Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 403

Chapter 403

While everyone was resting, Hulu took a few guys to take care of Hulu's body. The three of Chen Zhi returned to the room, and Ghost Dao used the quick-acting ointment in the first aid kit to smear his wound, and then bandaged his arm.

Professor Liao's niece is called Liao Tingting. After being frightened just now and being reprimanded by Professor Liao, she is a little frightened now. She stares straight at Chen Zhi and the others, curled up in the corner and does not speak.

Fat Wei hurriedly took this opportunity to express his care and consideration, kept comforting Liao Tingting, and bragged about how many fights he had fought, how many dangers he had experienced, and how many zombies he had fought bravely, making himself look like a dungeon warrior , Tell Liao Tingting to rest assured that he will be able to protect her, the monsters in the cellar just now are nothing at all.

After listening to this, Liao Tingting really believed it. In such an environment that needed a sense of security, she immediately felt dependent on Fat Weichai.

When Ghost Knife was bandaging the wound, Chen Zhi asked Ghost Knife what happened in the cave below when he went down to rescue Hammer just now.

Ghost Sword replied that because the speed was very fast just now, it basically jumped with the help of the reflection of the wall, and the details below were not clear.

But he can be sure of two things,

One is that the air below is very bad and extremely cold. You must not expose a little skin, otherwise the air there will burn people like sulfuric acid.The second is that the woman-like monster below is really powerful. It is estimated that even a few strong men can't pull her. It is a real monster. .

When Fat Wei heard them talking about underground women, he suddenly turned around and asked Chen Zhi.

"By the way, Cheng Zi, you know a lot. Do you know what these ghost women are? How do they live in underground caves? And they don't need to breathe oxygen? It's really evil.

Just now we heard the tone of the old lady Zheng, they seem to be some monsters who have been here since ancient times, their status is very humble, and they have always been despised by the gods. "

Chen Zhi sat aside and heard what Fat Wei said, and replied in a low voice.

"Their ancestors were not ghosts, they were once gods!"

"Wait? Listen to your tone of voice, do you really know what those ghosts are? Come and listen.",
Fat Wei heard the meaning of Chen Zhi's words, and immediately asked.

"I'm just guessing, I'm not sure yet," Chen Zhi replied, clearing his throat.

"Oh! If you know the origins of those monsters, don't be fooled, and tell me as soon as possible, Fat Lord knows it!" Fat Wei urged anxiously.


"I also guessed from their sex and the characteristics of the cold cave where they lived at night",
Chen Zhi looked at the people around him, lit a cigarette and said.

"I suspect that these things are actually the legendary Hanba.

"Drought demons are monsters that can cause drought in legends. This kind of thing was described in "Poetry? Daya? Yunhan", saying that they are "drought demons are cruel, like burning. "

In fact, in the most primitive legend, Hanba is not only not a monster, but also a celestial girl, the daughter of Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi.When Xuanyuan Huangdi fought against Chiyou in the past, Chiyou caused heavy rain and floods, engulfing Huangdi's army. Huangdi couldn't resist, so he called his daughter "魃" to help him fight.

"Ba" was a god of drought at that time, very ugly, bald and hairless, with eyes on her head. She was wearing a blue gown, and she radiated extremely high heat.Waves of heat hit Chi You's army, making Chi You's army feel like they were in a furnace, and they were defeated.

After the Yellow Emperor won, he forgot about his daughter.

The poor Tiannv Ba, after helping her father complete the task of dispelling the wind and rain, because of the excessive heat emitted, her divine power was greatly reduced, and she could no longer return to the sky to be a god.She had no choice but to wander around on the ground. Wherever she went, there was no rain, and the land was thousands of miles away.The people hated her very much, called her a Hanba ghost, tried every means to expel her, and sealed her in an extremely cold place.

These are the most ancient legends, and it is estimated that many of them have been greatly exaggerated, but the Han people have never stopped the custom of burning and killing Hanyu to pray for rain since ancient times.

In ancient times, people were ignorant and always blamed the rain on women. If there was no rain and severe drought in that place all year round, they would think that there was a drought in this place, and they insisted on finding a few unlucky women and tortured them. Extorting a confession by torture is a drought, but burning to death is counted.

During the Han Dynasty, there was a story of a dancer begging for rain. At that time, there was a severe drought in the Central Plains, and it was useless to try to beg for rain. At this time, some people speculated that there were a large number of drought witches in the Central Plains, and they all had to be slaughtered. rain.So the old emperor ordered people to search for tens of thousands of young women, drive them to a specific place, set up altars, let them sing, dance, cry, and burn them all to sacrifice to the gods to pray for rain.

Things like this have happened innumerably in China since ancient times, until the founding of the People's Republic of China. Even now, I heard that in some old villages deep in the mountains, if it doesn't rain for a long time, the widows in the village will be scolded as drought demons and lynched. .

"Wait~~wait~~", Fat Wei interrupted when he heard this.

"The ones you mentioned just now are ordinary women who have been wronged and turned into barbarians, but I don't think the masters under the cellar were wronged, so they are..."

"I only saw some information in Jiang's library",
After taking a puff of cigarette, Chen Zhi continued,
"There is a book in Zangshuge that in the early days, the girl was indeed a god, but she disappeared for some reason. From the Warring States period to the Han Dynasty, the girls who were captured were basically homeless. Returnable folk daughters, including some gifted women and demigods, were ravaged and tortured in altars for the pleasure of men's sex, and then they were left in the wilderness and burned to death with wild fire. This cruel and absurd The ritual of worship was very popular at that time.

Later, it was discovered that some Hanba women were not burned to death. They were like ghosts and spirits, with great strength, wandering naked in the wilderness, and living in cold places at night.They radiate great heat, like to find men to prostitute and conceive, then kill the men, raise girls after they are born, and use them as food when they give birth to boys, and they really become ghosts.

But the book sneers at this kind of monster, and there are not many records, only these few sentences. "

"So that's what happened! Damn it! If you want me to say that those ancient people are fuckers, isn't this turning good living people into ghosts? It's better in our new society, like me, Fat Wei, who cares most about our female compatriots." ,
After Fat Wei finished speaking, he took a flattering look at Liao Tingting beside him.

After Chen Zhi finished smoking a cigarette, Ghost Knife's wound had been healed.After everyone has recuperated for a period of time, everyone's emotions have completely stabilized.Although those technicians didn't dare to approach the backyard, they sat quietly in the front yard and stopped banging on the door frantically.

At this moment, Chen Zhi asked Ghost Dao, "How about it, can you do it?"

Ghost Knife moved his scalded arm, nodded to Chen Zhi and said.

"no problem!"

"That's good!" Chen Zhi said to Fat Wei beside him,
"Let's go down now!"

The three stood up and walked to the entrance of the cellar again, only to see that the iron door below was tightly sealed by Chen Zhi's fierce curse, and there was no movement at all.

Fat Wei was still in the lead. He let Hulu and a few guys hold a submachine gun and aim at the iron gate below, ready to shoot at any time.Then he drew out two pistols, put two shuttles on top of them to control the stone bullets, pointed them at the bottom and said to Chen Zhi.

"Cheng Zi, let's open it! If that girl dares to come up, I will beat her to death."

 Thanks for the reward: Dao Sheng Yi Jian 3000
  Today this chapter is a bit fatter

(End of this chapter)

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