Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 408 The Goddess of Battle

Chapter 408 The Goddess of Battle

Chen Zhi answered wirelessly while walking with difficulty.

"And if I'm not mistaken, this goddess is actually very ancient, with the same life span as heaven and earth, far older than our ancestor Xuanyuan Huangdi."

"Is your statement wrong?",
Panting heavily, Fat Wei walked forward in the hot gap, and said on the wireless,
"It's always been the father who is older than the daughter. I've never heard that the daughter is older than the father. Isn't it the other way around?"

"So, I suspect that the god of drought is not the daughter of the Yellow Emperor, but she must have some kind of close connection with Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor",
Chen Zhi coughed twice in the wireless, and continued,
"Although I'm just speculating, I'm not talking out of thin air. There is a secret book called "Sou Shen" in the library. The full text of the secret book is engraved on the tortoise shell of a giant tortoise. I have carefully read the contents of the book written by Master, and it records many myths and legends that have not been lost at that time, some of which we have heard, and some of which we have never heard of.

One of them is a legend about several ancient gods, which mentions an extremely cruel and licentious goddess, whose name cannot be tested because of its age.

It is said that in the age of ancient mythology, when the prehistoric world was not opened, humans and demons and gods lived together. In the chaos of the world, there was an extremely ancient and powerful goddess. She was so beautiful that the sun would be eclipsed when it saw her. She lives the same life as heaven and earth, and has powerful and boundless mana, but she is notorious. Her eyes can set fire to a prairie fire. As long as she looks at the enemy, both humans and gods will be burned to ashes immediately. The gods are powerless to fight against her. The goddess is hot and radiant, and often wanders naked in the wilderness with her naked body. She covers her peerless face with a black veil. She is very lewd and cruel. She likes to catch human men or demigods to mate and eat. There are countless gods and demigods. From these descriptions, who do you think this goddess is? "

"You mean...",
After thinking for a while, Fat Wei said in surprise,
"You mean that this ancient goddess is actually the goddess of heaven? The god of drought? But it's not right! Such an awesome goddess should be arrogant, how could she easily come out to help Emperor Xuanyuan fight? Could it be..., they Have a leg?"

"Hehe! The relationship between Yunyuzhihuan, how can you invite such a powerful god? There must be a very close relationship between this goddess and Xuanyuan Huangdi, so that the ancient goddess can descend to the earth, shine on the earth, and help Emperor Xuanyuan win The world. This kind of relationship must be very special, for example, blood relationship",
"What? What are you talking about? You mean..." Fat Wei suddenly reacted and shouted loudly.

Chen Zhi laughed for a while on wireless and said,

"Xuanyuan Huangdi lived from 2717 BC to 2599 BC, that is to say, he lived for more than 100 years. This life span was extremely long in ancient times. From a biological point of view, only the physique of a demigod can Do it. And the appearance of that ancient goddess is definitely far earlier than Emperor Xuanyuan.

Therefore, regardless of myths or history, we should not believe too much. They are all processed and transformed by the victors according to their own interests. I think this drought god is not only not the daughter of Emperor Xuanyuan, but also probably his. mother! "

"Emma! Orange! Don't say it," Fat Wei was immediately disgusted and resisted.

"Who is Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor? He is the ancestor of all our Han people. Now you say that he is a descendant of Hanba, so we have all become Zheng donkeys? Emma! I'm so disgusted, don't analyze us anymore The past of my ancestors is over, and I would rather live in a fabricated lie than admit that I am a descendant of Ba Nu..."

"Hehe! Do you understand now? I guess Xuanyuan Huangdi had the same mentality as you at that time. He used his notorious mother-in-law to defeat Chi You, and immediately turned his back on him and killed her mother-in-law. After coming here, from then on, the god of drought and demons will be turned into ghosts, and even Xuanyuan Huangdi's daughter, so that no one will question Xuanyuan Huangdi's bloodline."

Chen Zhi was giggling and giggling on the wireless while talking, as if he could see his fat and purple face from behind.

"Stop doing that," Fat Wei immediately retorted,

"Let me tell you, Chengzi, don't think that you are the offspring of some kind of God, we are the offspring of the Hanba ghost girl, now everyone is equal in socialism, no discrimination of status is allowed..."

The two talked on the wireless, and walked forward for a long time, but Ghost Saber kept frowning at the end, listening closely to the movement behind.

In this way, they walked for more than ten hours in this gradually downward-sloping gap, until their legs were cramped, and they finally saw the exit ahead.

However, when they just came out of the narrow exit, a yellow heat wave hit, and the glass of the oxygen mask was instantly covered. They wiped the sand on the oxygen mask, looked at the scene ahead carefully, and were immediately dumbfounded up.

Unexpectedly, a few kilometers above the ground, there is actually a large black underground desert, and the area is huge and endless.

Chen Zhi knows that the formation of deserts is essentially caused by lack of water. The main reason is that due to solar radiation and other reasons, it is formed by intense heat and intense evaporation. Therefore, deserts are basically formed in places with strong sunlight. A desert like this underground is extremely rare.

But Chen Zhi has heard of several cases of this kind of underground desert, which is an extremely rare geological situation in geology. It basically appears in areas where volcanoes have erupted, and is formed by magma burning soil, but such a large area, and it is endless It is basically impossible for the underground desert to form in terms of geology.

Chen Zhi looked forward, and in the black desert in between, there were still some blows from the city buildings, but the charcoal black that had been burned, and some hard white bones, with sparkling light on them, like diamonds .This entire black desert looks like the ashes left after a once magnificent underground city was burned to the ground by an extremely hot fire.

Chen Zhi took a deep breath of oxygen in the oxygen mask, moved his cramped legs, raised his right arm and looked at the thermometer on it, it was 65 degrees Celsius.

"Damn! It seems that if we don't have work clothes to protect us here, we will soon turn into charcoal." Fat Wei said on the wireless, and also pulled his body to prevent the work clothes from swelling and deforming under high temperature.

Chen Zhi raised his binoculars and looked into the depths of the desert. He knew that everything here proved that there must be something hidden in the depths of the ground, which could emit huge heat, even hotter than the volcanic magma, and could shine as brightly as the sun. .

 Thanks for the reward: How can I have a belly of 500
  My cousin has an operation in Shenyang, so I have to go, try to come back as soon as possible!Update this chapter first
(End of this chapter)

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