Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 402 Shocking Change

Chapter 402 Shocking Change ([-])

Although these guys from the Bao family are gangsters on weekdays, they deal with a lot of people, and they have seen this kind of formation there.

It was in the middle of the night, and there was darkness all around. Just now, everyone saw a ghostly shadow jumping out from under the cellar and dragging the hammer down abruptly. The hammer, which was alive and kicking just now, was lying on the ground dripping with blood, and its face was burned. Without even a little skin, the death was too miserable.

Everyone was terrified. The yearning and curiosity about the mysterious underground adventure just now disappeared in an instant. The reality is so cruel, which makes people caught off guard and terrible.

First, Professor Liao's niece burst into tears, yelling to go out, and then the members of the science and technology team panicked. Already scared out of their wits, they were deeply afraid that the monsters under the cellar just now would come up to catch them again, yelling and running outside, but they found that they couldn't open the courtyard door. Zhi's fierce curse was sealed.

Infected by the atmosphere of panic, some of the Bao family's fellows also started to get scared, especially since Master Bao was not here at this time, they lost confidence in their hearts.Seeing those crazy technicians pushing the courtyard door madly, they also began to whisper, and began to doubt whether Chen Zhi's real purpose was to send them to hell.

As the technicians made loud noises at the door, the guys from Bao’s family also began to push the door, and some even climbed over the wall, but no matter what method they used, they still couldn’t leave the yard. This made everyone even more panicked. After many failed attempts, they calmed down and looked at Chen Zhi with fearful eyes, as if they were asking Chen Zhi,
"Why don't you let us out?"

"Don't panic!"

Chen Zhi had been feeling for the hammer's artery just now, and he stood up and said to everyone after confirming that it was hopeless.

"As you can see now, this yard has been sealed by me, and I will not unblock it until I complete the task."

"Wow~~~~~~~", everyone was boiling, the scene was in chaos, and everyone began to feel insecure, feeling that they had been cheated.

"Everyone calm down and listen to me",
Chen Zhi waved his hand to keep everyone quiet.

"Although I am not very familiar with you, you should trust Lord Bao. Now, on behalf of Lord Bao, I assure you that you are absolutely not in danger. You have already seen the situation below this cellar, so I won't say more. But Wait a minute, no matter what happens below, the three of us will still try our best to get into this cellar, even if it costs us our lives.

This courtyard is sealed with one of my special abilities. If I come out of the cellar alive, I will naturally break the seal for everyone, and everyone can go out safely.However, if I die in the cellar, then everyone will never leave this place again.

We Northeast people all know that the members of the Bao family are notoriously tough guys. I believe that everyone has already prepared in their hearts before coming here. This is a risky thing in the first place.But everyone must not panic at this time, otherwise there will be unnecessary sacrifices. "

When Chen Zhi said these words, his tone was very calm, but the expression on his face was extremely firm. He knew that Lord Bao was not here now, so he had to calm down, otherwise it would be really difficult.

"It is estimated that everyone has heard about our affairs. In fact, the three of us have been to places that are more dangerous than here. Everyone should believe in us. We will be back soon. Even if there is an emergency, we will deal with it. Don't panic , the incident with the hammer was just an accident, and it will never happen again."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he gave Pang Wei a look, and Pang Wei wittily lifted up a large piece of rainproof cloth to cover the hammer's bloody corpse, so as not to let the bloody vision stimulate the nerves of those people again.

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, the scene calmed down a little, and the technicians stopped calling for help hoarsely.

At this time, I saw Professor Liao next to me suddenly reprimanding my niece loudly.

"Cry, why are you crying? Useless things.

You were not allowed to come before, but you insisted on following, why are you crying now?Didn't I tell you before I came here?This task is very dangerous, but the reward is dozens of times more.

Since you are afraid of danger, why are you here?Go back and stay in the research institute to look at the microscope, isn't it just a few alien creatures?What's there to be afraid of, shut up quickly, it's really embarrassing to our scientific and technological personnel! "

While scolding her niece, Professor Liao squinted at her team members, as if pointing fingers and scolding Huai.

Under Professor Liao's loud reprimand, the girl didn't dare to cry anymore, and her technicians were also extinguished by Professor Liao's reprimand, especially those Bao guys who climbed over the wall just now, they also felt that they It's kind of embarrassing for his cowardly behavior.

Everyone gathered around Chen Zhi again.At this time, Chen Zhi continued to speak to everyone.

"No matter what danger there is below, we will face it. You just need to help us defend the outside and cooperate with our actions. As I said just now, you are all elite soldiers selected by the Bao family. Believe me This little thing can't scare you."

"Oh! In fact, how can we be so timid!"

Hulu immediately smoothed things over and said.

"Which one of us has never seen a dead person? If we are so timid, why don't we hang out in some club? Just go home and hug our wives and children."

After Hulu finished speaking, he pointed to a short and fat man among the clerks and said,
"Wang Dazui, usually you can brag, and you say that you are powerful in Sanjiang, sweeping the invincible hands in the Northeast, how awesome, why didn't you see it just now? Look at the virtue you scared, and the loudness you called, Are you scared to pee your pants?"

"No, not at all! The incident just happened too suddenly",
The guy on the opposite side, feeling ashamed, immediately retorted.

"Our brothers just didn't react right away, and Hammer..., Hammer really died too badly..., I'm not afraid! If you don't believe me, I'll go down and catch that female ghost right now, and give it to my brother. How about some meat!"

Everyone burst out laughing, and the scene eased up a bit.

At this time, Hulu turned his head and said to Chen Zhi,

"Don't worry! Brother Xiaozhi, just go down, I will guard the door for you from above, and I will watch them, it's okay."

After Hulu finished speaking, he solemnly nodded to Chen Zhi, his expression was very serious, which made Chen Zhi see Hulu's responsible side.

"Okay! Brother, it's all up to you!"

Chen Zhi patted Hulu on the shoulder, and said to Fat Wei and Ghost Dao,

"Let's rest for a while, let the knife deal with the wound on the arm, and then, let's go down."


(End of this chapter)

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