized that it was the sound of gnashing his teeth.
Then, the white figure began to turn slowly, and his head began to turn backwards, as if he was about to turn his head.

And Chen Zhi suddenly became very scared at this time, he was afraid that he would not be able to face the face turning around.

Just like the inexplicable fear just now, he really didn't know what he was afraid of...

Creak~~, creak~~", but after the sound continued for a while, the face did not turn around in the end.

After pausing on his side for a while, he finally turned around.

After the white figure said something in an ancient divine language, the color on his body began to slowly die and become transparent.

It is estimated that in a few seconds, he will turn into transparent air and disappear.

But at this time, a kind of unwilling courage surged up from Chen Zhi's heart, and he suddenly felt a kind of anger, a kind of anger of being tricked, a kind of anger of being tricked countless times by this damned fate.

This anger gave him fearless courage...

"Let me see what you really look like?",
After Chen Zhi said something suddenly, with a sound of "嗖~~", with the power of the sticky airflow, he suddenly jumped in front of the figure, and when he turned his head, he could see Jiang Ziya's face.
And when Chen Zhi turned his head, a scene that made him tremble with fear appeared in front of him...

 [Add an update for the evil brother] What a fat one, I will add an update for everyone on the weekend.I wish you a nice weekend!

(End of this chapter)

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