Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 405 Zheng Donkey in the Darkness

Chapter 405 Zheng Donkey in the Darkness

[This chapter thanks to the book friends of the hot-handed Tianjiao for their rewards]

Seeing Zheng Luzi, standing motionless in the darkness ahead, his hands were straight down, and his head was lowered, as if waiting for them.

The three of Chen Zhi immediately bent down, carefully observed the situation ahead, and stopped moving forward.

"Everyone be careful!",
Chen Zhi said seriously on the wireless.

"We are running out of time, and we have to go to Yingdu Difu, which is our final destination. Try not to get injured during this mission, otherwise we will have difficulties in the next stop."

Fat Wei replied quickly on the wireless.

"I see that the donkey in front doesn't have much pus. You wait here and I'll try him. I have a guy with me, no problem"

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he first picked up a frozen stone on the ground, and threw it vigorously at Zheng Donkey in front. With a bang~~, the stone hit Zheng Donkey's body, but Zheng Donkey didn't react at all. .

"Damn! I'll just say it! This guy must be here to scare people! You cover me from behind, I'll pass.",
Fat Wei stood up while talking, took out his pistol and pulled the bolt, and walked into the darkness ahead. Fat Wei walked very slowly. shouted in

"You all come over and have a look! This guy has only one skin left."

When Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao heard Fat Wei's call, they immediately walked over quickly, only to see that this donkey Zheng was covered in gas-corroded scars, and the blood from his body was frozen in the low temperature.No wonder he was standing there just now, but he had already been frozen into an iceman.

"He wasn't completely corroded by the air here, because he has half the blood of Ba. If we stripped off our uniforms and threw them here, we would probably be corroded into a ball of mud by the air here. However, what caused his death, It's not the air here...",
Chen Zhi said on the wireless, bent down to look down, and sure enough, he saw that Zheng donkey's internal organs had been emptied, the wound was torn apart by great force, and the ground was full of gnawed internal organs , there were a few women's hairs in it, some of them were white, and Zheng Donkey's brains had also been sucked out, leaving only an empty shell.

"This donkey really deserved to die, but it was really miserable for him to be eaten by his own mother and daughter-in-law.",
Chen Zhi sighed in his heart, and looked behind Zheng Luzi.

It was too dark to see clearly just now, but now I realized that behind Zheng Lvzi, there is a spacious stone room, which is about 100 square meters inside. What is placed.

Chen Zhi patted Fat Wei and Ghost Dao, pointed to the stone room behind, the three of them immediately turned their heads, and walked inside together with searchlights on.

Under the light of the searchlight, they quickly saw the true colors of the things on the ground clearly.

Although the space in this stone room is spacious, the area is by no means easy. There are piles of white bones all over the floor, and there is no place to set foot. The bones are obviously corroded, extremely loose, and will shatter when stepped on. On the several stone pillars standing all around, there are frozen human bones tied to them, and they are all mature men.Among the bones on the ground, there are still some remains of babies.

Chen Zhi and the others had experienced training for a long time, and they didn't feel afraid of these bones at all. They stepped on the bones and continued to probe inward, but their movements were very light, and they tried to avoid making noise.

"This is supposed to be the place where the witches eat humans, we have to be careful around, they are probably hiding in the nearby darkness",
Chen Zhi reminded everyone on the wireless,

"It is estimated that these bones are human men on the ground. These witches tricked the men from the outside, and then dragged them into the cave to eat. According to the description in the book, these witches are ghosts turned into ghosts by tortured women. , Their essence is still human, but they have all mutated. The females like to find human males to prostitute and conceive their children. When they give birth to female babies, they will be raised, and when they give birth to male babies, they will be killed immediately as food. It is estimated that the corpses of these babies on the ground, These are the children of these witches themselves."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he heard Fat Wei sighing in the wireless.

"Oh! It's so miserable. How many of our male compatriots have been deceived by these ghost women from ancient times to the present? This is the result of our lust. This is really living for B, dying for B, fighting for B all his life, suffering from B, and going to B Dang, finally died on B's body..."

"Okay you! Be careful not to hide a woman in the bones! Otherwise, you will become the fattest bone in this pile of bones",
Chen Zhi admired Fat Wei for maintaining a relaxed state of mind in such an environment. It seemed that he was indeed from a family of tomb robbers, and he was excited when he saw a dead person.

After stepping on the white bones and walking forward in the dark, they immediately found that although the stone room was not big, the interior was sealed and there was no exit around it. The road stopped here.

"Hey? It's really weird, how far did you go, why did you stop here, did we go the wrong way?",
Fat Wei asked while touching the surrounding walls.

"There should be nothing wrong!"

Chen Zhi opened the survey map in his hand, looked at the red passage marked by Professor Liao, carefully identified the direction and said.

"The route is definitely not wrong. There must be a passage here, which is hidden inside this stone room. Let's look here to find out where the secret door should be hidden."

"Damn! What the hell is this place? Didn't you say that this is the root of the hibiscus tree? It's a naturally formed cave, why would someone repair a secret door here?"

Fat Wei asked in bewilderment, turned around a few times, checked all around, and found that there were stone walls covered with frost on all sides. After knocking a few times, the back was obviously solid, and there would be no other space.

After everyone searched for a long time, Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao finally pushed aside all the broken bones on the ground and found a loose stone on the ground. After moving it away, a colorful stone slab with exquisite relief was exposed underneath. It is gorgeous and crystal clear, neither like crystal nor jade, and there are two pull rings at both ends.

The carvings on the stone slabs have been worn badly, and it looks like a pattern of auspicious clouds and scorching sun, with two ancient inscriptions engraved on it -- "God of Drought"

"Drought God! The inscription carved on it means Drought God.",
Chen Zhi said to Fat Wei and Ghost Dao in the wireless, then touched this exquisitely carved colorful stone slab, and continued.

"The God of Drought is the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven, the name of the god before she was exiled. If these underground women are just ghosts turned into human beings, then they are still human in essence, nothing more than mutant creatures. The noble God of Drought No, how did it appear on this stone slab?
It seems that this underground is really more than just the roots of the Hibiscus Sacred Tree. If I guessed correctly, an ancient god was probably buried here. "

 Thank you for the reward: I have seen the 10000 comments of the hot hand Tianjiao, I will work hard
(End of this chapter)

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