Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 406 Drought God

Chapter 406 Drought God
After hearing what Chen Zhi said, Fat Wei immediately said on the wireless,

"You mean this is actually a god's tomb? It's the daughter of Xuanyuan Huangdi, what is it called the cemetery of Tiannuba? Isn't this too ridiculous? I don't think it's possible."
Fat Wei shook his head like a rattle in the oxygen mask, and continued.

"If according to the myths and legends, when the god of drought, the goddess Ba, came to the world, dispelled the wind and rain, helped his father defeat Chi You, and then was abandoned by her father in the world, and became a monster from then on. Then this myth itself has many contradictions. .

If Xuanyuan Huangdi really had such an awesome daughter at that time, who could make the earth dry, disperse the wind and rain, and help him win the battle, then wouldn't he regard her as a treasure?Why throw her in the world and become a monster?Totally illogical.Moreover, there is no definite record of this myth, and there is no such record in your Jiang family's Niubai Library Pavilion, right? "

Chen Zhi shook his head in the oxygen mask and said.

"That's right! If you want me to say, this myth is probably made up by those ancient people who were obsessed with it. They first captured a few women for their own lust, and then they were afraid that their reputation would be bad, so they made up a myth about Hanba. , I found a good reason for myself, and then burned these unlucky women to death as a drought.

As a result, not only were the girls not burned to death, they turned into monsters, and then all gathered together to eat men. It is estimated that the officials at that time built this place in order to appease these ghost girls, and then engraved two characters, calling them For the god of drought, put a high hat on these ghost girls and arrange houses, otherwise these girls won't make trouble every day?In fact, these so-called drought gods are nothing more than mutated women. How can there be so many gods?Speaking of the tomb of the gods..., hehe!How can it be so easy to find the tomb of the gods! ",
After Fat Wei finished speaking, he laughed, as if he felt that the name of God of Drought was a bit profane when applied to these lecherous and dark women.

"not necessarily!",
Chen Zhi stroked the colorful stone slab at the entrance and said,

"From the time I came in, I found that there are traces of divine carvings everywhere, which is very similar to the feeling when we entered the tomb of Tianhu God. Before the Shang and Zhou dynasties or earlier, there is only this colored stone slab now, and now there is no stone of this quality, and I can’t even distinguish it because of the age.”

"You mean this colorful stone?" Fat Wei immediately came over and touched the colorful stone.

Chen Zhi continued,

"This stone is not an ordinary gemstone. Its texture is different from anything in the world today. It seems to be a material from another world. Ancient humans couldn't get this kind of thing at all, so the building here , not like humans.

In addition, in the materials of Jiang's library, although there is no mention of the story about the goddess Ba who helped the emperor to win the battle and was abandoned, it is mentioned that Ba is indeed a female god who was later sealed in the imperial court for some reason. cold place.

As for the reason for sealing her, it is impossible to test, but there are many legends about the place where she was sealed. Some people say that the god of drought was sealed in the Chishui River and has long since turned into mist.There is also a legend that she was beheaded and killed by Xuanyuan Huangdi, and then abandoned in the land of the rising sun. If according to the latter statement, the sacred tree of Fusang was the land of the rising sun in the age of mythology, the place where the god of drought was buried is also It is where we are, and that may be the reason why so many babes are gathered here. This may really be the tomb of the God of Drought.

When Chen Zhigang said this, he suddenly saw Ghost Knife's ears tremble, turned his head away instantly, and then put his hand on Chen Zhi's shoulder, motioning for him to speak softly.

"What's wrong?",
Chen Zhi was taken aback by Ghost Saber's actions, and asked in a low voice over the wireless.

I saw Ghost Knife standing up and looking towards the way they came. It was dark there, and Ghost Knife whispered through the wireless.

"Someone came in through the entrance just now! Both feet just fell to the ground."

"Is it those witches?",
After Chen Zhi and Fat Wei listened to Ghost Dao's words, they immediately drew out their stone-controlling long swords and prepared to fight.

Ghost Knife stared at the darkness ahead vigilantly.

"Definitely a human being, he's going the same way as we are, and he's very cautious."

"From the entrance we came in? From the cellar above?",
Chen Zhi asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and follow our route completely, he also has the same map as ours in his hand." Ghost Knife said softly in the wireless.

Fat Wei got angry when he heard this,

"Damn, that guy Hulu is not reliable in the exam? Tell him not to let anyone in, why did he forget it in a blink of an eye, and treat this as a public toilet? Anyone can enter. No..., could it be...,"

When Fat Wei said this, he paused for a moment, with panic on his face,
"Could it be that the gourds were killed up there? Everyone died?"

"Impossible!" Chen Zhi said with certainty at this time,
"The curse is not so easy to break, and if an outsider invades the seal of the curse, I should be able to sense it immediately. This person is one of those people above."

"You mean some of the guys above have come down? But they don't have equipment..." Fat Wei was very surprised.

"Not necessarily, he doesn't necessarily have no equipment, maybe he has already prepared..." Chen Zhi said after glancing into the darkness,

"Don't worry about him, let's go down!"

"What? You mean we don't care about the follower at the back, but keep going?",
Fat Wei was very puzzled when he heard Chen Zhi's words, and wondered if he had heard it wrong.

"Don't worry about him. He is one of our own. Besides, he won't be as fast as us. Let's go find Guimu and deal with him when we come back. Hurry up and move on!"

Chen Zhi's tone of speech was unquestionable, and he called Ghost Knife to pull up the stone slab together, and then shined it with a searchlight, ready to jump off.

Under the light of the searchlight, the bottom is so dark that nothing can be seen clearly. Visually, it seems to be a tomb room about the same size as the top. There is a square stone platform in the middle without any decorative patterns. It is square. , like a big box, like an altar for worshiping gods, very weird.

Fat Wei was always worried about the person behind him, and kept turning his head to look into the darkness, but Chen Zhi completely ignored the situation behind him, tied a rope around his waist, let Fat Wei hold it, and then held onto the edge of the floor He jumped down, and then Ghost Saber and Fat Wei also jumped down.

When they jumped to the tomb on the bottom floor, they immediately felt a rush of hot air, and the temperature here suddenly rose. Even inside the uniform, they could feel the heat outside. Chen Zhi turned on the thermometer on the arm of the uniform, and it was 42 degrees Celsius. .

"What the hell is this damn place? Why is it so hot and cold?",
Fat Wei complained, using the searchlight to shine around.

When the searchlights shone on the surrounding walls, everyone couldn't help secretly marveling. It turned out that the four walls of the tomb were full of exquisite and colorful murals.

 Thanks for the reward: Daosheng Yijian; I love playing volleyball; moolis; Butterfly Love Beifeng 1000
(End of this chapter)

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