Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 414 Thank You

Chapter 414 Thank You
"Hey, hey~~~~~~~, this Mr. Thunder God is very particular!",
Pang Wei stepped forward, picked up the ring on the ground, blew on the ashes and said.

"The gods of the people are very polite. Mr. Lei Shen made us trouble, and it was not in vain. He even gave us a thank you gift. Look at the workmanship of this ring. It must not be short of its age. It's a pity that the gemstone on it is not Yes, but this is a fairy ring, which is hard to come by, if you take it to the Liulichang Auction House, it will be worth at least 800 million yuan, maybe you can even hit a big sum!"

"What ring? Let me see!"

Chen Zhi saw a ring falling out of the sarcophagus, but he felt it was very strange, walked over to take it from Pang Wei's hand, and looked at it with the searchlight.

I saw that this was a ring with extremely exquisite workmanship. The degree of exquisiteness cannot be described in words. Layers of filigree, layered with layers of engraved patterns, it is very delicate and ingenious, but the place where the gemstones are inlaid on it is not. It is empty, just an empty ring support.

But the entire ring is made of pure gold, which is very common in the armor and accessories of the gods. Chen Zhi discovered more than once that these gods admire gold and the brilliance of rare treasures.

This gold ring has a flower-shaped opening as a whole. The ring is very slender, and it obviously belongs to a woman.

Chen Zhi looked at the inner ring of the ring, and saw that there were several rows of extremely fine and small characters on the inner ring, and the carvings were so densely packed that it was impossible to see clearly. This is a kind of miniature carving, which can carve so many characters in the ring ring. Incredible.

Chen Zhi took out the white mirror from the treasure bag, adjusted to the magnifying glass and put it on the ring, and carefully looked at the few lines of small characters on the inner circle of the ring.

The miniature carvings are very clear under a magnifying glass. They are three very neat lines of divine script. The characters are extremely ancient, and some resemble the original pattern of divine script. Most of the text on it describes and praises the beauty and strength of a goddess. Finally, There are four words that are very clear.

"Bright with the sun"

Chen Zhi is very familiar with the habits of writing such as divine language. There are never adjectives and metaphors in this vocabulary. The meaning they narrate is very direct, and they basically state one-to-one facts.If the word "brilliant with the sun" is mentioned above, then the owner of this ring is really "brilliant with the sun".

"This is the ring of the dry god!"

Chen Zhi opened his eyes wide and looked at the ring in his hand repeatedly and said, and then looked at the sarcophagus next to where Thor was buried.

"Pang Wei, you are right. This old Thunder God is indeed a very good god. He didn't let us work in vain. He left us this ring of the Drought God. This is a great help to us. We can find The tomb of the Dry God!"


Fat Wei shouted in surprise in the oxygen mask,

"I just said that the more you do good deeds, the better you will be rewarded. In the past, when I was digging graves, I never forgot to serve the people. I learned while robbing graves, doing good deeds, and being a successor to socialism." ..."

"Alright, alright!"

Chen Zhi stopped Fat Wei from chattering, and continued on the wireless,

"This ring is probably obtained by the old Thunder God in that battle, and it has been hidden in its body. With this ring, it will not be difficult for us to find the bones of the God of Dryness, but time is limited, and it is not too late , let's get out now!"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he took the lead and walked back, and everyone followed him back from the original road, quickly left the simple tomb, and returned to the hall.

After returning to the hall, Chen Zhi looked up first, and saw that the sand above had almost flowed out, the floor of the hall was already full of black sand, and a big hole was exposed on the top of the stone, and a dark space could be seen.

Ghost Dao untied the rope on his body, shook it twice and threw it upwards, letting the iron claws firmly grasp the edge of the stone wall above, and then with a strong body, he flew lightly to the ceiling, put down the rope, and put the Chen Zhi and Fat Willa came up.

After they returned to the ground, a heat wave hit immediately. The black desert on the ground was still dark and hot, and the temperature on their bodies rose rapidly, and they returned to this hot black sand hell.

The black desert on the ground stretches as far as the eye can see, and the compass on the arm has been shaking so hard that they can't tell the direction at all. If they don't have a clear direction at this time, they will immediately get lost and be swallowed by the black sand.

"Now look at your orange. You just said that the ring can lead us to the tomb of the God of Dryness. How should we find it? Could it be that after the ring is wiped, some old elf pops up and tells us Go left, go right, turn 500 meters ahead and go straight.”

Fat Wei kept drinking water from the kettle while talking on the wireless. The temperature outside was too hot, and their bodies began to lack water. It is becoming less and less useful in the environment.

Before they came down, in order to simplify the equipment, and mainly because they couldn’t eat in the oxygen mask, they mixed glucose and some nutrient liquid into the water. Drinking water also replenished the body’s nutrients, but this method is useful. Due to the time limit, it is impossible for people to rely on liquid nutrition to maintain the life of the body for a long time, especially in this hot state.

So now it is imperative to quickly find the direction and find the ghost tree to leave here. Otherwise, in a few days, even if they find the ghost tree, they will not be able to go out.

At this moment, Chen Zhi took out the Drought God ring from his pocket, and saw that the ring immediately turned a hot golden yellow under the high temperature, very shiny and dazzling.

Chen Zhi muttered something, and silently recited a spell, some light blue gas came out from his fingertips, and Chen Zhi wiped the ring with the gas.

I saw this blue smoke immediately enveloped the ring, and the luster of the ring was covered by the blue smoke. This smoke became more and more, rising higher and higher, and finally turned into a thin line of smoke, straight to the front Extended in the darkness.

"This is a mantra for finding the owner, and it is the simplest mantra among the elementary mantras",
Chen Zhi looked at the green smoke and said on the wireless,
"I used to recite it casually, but I didn't expect it to be of great use now. It can help us find the original owner of this ring, even if the owner is dead now, the place where the smoke line leads to , is the tomb of the God of Dryness."

 Wealth luck in life is 100; if you are forced to smash your head, 1000; if you think it is empty, it is 500; black and white radio is 100;

(End of this chapter)

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