Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 407 Heavenly Emperor God Battle

Chapter 407 Heavenly Emperor God Battle
When you see these murals, you can't help but feel a little excited. The reason is that these murals are too delicate. They are painted with gold and silver. The craftsmanship can no longer be described as ingenious. The scene appeared in front of my eyes.

This large mural records a magnificent epic battle, the content is about the battle between Emperor Xuanyuan and Chi You.It describes the content of the god of drought, the goddess of heaven, who came to the world, emitted scorching heat, dispelled the rain and fog, and helped Emperor Xuanyuan in the battle. There are also many divine records on it, which record the tragedy of the war at that time.

The painting skills of the murals are very high, and the composition is gorgeous and magnificent. Even if there is no text annotation, you can get an intuitive feeling through the murals, and clearly understand the events in the paintings and the conditions of the characters at that time.

Chen Zhi read the inscriptions on the murals, and carefully looked at these murals. He saw that the ancient figures, costumes, and buildings in the paintings were all so vivid, as if the war was alive in front of his eyes.

The previous paintings show that the Yellow Emperor was fighting with Chi You at that time, and the situation was very tense. In the paintings, Chi You was like a huge monster with a huge body, gathering many elves and ghosts to attack the Yellow Emperor.The Yellow Emperor sent Yinglong, the righteous god, to fight him. In this mural, Yinglong is a flying dragon with wings. It is huge and flies all over the sky.But Chi You invited the gods who control the wind and rain to help him, and started a storm in the sky, making Ying Long's huge body lost in the wind and rain.

The paintings in the middle record the events after Yinglong's defeat. During this period, Xuanyuan Huangdi thought of many ways. He captured Lei Ze's Thunder God and used its skin to make a giant drum, trying to break it. Chi You's miserable wind and rain.

The Thor in the painting is a monster with a human head and a dragon body. He was skinned alive and hung up bloody. Next to him is a huge drum made of its skin with blood on it. Next to him are many people wearing armor. The soldiers are beating.But obviously this tactic failed.

The following paintings are very magnificent, describing how the Yellow Emperor had no choice but to finally invite the God of Drought Ba to join the battle. The goddess Ba was naked and emitted strong light and heat. Everything was reduced to ashes, and even the gods were burned to death by her. The Yellow Emperor finally captured and killed Chi You, and Goddess Ba established Qi Xun.

The God of Dryness in the picture is extremely brilliant, but contrary to the legend, this goddess is not bald and short, with eyes on her head, she is a graceful and extremely gorgeous goddess in the picture, she hangs high in the In the sky above the mountains and rivers, the snow-white body is as bright as incandescent, as dazzling as the sun.

But the face of this goddess was covered with a black veil, and she kept holding her face with one hand, while pointing stiffly at the underground world with the other hand, which looked very strange.

The colorful picture ends here, and the reason why Han Shenba was exiled is not mentioned.But in the end there is a mural, without any color on it, and the painting is very rough, obviously it was added later.

The content of the screen is that Emperor Xuanyuan personally held a knife, and a group of heavenly soldiers and generals killed the god of drought. The god of drought, who died on the ground, was still covered with a black veil, and his body was stiff. The whole picture was all black, which looked a little scary.

"Is the painting on this mural real or not? It's too unclear. If we look at it according to this mural, our ancestor Xuanyuan Huangdi is not a good thing, is he? He also took the skin of others to make drums, but It's so fucking cruel, but this heavenly girl..., this girl looks good! She is all white and white, why did she kill his father later? Just because she has exhausted her divine power and is useless? What about her? Dad is too unreasonable, let's kill the donkey!"

"Hehe! It's not that simple. Have you noticed that there is a kind of emotion in the whole mural, which is the emotion of Emperor Xuanyuan.",
Chen Zhi said in wireless,

"In the whole mural, Xuanyuan Huangdi was very reluctant to invite the God of Drought to help the battle. He tried all the methods, but none of them worked. He had no choice but to invite the God of Drought, and the God of Drought is obviously very powerful. The war ended in an instant. All the murals in front of this place obviously wanted to praise the goddess from the front, and this place was originally supposed to be a temple dedicated to the god of drought, so there was this stone platform for worshiping the god.

But something must have happened later, Emperor Xuanyuan beheaded the goddess and buried her here, turning the temple into a tomb of gods, and then temporarily added this mural of beheading the god of drought . "

"I said Cheng Zi, you have such a rich imagination!" Fat Wei couldn't help laughing on the wireless,
"She is a goddess. Since she is so powerful, can she be easily killed? Besides, what can happen? Let Emperor Xuanyuan kill his own daughter?"

"I don't know." Chen Zhi shook his head in the oxygen mask, "It is estimated that this goddess must have committed an unforgivable mistake at that time! For example, let the secret of Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor be revealed to the world."

Chen Zhi looked at the portrait of the goddess again and sighed softly,
"We are short on time, don't look at these murals, and find a way out quickly."

The three people first lowered the rope at the entrance above their heads, and then pressed the mechanism. The person behind followed them all the time. Sealing the entrance could prevent him from following too fast.

After that, they quickly found a passage in this stone room. The passage was in a gap in one wall. It was very narrow and could only be entered sideways.

Without hesitation, several people immediately turned sideways and walked inside along this road.

This is an extremely long passage, and it is connected to somewhere in front. They adjusted their breathing at a constant speed and walked forward. They felt that the front was getting hotter and hotter. They didn't know how long they had been walking. I really don't like people who are silent in the dark, especially in such a hot situation, so I said to Chen Zhi on the wireless,
"Chengzi, it's too hot. It's like entering a stove. I believe more and more in what you said just now. We seem to have entered the tomb of the God of Drought. By the way, did you see it just now? That female drought God’s face is covered with a black veil, why? Is this goddess really ugly? She’s so ugly that she can’t see anyone? You have to find a piece of cloth to cover it up?”

"This goddess is covered with a black veil, probably not because of her ugly appearance, but because of her eyes."

Chen Zhi answered wirelessly while walking with difficulty.

"And if I'm not mistaken, this goddess is actually very ancient. The ancient one lives as long as the heaven and the earth, and is far older than our ancestor, Xuanyuan Huangdi."

(End of this chapter)

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