Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 412 Thor

Chapter 412 Thor
"What's wrong with you, fat man? Wake up!"

Chen Zhi grabbed Pang Wei's shoulders with both hands, and shouted loudly through the wireless,

"But Fat Wei in the oxygen mask had dull eyes, his face became more and more green, and the facial features on his face began to distort and become more and more deformed. The hideous horror in the dark looked like the skinned man nailed to the wall. Thor".

"Save me~~~~Save me~~~~~~~~Save me~~~~~~~~"

Fat Wei groaned these words repeatedly in the wireless, but the voice was extremely weird, it sounded like an old man, snoring with difficulty in his throat.

"Please, help me!"

Fat Wei's eyes were dull, and while he was talking, he slowly stretched his hand under his hood, and as soon as he grasped the oxygen tube, he pulled it down. The tube clicked, and it was about to be torn off.This tube is the source of oxygen in the oxygen mask. Once the tube is broken, the oxygen mask will stop breathing immediately, and Fat Wei will suffocate to death immediately.

"do not!"

As soon as Chen Zhi grasped Pang Wei's arm, he found that Pang Wei's strength was so great that he couldn't control it at all. Chen Zhi hurriedly pressed the tip of his tongue against Shang Ya Tang, desperately using the air in his body to suppress Pang Wei's strength, and shouted loudly. shouted over the radio,

"I understand what you mean. I will promise you anything. Don't mess with my brother."

At this moment, Chen Zhi really understood that Fat Wei's consciousness had been controlled by a kind of spiritual force, and the one who controlled him was probably the big green frog nailed to the stone slab—Thor.

This kind of mind control is also called "ghost upper body" in local dialect.The upper body of a ghost is a superstitious saying among the people. It is said that after death, a person has a soul, which is also called a ghost. The ghost attached to a normal person is called a "ghost upper body". A common explanation when encountering this situation.

In fact, the "ghost upper body" really exists in reality. It is actually a manifestation of a spiritual power that controls the human brain. When an independent brain wave floating in space forcibly occupies someone's brain, The original brain waves will be temporarily covered, people will temporarily lose their original consciousness, and their behavior will be controlled by the occupied brain waves.Those who don't understand it say that this person has been possessed by a "ghost".

Chen Zhi had heard Qin Yueyang talk about this kind of situation before. Qin Yueyang was very familiar with these undead things. She had told Chen Zhi more than once that there were actually no ghosts in this world. All those undead phenomena were actually It is because some obsessions from before life remained in this world, and this obsession is too strong, or the person's own will is too firm, so the person's spirit is solidified.

It's a pity that Qin Yueyang is not here now, otherwise the problems here would be much easier to solve, because these spells to deal with undead phenomena are Qin Yueyang's strong point, but Chen Zhi's least good at it.

"Tell me! How do you want us to save you?"

Chen Zhi tried his best to hold Pang Wei's right hand tightly, negotiating with the things in Pang Wei's body.Ghost Saber also jumped over and helped Chen Zhi hold Fat Wei's arm.The ghost knife is very powerful, and Pang Wei can no longer grab the oxygen tube at this time, but Pang Wei's face is getting more and more ugly, green and swollen, it seems that his throat has been choked, and he can no longer breathe.

"Help me, or kill him!",
That strange voice said in Fat Wei's mouth.

"How do you want me to save you?",
Chen Zhi anxiously asked the Fat Wei who had turned into a big green frog face.

"You are dead, I can't bring you back to life, what exactly do you need us to do for you now?"

"Save me, save me!"

Fat Wei trembled with green lips, repeating this sentence over and over again, as if he couldn't say anything else.

Just when Chen Zhi was burning with anxiety and didn't know how to communicate, he saw a sentence suddenly spit out from that green mouth,

"Send me back!"

"Send you back? Where?"

Chen Zhi quickly used his eyes to search the corpse of Thor, who was nailed to the slate, and he immediately discovered that the whole body of Thor was actually fixed on the slate piece by piece with nails. If the nails were removed Immediately afterwards, his body would fall apart.

And the stone slab behind this Thor is very wrong, it is a completely different thing from the rough stone here, and there are some vague air currents floating on it, a bit like,

Chen Zhi's mind lit up, and he immediately said to Ghost Saber,

"Knife, hold on for a while, hold on to his arm, don't let him cut off Pang Wei's oxygen tube, I'll be right back."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he jumped onto the stone slab in three steps and two steps, grabbed an iron nail on Thor's calf with his hand, and pulled it out forcefully, but the iron nail did not move at all.Chen Zhi tried again, and immediately found that the iron nail was nailed so firmly that it was impossible to pull it apart with his physical strength.

Chen Zhi turned over and jumped back to the ground, put his fingers together and recited the mantra silently, spreading the airflow from his body to completely surround his arms, and then sent him forward.

In an instant, tens of thousands of airflows flew out like swimming snakes, and surrounded the 20 or so iron nails in front of him. At this time, Chen Zhi put his tongue on the teeth and pulled back with all his strength.

A dull metallic sound sounded, and Chen Zhi's tens of thousands of air currents surged with great force in an instant, pulling out more than 20 large iron nails on the stone slab in unison.

Dang lang lang~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
These iron nails fell to the ground like long swords, with Thor's green bodily fluids on them. Only then did Chen Zhi see the material of these iron nails clearly. did.

No wonder this Thunder God came out to ask for help. He has been nailed here for thousands of years by so many stone-controlling nails, and it is difficult to live in peace after death. This is indeed a bit too cruel for an ancient god, even if he writes ten thousand requiem spells Also in vain.

Thinking in his heart, Chen Zhi looked at Lei Shen's corpse, and saw that the Lei Shen's corpse, which was not controlled by iron nails, was like a piece of green pudding, slowly sliding down from the stone slab, and fell to the ground with a crackling sound.

But the stone slab behind the corpse gradually revealed its real body. When Thor's corpse fell completely, it released colorful rays of light, which filled the air and was very beautiful.Then, all the patterns and paintings on the entire slate emerged. It was a colorful slate engraved with beautiful patterns, exactly the same as the slate at the entrance.

Chen Zhi used the airflow to gently push the colored stone slab.

The stone slab was indeed a hidden door. After the air flow was pushed, it opened slowly with a rattling sound, revealing a large dark room inside.

An extremely huge green-skinned drum appeared inside.

(End of this chapter)

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