Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 416 Desperate Black Sand

Chapter 416 Desperate Black Sand ([-])

The despair of a person before dying is irrational. In this kind of darkness, the most terrifying thing is to be abandoned by his companions. The Ghost Knife has always been an invisible pillar in Chen Zhi's heart. As long as the Ghost Knife is there, Chen Zhi He felt that things were still within the controllable range. Once the ghost knife disappeared, Chen Zhi felt that he and Fat Wei really couldn't get out of this desert, and would soon be swallowed by this darkness.

"Fatty, wake up, the knife is gone, we have to find him immediately",
Chen Zhi shouted on the wireless, hoping to wake up Pang Wei, but his voice was quickly swallowed by the darkness.The wireless intercom was still buzzing~~, as if it was about to break down, Chen Zhi crawled over with difficulty and shook Fat Wei's body vigorously, only to see Fat Wei in the oxygen mask with his eyes tightly closed, letting Chen Zhi No response to shaking.

Chen Zhi turned around helplessly, turned on the searchlight and searched slowly to the side. It was too dark around, and there was no reference at all. If Chen Zhi left Pang Wei and continued to walk forward to find the way, he might not be able to find the way back. It's Fatway's position.But to walk together with Fat Wei on his back, with Chen Zhi's current physical condition, it was simply impossible.

When Chen Zhi was at a loss, he accidentally discovered that in the black desert in the distance, there was a person kneeling there, motionless.

"Is there someone in front? Who is it, a knife? Or, someone else..."

Chen Zhi was thinking wildly uncontrollably, and walked forward slowly with the searchlight on.

Chen Zhi's legs were in a state of constant cramps, and this journey was very difficult for Chen Zhi at this time.When he was less than five meters away from the person in front, Chen Zhi stopped. Under the light of the searchlight, Chen Zhi clearly saw that there was indeed a person in front of him, and it was a dead person.

That person was wearing the same special heat-insulating uniform as them, with an oxygen mask on his head, and was very well equipped, but the uniform was a little different from theirs. The person also had a rucksack on his back, kneeling upright, motionless, obviously died.

Chen Zhi was taken aback when he saw this corpse. It would not be surprising if he encountered a dead person or a mummy in the desert on the ground, but how could other humans enter this underground black desert.

Chen Zhi leaned over cautiously, and looked at the corpse carefully. This person's death will not be too long. It is very likely that within a few days, his exposed face can no longer be discerned. It is obviously He died of suffocation, his oxygen mask had been opened, his head was baked into a maroon color, staring at his broken eyeballs, he died with regret.

The corpse held a short knife tightly in its hand, and there were still several pistols and an AK47 scattered on the ground in front of it, but the chambers of the guns had already exploded.

Bullets are in danger of exploding at high temperatures. When Chen Zhi discovered the high temperature here, he had already anticipated this situation, so when they came out of the sloping corridor, they had already thrown all their guns at the exit and carried them with them. Carry only cold weapons.

Chen Zhi pulled out the hot Tushen, and slowly approached the corpse. He picked up a pistol on the ground and looked at it. The bullets were loaded, and strangely, they were also loaded with stone-control bullets.

"Who is this person? He searched here before us. He is well-equipped and possesses stone control bullets,... is it Anbu?",
The situation in front of him is very obvious, but if this corpse is from Anbu, why did he die here?Is he lost too?Was it as exhausted and exhausted as they were?No, since he was holding a knife before he died, that means he was ready to resist. He must have been resting here at that time, and then suddenly encountered a danger.And this kind of danger was impossible for people to avoid, so he opened his oxygen mask and let him die in this desert.

What about his teammates?It is impossible for Anbu to send a person into this desert alone. Did his teammates leave here to avoid danger?

Chen Zhi picked up the left wrist of the male corpse sitting on the ground with the tip of the knife, and saw a colorless wristband shining brightly on the wrist, the wristband was dark in color and was in dire condition.

"It's really Anbu",
Chen Zhi was thinking in his mind, and was about to back away, when suddenly a rustling sound came from under the corpse.

"not good!"

Chen Zhi immediately realized the imminent danger, stepped back quickly, and ran back with all his strength, but it was too late, and saw a sand hole suddenly opened under the body of the male corpse, a naked man The woman jumped out from inside, her whole body was like a snake. With a flick of her body, she opened a big mouth full of fangs, and charged at Chen Zhi.

The woman's eyes were blood red, she looked more like this crazy sand snake than a human.

Chen Zhi was already dizzy and powerless at this time, but his reaction was not slow. He raised the knife reflexively and blocked it upwards. The girl was biting his blade, and with a creak, the girl's mouth was crushed. Tu Shen (Chen Zhi's stone-controlling long knife) tore it open, but the girl's strength was extremely strong, and she leaped upwards, throwing Chen Zhi onto the sand, and biting with her mouth open.

At this moment of lightning, a cold knife light flashed, and the girl who opened her teeth and danced her claws was chopped into two pieces.

After the woman's body fell to the ground, it convulsed violently for a while, and then a thick red blood flowed out, and she stopped moving.

Chen Zhi immediately looked to where the light of the sword came from, and saw Ghost Dao holding Shajie (Bai Qian's magic sword), standing awe-inspiring in the darkness, Shaying was still shining coldly in the hot desert, and the air was threatening.

This momentary change made people unprepared, but after seeing the ghost knife come back, Chen Zhi's heart finally fell to the ground. He knew that they were all saved.

"When you were resting just now, I walked a long way forward and found an abandoned city in front of me",
Ghost Knife said in the buzzing wireless, his lips were covered with cracked skin,

"It should be an abandoned ancient city, the temperature inside is very low, and there seems to be oxygen."

"Have oxygen? Great!",
Chen Zhi was very pleasantly surprised when he heard Ghost Saber's words. He looked back at Fat Wei who was unconscious, and thought in his heart,

"Looks like Fatty's life has been saved."

Chen Zhi's physical condition at this time was no longer able to forcefully carry Pangwei on his back, so Ghost Saber helped Pangwei carry it on his body.

Pang Wei can weigh more than 200 jin. After traveling long distances in this high temperature, the ghost knife has actually reached its limit, but he didn't waver at this time, and resolutely walked forward with Pang Wei on his back.

Chen Zhi picked up Pangwei's weapon and treasure bag, and followed behind Ghost Knife. The two of them were very silent all the way, but they could hear each other's heavy breathing on the wireless. After walking like this for more than seven hours , a vague shadow of a city appeared in the darkness ahead.

 Thank you for the reward of life and fortune
(End of this chapter)

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