Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 1597 Unexpected face

Chapter 1597 Unexpected face
When Chen Zhi jumped in front of Bai Ying, what he saw immediately had a strong impact on his world view.

Chen Zhi found that the face in front of him was deeply hidden in the hair, but he could still see that the face was burnt red, and the skin was covered with burning blisters, just like a pig being roasted in an oven. .

Although there was no temperature, Chen Zhi immediately felt scorched by a raging fire all over his body.

Chen Zhi had met Jiang Ziya before, and remembered her perfect and sacred facial features, but the face in front of him couldn't be connected with that flawless face.

And I don't know why, Chen Zhi always felt that the face hidden in the burning bubble was very similar to himself, and even said that it was Chen Zhi's face...

"Why did you become like this?",
When Jiang Ziya was about to disappear, Chen Zhi asked the last sentence,

"Is this a punishment from heaven?
What crime did you commit? "

"Crack~~Crack~~", on the dark face, there was the sound of gnashing of teeth again, as if he hated this question very much.

But in the end, a burst of red gunpowder smoke flew down, like iron flowers in an ironworks.

The shadow eventually disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

Everything returned to calm for a while, and Jiang's library also became quiet.

Chen Zhi stood there alone, as if in a dream, recalling the scene he saw just now.

The face that was burned red by the fire, covered with blisters and scorched, made him not only have a creepy thought.

He really began to doubt Jiang Ziya, from the bottom of his heart.

What kind of heinous crime did he commit?would accept such a horrific punishment.

Could it be that that enchantment is really..., a lie?
He stayed quietly for a long time, and the words Danxuan said before his death began to echo non-stop in his mind,

"Perhaps the person locked in Haiyan is the one who understands Jiang Shang the most!"

Chen Zhi then made a decision, he must find the sea eye in Beihai, if Shen Gongbao is still locked there, he should ask him for clarification!

Even if he is already dead and has turned into a dry bone, he still needs to use the mantra and use his corpse to find out.

Afterwards, Chen Zhi left the organization and returned to the Hall of Fate, and Ghost Saber came out with him.

Ding Ning has been receiving psychological treatment in the Shelter Pavilion during this time and cannot come out for the time being.

Fat Wei has been busy with the follow-up matters at TLF, and he could not see his shadow all day long. This also included an explanation to Tianfa Temple, saying that Master Danxuan died accidentally while traveling in the clouds, and provided a lot of relevant information. evidence.

Then fulfilled Danxuan's last wish and sent a large amount of funds to Dongqian Buddha Cave to improve the conditions of the cave there.

These things are not easy, put Fat Wei
It's been a busy time.

And in this mission, the luckiest one is the little tour guide Xiaomi.

It is said that after getting the remuneration from Chen Zhi and the others, Xiaomi suddenly turned around and became the owner, and made a fortune in Guazhou. He also sent a large amount of melons and fruits to Chen Zhi and the others to express his gratitude, saying that next year he plans to build a building in the local area. Let Chen Zhi and the others play in the three-story building.

During this time, Chen Zhi called Professor Liao and told her about his request.

He hoped that Professor Liao would fully support him and send a highly skilled geological survey team to investigate the Bohai Bay area to see if he could find an ancient underwater channel.

This channel may lead directly to the deep sea, or even the Arctic Ocean, just like the legend, leading to a very cold sea area.

If found, there is no doubt that the legendary sea eye.

Since the incident with Liao Tingting, Professor Liao has not been in good physical condition, and the external affairs are all handled by his apprentice Yang Wumao.

Since Yang Wumao was frightened to death in the East Thousand Buddha Caves, he has been hanging on a bottle and pretending to be sick since he returned.

I heard that Chen Zhi had a new commission here, and he was unwilling to accept it. In the end, Professor Liao held him by the ear and forced him to go.

In the following time, Chen Zhi and Ghost Sword stayed at home idly, waiting for news from Professor Liao.

Ghost Saber is the same as before, except for exercising and being autistic, nothing else happens.

Chen Zhi, on the other hand, concentrated his energies on developing the matter of redoing Qin Yueyang's body.

This is really not an easy task, even though those spell books say it is easy, with a spell and a series of complicated rituals, this spell can be successful.

But the premise is that there must be an empty body, and this body is best produced from the Primarch.

Qin Yueyang once left a finger here, which was sent to Bao Ping by Yamo, the son of Fengdu, and it has been kept in the freezer.

From the perspective of human cloning, through the DNA and physiological genes on this finger, a human body can be recreated.

But this is only body cloning, not soul cloning.

Wanting Qin Yueyang from the past to survive with this body and have a soul is another concept.

Chen Zhi is a person who is very sensitive to mathematical formulas. However, even with his fine calculation ability and repeated efforts, he still failed several times.

Those tissues that make up the body finally turned into a pile of fat factors and water.

Later, with the joint help of his father Chen Yiyang, it was extremely difficult to clone a basic human embryo the size of a walnut.

Chen Zhi soaked the embryo in the biological fluid, and watched him grow up slowly, just like caring for an extremely fragile little life.

The use of human science will come to an end here, and the rest will need to continue with magic.

Fortunately, less than a week later, the big witch Yaya sent good news. They really found a perfect "fine" on the Tianshan Mountains.

It is said that when Yan Ya found it, this "fine" was hiding in the clouds on the top of Tianshan Mountain, lying on a snow lotus flower.

Its whole body emits a light blue-green color, reflecting the white snow lotus, very holy and pure.

The big witch Yan Ya carefully covered the essence in a crystal cover, and then sent it back to Chen Zhi.

With this thing, the embryo was able to survive. Afterwards, Chen Zhi took the "essence" out of the crystal cover, and the whole room was reflected in blue.

Chen Zhi used a spell to gently send the "essence" into the embryo. During this process, Chen Zhi was very careful, as if escorting a delicate heart.

And this beautiful "essence" with blue hair was steadily sent into the embryo.

This embryo began to change rapidly, there seemed to be a heart in the middle of the transparent embryo, and then slowly began to jump.

Then the whole body of the embryo glowed blue, like a blue gem, very wonderful.

After a while, the embryo began to grow rapidly, and soon, it appeared in the form of a small fetus. The small fetus was covered with blue light, hugging its knees, and soaked in biological water.

Then, it started to move slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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