Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 404

Chapter 404
With Pangwei's rock-control pistol and a few guys' machine guns as cover, the situation is relatively safe at this time, even if the underground female monsters really come up, they will be beaten to pieces immediately.

Chen Zhi asked all the technicians to back up again, and then walked to the cellar mouth, recited the incantation silently, pushed the true energy into the upper teeth, and lightly stroked the air with his hand, and the air flow in the air was instantly reversed.

The seal on the iron gate was opened~~~~~~~
After the seal was opened, the iron door was not opened immediately. After everyone nervously aimed their machine guns at the iron door for a long time, they finally found that there was no movement below, and the big iron door with the animal head was firmly closed.

Fat Wei, Chen Zhi, and Ghost Knife put on oxygen masks at this time, and then told everyone to back up, pulled the rope instantly, and with a creak, the iron door with the animal head was opened, and a mass of thick gas rushed up immediately .

The iron gate cannot be left open for too long, they must go down immediately.

Chen Zhi had discussed with Fat Wei in advance, the opening of this iron gate is too small, and the bottom is very deep, you can make a double-button safety lock first, hang people down to see what's going on, and then go down with a large group of people.

In such a situation, it is still the old rule, Chen Zhi goes down first, and Fat Wei pulls the rope on it, and the ghost knife responds to emergencies.

Before Chen Zhi went down, he asked the gourd behind him to keep an eye on the cellar entrance, and under no circumstances should anyone be allowed in.

Then Chen Zhi touched the long knife and dagger on his body, took out the stone control bullet on the top of the kitten (long-range shooting pistol), and then said a few words in the uniform hood to see the effect of wireless communication, and finally reached out Pulled the rope, ready to go down.

Fat Wei jumped to the iron gate first, then lowered the rope slowly, allowing Chen Zhi to descend from the iron gate little by little.

Fat Wei's hand was steady, and Chen Zhi's body fell steadily. Chen Zhi held the pistol tightly with his right hand, turned on the searchlight with the other hand, nervously inspected the situation underground, and was ready to deal with the ghost girl rushing up at any time.

It's too dark down here, the moonlight can't shine at all, except for the light of the searchlight, the surrounding area is completely dark, and there is a cloud of turbid gas everywhere. This kind of gas blocks the sight very much. After the rope was placed for a while, Chen Zhi raised his head and looked up. Looking at it, the entrance above is no longer clear.

Chen Zhi fell deeper and deeper, and the temperature below was very low. Although there were work clothes to maintain the temperature of his body, Chen Zhi found that the surface of his shoes was covered with frost, and he could imagine the biting cold outside.

The surrounding stone walls were covered with ice, slippery and difficult to stay on. The whole was a cylindrical shape and very narrow. When Chen Zhi used the searchlight to shine down, he saw a stone door on the stone wall, which was very low. It's like someone crawled in.

It is about [-] meters deep from the entrance above, and it is still bottomless. At this time, Chen Zhi called the Fat Weidao on the wireless,

"Don't put the rope, stop! I see a door".

The rope above stopped immediately, and Chen Zhi happened to be hanging a little lower than the stone gate.

A gust of cold wind blows out from the gap in the stone gate. On the surface of the stone gate, there is a relief pattern that looks like a woman's face. Because it is too old, it is impossible to tell whether it is a woman's face or something else. Frozen with frost.But on the top of the stone gate, there is a divine character that Chen Zhi knows—魃.

Chen Zhi pushed the stone door with his hands. He felt that the stone wall was very thick, and there were no stone locks or bolts, but he couldn't push it and needed tools to pry it.

"Damn, such a heavy stone door, I don't know how those female ghosts opened it, the strength is really great!"

Thinking in his heart, Chen Zhi pulled out Baipi from the leg guards, inserted it into the gap of the stone gate, and then kicked the stone gate fiercely with his leg. Since he couldn't use the rope, it took a lot of effort to open the gate.

When Chen Zhi finally kicked open the door and jumped inside, he found that behind the stone door was a masonry passageway, which was spacious and neat, and the inside was dark and unfathomable.

Chen Zhi didn't dare to speak loudly, and whispered to Fat Wei above him through the wireless,

"Fatty, I opened the door, come down! Be careful, the stone wall is slippery."

"it is good!",
Fat Wei's voice in the wireless answer was very clear, after a while, Fat Wei and Ghost Dao jumped down one after another.

Before coming here, Mrs. Liao gave each of Chen Zhi and the others a pill, saying that it could prevent the hypoxia and low pressure underground, and then put on an oxygen mask to make sure everything was safe.

After the three met underground, Pang Wei led the team and continued to walk about 100 meters inside.

They passed through two stone gates in a row. The place was covered with frost, and everywhere was frozen hard. The front was getting wider and wider, and the temperature was getting lower and lower.

Chen Zhi glanced at the thermometer on the uniform. It was already minus 58 degrees outside. Chen Zhi stepped on the ground and made a creaking sound. The surface of the shoes had been covered in white frost, but the uniforms on them really It was very powerful, maintaining their body temperature, not letting a trace of cold invade.The oxygen generating function of the oxygen mask is also very good, and the breathing is very smooth along the way.

They continued to walk forward, their nerves were tense all the time, they knew that the ghost-like girl was near them, perhaps hiding in the dark and watching them, waiting for them to slowly throw themselves into the net, So they have to pay close attention to the situation around them.

After they walked under such high mental pressure for a long time, everyone's nerves gradually relaxed, and Fat Wei began to chatter.

"Hey! Chengzi, let's not keep talking, can we, or I will be bored to death.",
Fat Wei complained on the wireless, and then continued.

"Actually, to tell you the truth, that ghostly girl called Ba is really good-looking, but that ghostly old lady is a bit shabby. If she will use a beauty trick to lure us and beg us to stay and be a son-in-law, do you think we have the nerve to refuse? ?

Anyway, my fat man can’t be left as their son-in-law, and you have the noble mission of saving the world. I think that kid Daozi is cold all day long, and he has no one.

"I said, can you stop talking about these unscrupulous things? I also feel the same way here, so be careful and lead the way ahead!",
Chen Zhi was talking, but the knife behind him suddenly stopped, and patted Chen Zhi on the shoulder,
"Be careful, there's something ahead."

There was something hidden in the darkness. For Chen Zhi and the three of them, it was no longer a fear. After hearing what Ghost Saber said, they immediately bent down vigilantly and slowly poked forward.

Sure enough, in the darkness ahead, there was a man standing, neither fat nor thin, dressed in rags, with his head hanging down, motionless in the darkness, his appearance was very familiar.

Pang Wei was the first to recognize the person in front of him, and hurriedly shouted through the wireless.

"That's Donkey Zheng~~~~~~~~".

(End of this chapter)

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