Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 415 Despair Black Sand

Chapter 415 Despair Black Sand
The blue smoke rising from this gem-less ring was misty, emitting a faint blue light, which was very dazzling in the dark.

The three of Chen Zhi walked forward along this misty line of smoke, walking deeper and deeper in the black desert. Chen Zhi soon discovered that they thought of this black desert too simply, and Huo Ling The urgent pressure of Shi's mission and Chen Zhi's confidence in obtaining mana later made them forget the cruelty of reality. Reality is reality and will not be changed by people's will. They greatly underestimated this underground world.

This desert is too vast, and the deeper they go, the higher the temperature. They went from constantly checking the thermometer on their arms to gradually becoming numb in the later stage. They walked for nearly three days in exhaustion.

But that line of smoke still extends into the darkness, with no end in sight, and the goal is still out of reach.The three of them have been relying on the nutrition in the liquid to maintain their bodies for the past three days, and they have already exhausted their physical strength.The most important problem is the inability to rest. There is no cool place in the underground black desert, and there is no barrier to cover the body. The high temperature on the surface makes it impossible to dock, and of course it is impossible to sleep.

During this period of time, they could only spread the cold cloth on the black sand, lie on the ground to rest for a while, and then continue to move forward. The wisp of green smoke became more and more scattered, Chen Zhi knew, The spell's time limit has expired.The water they have saved is running out, and if they don't see the target within a day, they will never go back.

At this time, Chen Zhi was extremely exhausted, his lips were cracked, and his body was walking almost by natural reflexes. Fat Wei was the most dehydrated. He seldom spoke since the day before yesterday, but he was breathing rapidly through the wireless, obviously enduring it. Dehydration and hypoxia of the body and a gradual increase in body temperature.In order to save drinking water, Chen Zhi asked everyone to reduce the body width of walking as much as possible, to maintain the water and physical strength of the body,

In the end, perhaps because the outside temperature remained high for a long time, the wireless communication device inside the oxygen mask also began to buzz~~~~, the conversation between the three people was no longer smooth, this noise made Chen Zhi's brain confused unclear.

During this period of time, the guiding smoke line came and went, and finally completely lost its trace. After they lost their direction, they kept going around in circles, and the original sense of urgency and the mission belief of coming here were gradually replaced by this. A piece of black sand engulfed them, except for Ghost Knife, their consciousness began to become more and more blurred.

In the end, Fat Wei sat on the sand all at once, and the work clothes on his buttocks touched the hot sand, and immediately made a sound of sizzling~~~, but Fat Wei did not move.

"Orange, I can't walk anymore",
Pang Wei's voice in the wireless is very weak,

"I can't really walk anymore, and now that I have no direction, it doesn't make sense to go any further."


Chen Zhi stretched out his hand to pull him, but his legs gave way and he fell to the ground.Only now did he realize that it wasn't a question of whether he was willing to go again, but that his body really couldn't move anymore.

The two sat facing each other like this, and they didn't even have the strength to speak. Now Chen Zhi no longer cared about whether the work clothes would be burnt, he just wanted to have a good sleep to restore his tired and chaotic brain to normal.The two soon fell into a semi-sleep state, and after an unknown amount of time, Chen Zhi heard Fat Wei's voice in a daze.

"Cheng Zi, I was too careless. I always thought that I was too lucky to die after going through so many things, so I ran here with you rashly, and finally suffered this loss. In fact, how could the reality always be used to me? I'm not always lucky."

After Fat Wei said this, he paused for a while, took a deep breath for a while, and then continued.

"Actually, my drinking fountain has been broken since the day before yesterday. I never told you that my fat man is also a man. Even if he dies, he must die hard, so he can't become a burden for you, little orange.

It seems that I can't get out this time, M's, capsized in the gutter.In my next life, I must be careful not to drill down into the ground and die in this ghost place. I don’t know if I will also turn into sand and be trapped in this hot sand hell. "

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he lowered his head and remained motionless, no longer speaking.

Chen Zhi listened to the fat man's words in a sweltering coma, but he was still shocked and regained consciousness a little.

"Did you say you haven't drank water since the day before yesterday? Then you've been pushing yourself up until now..., Fatty! Hey~~~~~~Fatty!"

Chen Zhi tried his best to shout on the wireless, but his voice was weak, and Pang Wei on the opposite side didn't respond at all.

Chen Zhi was also discouraged at this time. He walked for three days in the high temperature without sleep, and now he didn't even have the strength to stand up. The endless black desert was so silent and sultry, which made people despair, and he had no water left. How much, one can imagine what happened afterwards.

"I said at the time, don't get involved in our affairs, you just don't listen, now you know!"

Chen Zhi spoke weakly in the wireless, looking at Fat Wei in front of him, but he was powerless.

Fat Wei must be in a coma now. He hasn't drank water for three days, and he is seriously dehydrated.

One way is to set off now and go back. On the way back, Fat Wei can't take off the oxygen mask, and still can't drink water. He must be in a state of severe dehydration for the next few days, and Chen Zhi and Guidao Luoluo will have to carry him on his back.Therefore, even if he returns to the same place now, it cannot guarantee the safety of Fat Wei.

The other way is to bite the bullet and continue looking for the tomb of the Drought God. I hope that the temperature there will be lower, and the air quality will be better in the end, so that Fat Wei can take off the oxygen mask and replenish the water source. I came back, but the smoke line that pointed the way has disappeared, and the direction ahead is confused and endless. Who knows if I can find the damned tomb of God.

When Chen Zhi thought of this, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, a great sense of fatigue and drowsiness hit him, his brain forcibly stopped working, Chen Zhi's head drooped, and he fell into a complete coma.

After some time, when Chen Zhi regained consciousness, he saw that Fat Wei in front of him was already lying sideways on the sand with a cold cloth under his body.

Chen Zhi tried to move, his limbs could be used, he looked around first, the black desert was still dead and hot, but the ghost knife had disappeared.

"Where did the knife go?",
Chen Zhi said through the creaking wireless, while Fat Wei on the opposite side had already lost his interest and didn't respond at all.

A sense of panic surged up, Chen Zhi immediately stood up, supported his tired body and walked forward a few steps, only to see nothing in the endless black sand in front of him, a terrifying thought came out of nowhere into his mind.

"Where did Ghost Knife go? Was it captured by the girl? Or..., did he abandon us?"

(End of this chapter)

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