Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 413 The Soul Returns Home

Chapter 413 The Soul Returns Home
"Thunder God's Drum"

This was the first reaction that appeared in Chen Zhi's mind when the giant green drum appeared in front of Chen Zhi.

The green leather drum as tall as a two-story building in front of them was exactly the same as the giant drum made of Thor's skin they saw on the mural earlier, and it was so real.

The top of the giant drum was dripping with blood, and the fresh blood seemed to be still flowing. This is a typical characteristic of the corpse of a god. Just like in the tomb of the Tianhu God, everything around the corpse of the god has maintained a brand-new appearance, and the Won't dry out and age as the years go by.Poor God of Lei Ze, even though he is the most respected god, he was nailed to the giant drum made of his own flesh to keep the drum fresh. He has endured this kind of pain and humiliation for thousands of years, and he still has no peace after death. , It is really shocking.

At this time, Fat Wei's arm had been loosened, and he was no longer trying to pull his oxygen tube, but his face was still green, and he said in a very pitiful and hoarse voice.

"Please, send me back!"

After saying these words, Fat Wei suddenly fell to the ground, the green color on his face gradually receded, and he fell into a coma.

Ghost knife and Chen Zhi hurried over and shook Pang Wei's body vigorously. After a while, Pang Wei gradually came to life.

"Oh my God, the Queen Mother! You don't know what a magnificent dream I just had!"

After Fat Wei woke up, he was radiant, shaking his head, and sighed loudly.

"You still have the nerve to say that you slept there, and you did us a lot of work! You still have the nerve to say that it was a dream, why didn't you fall asleep?",
Chen Zhi saw that Fat Wei had woken up, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground, so he stood up and said.

"I mean it, I really had an amazing dream just now!"

Fat Wei got up, and told Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao what he had seen in a coma just now.

In his dream, Fat Wei saw a battle of the gods in ancient times. The scene of the battle was extremely majestic and very real. In the dream, Chi You was as tall as a mountain, majestic and majestic, with a blue face and fangs that were terrifying, while Xuanyuan The Yellow Emperor wore gravity armor all over his body, flew into the sky, and fought very bravely.That large-scale war lasted for a long time, the sky and the earth changed color, the sky was full of flying dragons and beasts, and the ground was full of corpses of gods and spirits. Such a scene, even with the strongest imagination now, cannot be imagined.

After listening to Fat Wei's vivid description of the dream scene, Chen Zhi said on the wireless,
"Let's talk about your dream in the future! Let's study how to deal with this Thor's corpse. He told us in your body just now, let us send it back to his hometown. But where else can we send him now? ? We still have to go up to find the ghost tree, so we can’t carry his corpse on our backs, right? The corpse has been cut into pieces and weighs so much, even if we go out with his corpse on our backs, we don’t know his hometown Where it is, it’s not realistic at all.”

"Emma! You are thinking too much, I know what this old fairy means!"

Fat Wei glanced at the pile of corpses on the ground and said,

"This Lord Thunder God is actually a pretty good person. I could feel his thoughts when he was in a coma just now. He has a very docile personality. The biggest hope is to get a whole body back to Lei Ze. We just need to take him back to Lei Ze." After assembling his dead body, he returned his old man's god skin to him, so that all the parts of his body would be complete. After three to five years, he would slowly escape by himself, and the leaves would return to their roots, without my help. .”

After Fat Wei said these words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. This request is not difficult, and it is easy to achieve.

The three of Chen Zhi and the others boarded the dark room with the giant drum together. The walls of the dark room were full of carvings and paintings, and the carvings were exquisite. There was also a large page describing the magnificence of the battle in divine language. Emperor Xuanyuan was How to fight bravely and make immortal achievements.For the sake of the common people in the world, the God of Lei Ze sacrificed his life for righteousness and donated his skin to make war drums. His merits are immeasurable.

The three of Chen Zhi who watched were regurgitating sour water, and almost didn't spit it out.

They observed the huge drum as a whole, and found that the edges of the drum were all sewn together. If they wanted to remove the entire skin without any damage, they had to start from the edge of the huge drum.

Thunder God's giant drum really lived up to its reputation. When Fat Wei was touching the edge of the giant drum, he accidentally touched the surface of the giant drum with his hand.


In an instant, there was a thunderous sound, and the entire tomb shook. The eardrums of the three people were almost shattered.

"Fucking fat man, can you do it lightly, don't touch the surface of the drum, otherwise it will thunder and shatter our three meridians and five meridians.".

"Got it! Fat Master, I was just a careless person just now, so I definitely won't do it again",
Fat Wei explained on the wireless.

In this way, the three of them carefully found the edge of the giant drum, which was wrapped with a whole piece of green skin.The edge of the drum is densely packed with stitches, and these skins are sewn together.When Chen Zhi found these stitches, he pulled out the dagger on his body, carefully cut these stitches, and then loosened the green skin on the giant drum little by little, but he didn't dare to use too much force, for fear of shaking the drum.

This is really a very delicate technical work. The three people were sweating profusely, like women, unraveling the thread for a long time, and finally sloughed off the whole green skin from the giant drum.

Afterwards, the three of them picked up Thor's corpse from the ground one by one. The corpse had already become like green jelly, and the trembling green was full of water.

Chen Zhi assembled Thor's body piece by piece, then carefully wrapped Thor's body with the removed big green skin, and put it into the huge sarcophagus next to it.

The sarcophagus has been left there without a lid. It is estimated that when the sarcophagus was left behind, it was not thought of using it in the past. It was just placed there as a display.

The three of them slowly lifted the lid of the sarcophagus, and gently covered the sarcophagus, covering Thor's body.

After all this tossing, more than two hours have passed.

Although the three of them were exhausted, there was no time for them to rest in the current situation.

"Okay, let's go quickly! Don't forget our current situation, without any direction guidance, and we don't know how long we will have to walk in the black desert later."

Chen Zhi urged the three people to leave here quickly and continue on their way.

Fat Wei agreed on the wireless, and turned to Thor in the sarcophagus and said,

"Uncle Lei Shen, please feel wronged here first. I apologize to you on behalf of my unkind ancestor Xuanyuan Huangdi. Don't worry about those things in the past! Hurry up and return to your hometown! Amen! Goodbye. "

After Fat Wei said these words, he turned around and was about to walk forward, when he heard a creaking sound, the sarcophagus cracked a small crack, and a ring rolled out of the sarcophagus.

(End of this chapter)

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