Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 417 Underground Ancient City

Chapter 417 Underground Ancient City
[Thank you very much Yuwen, Yi Wanshang, the first leader of this book was born, thank you very much for your support all the time]

The desert in the darkness was silent and vast. Chen Zhi walked in front of Ghost Knife and looked forward with the far-red binoculars, only to see a huge city unfolding in front of them in this piece of death-like black sand.

The city is too dark to see clearly, but you can vaguely see countless broken walls, brick, wood, earth and stone buildings, the style is very strange, there are countless towers in the city, the most prominent one is a black building standing on the In the center of the city, this kind of building is very tall. From a distance, it seems to be a main palace, standing quietly in the city, dark and mysterious.

Right now, they were in no mood to think about what was ahead anymore. Between Fat Wei's life and death in a coma, the scorching black desert had already swallowed their sanity, and now they urgently needed to find a cold refuge.

"Daozi, have you ever been in this ancient city? How do you know there is oxygen in it?",
Chen Zhi turned around and asked about the Ghost Saber carrying Fat Wei,

Ghost Knife walked forward with Fatty on his back, didn't stop, just said on the wireless,
"You'll know when you go in, you can hide in that place."

After Ghost Saber finished speaking, he increased his speed and walked directly towards the city, with Chen Zhi following behind him.

There was no protective barrier between the black desert and the gate of the ancient city, and they soon arrived at the tall city gate, only to see that the gate had collapsed long ago, and the structures on it could not be seen clearly in the darkness. There seemed to be a moat before, but it had already been filled. They entered the city through the broken gate, and there was a dead silence in the surrounding ruins.

This city looks majestic and majestic from a distance, but the interior is actually a mess of sand. There are ruined walls and sand-covered buildings everywhere. It is covered with uneven black sand. The pavilions and palaces are dilapidated. Peeling off, the huge beams fell to the ground, and one can see the luxurious atmosphere of the old city.

Chen Zhi roughly glanced at the ruins all over the ground, it was too messy and very dark, and there was no sign of the roots of the hibiscus tree for the time being.

Chen Zhi didn't have the heart to take these things into consideration now, and walked into the city along the avenue with Pangwei on his back with Ghost Saber, and now he found a cold place to hide, it was important to be able to hug Pangwei for his life.

They first entered a small square. Ghost Dao walked the road here and knew the direction. His footsteps were extremely fast, and Chen Zhi reluctantly followed him.

After walking for another hour or so, they came to the huge black building. The top of this black castle was completely invisible. The gate had already been damaged, but there was a stone staircase leading directly to the ground at the entrance, and there seemed to be a shady place underneath. The wind blew slowly, and Ghost Dao jumped down one step at a time with Pang Wei on his back. Chen Zhi immediately followed him and walked down the stone ladder together.

When they went down a dozen floors, they entered a dark stone room. Chen Zhi shook the searchlight left and right, and saw a stone hall below, with an abandoned fountain in the middle, and inside the pool was a headless The stone statue of a woman, the fountain has long since dried up, and there is dry earth everywhere.

But after arriving here, the temperature in the room dropped rapidly, the stone floor was very cool, and the hot uniform shoes stepped on the stone, emitting a faint white smoke.

Chen Zhi held up the searchlight and looked into the fountain, and he quickly understood why Ghost Saber knew there was oxygen here.

I saw a few corpses lying here and there in the fountain, all of them were holding long knives in their hands, and their oxygen masks were all opened. They died there with hideous faces, but they did not die from suffocation, and their skin was not burned.The cause of their death was a bite wound on the neck and a large number of scratches on the body.

"There is oxygen in here, quickly open Pangwei's oxygen mask",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he opened his oxygen mask and threw it aside. Immediately, a choking smell rushed over. The air quality here is very poor, and there are many impurities in the oxygen, but it doesn't affect breathing.

Chen Zhi took off Fat Wei's hot oxygen mask, and saw that Fat Wei's neck was scalded with blisters, his teeth were clenched, his eyebrows were clenched, and his face was pale and ugly.

Chen Zhi touched his forehead with his hand, it was scorching hot, it was extremely coma caused by high fever.

There was still some water in Pang Wei's water storage pot, Chen Zhi took out some, and wiped it on Pang Wei's chapped lips, then carefully fed him a few sips of water, and gave him a quick-acting pill.

The organization's medicines have always been miraculous. After Pangwei drank water and took the medicine, his brows gradually calmed down, and he gradually calmed down. His face began to turn red, but he was still unconscious, which was obviously acute dehydration syndrome.

"He needs to rest now, you stay here first, I will go down to see if there is any water source",
Ghost Saber also took off the oxygen photo, and pointed to a stone staircase next to it, which leads straight down, and I don't know how many floors there are.

Chen Zhi said seriously,
"It was already very dangerous for you to act on your own just now, and now this place is not safe, those corpses are likely to be Anbu warriors, with their skills, they will die here, which proves that the things here are very powerful.

We have just escaped from the desert, we are exhausted mentally and physically, Fat Wei is still in a coma, and we can't get separated anymore, I will use a strong spell to make a barrier here, and then we will rest where we are, and take the remaining water Drink it, get a good night's sleep, and then plan everything. "

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Ghost Saber was silent for a while, then looked at Fat Wei who was unconscious on the ground, and walked back without refuting.

The high temperature in the black desert just now was too terrifying. Their work clothes were scalding hot, and white smoke was rising from the low-lying room.

Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao took off their work clothes, and immediately let their bodies lie on the cold stone floor. The cool temperature spread into their bodies, and they finally felt alive again.

When the body got rid of the high temperature, it was followed by intense sleepiness and uncontrollable hunger and thirst.Apart from leaving some water for Fat Wei, Chen Zhi shared the remaining water with Ghost Dao and drank it all, but he was still very hungry. After these days of intense exercise, his body had already collapsed. These liquid nutrients are not enough.

Chen Zhi had already taken off Pang Wei's work clothes just now, and asked him to lie down on a stone slab to cool down. Pang Wei's body was not as hot as before, but his forehead was still very hot, and the quick-acting medicine began to take effect. Feed the rest of the water to Pangwei, and Pangwei gradually recovered, breathed evenly, and fell asleep peacefully.

Chen Zhi touched Fat Wei's waist at this time, and sure enough, this guy was just like before, with two handfuls of compressed biscuits and a pack of beef jerky.

The biscuits had already condensed together. Chen Zhi didn't like these compressed foods very much before, but now it was like seeing a full banquet.

Chen Zhi left a pack of compressed biscuits for Fat Wei to wake up to eat, and then shared another pack of biscuits and beef jerky with Ghost Dao. They hadn't eaten for a few days, and the dry beef was in their mouths at this moment. It is the most delicious delicacy in the world.

After the so-called satiation, the tiredness of the body could no longer be controlled, and he urgently needed to have a good night's sleep. At this time, Chen Zhi's body recovered a little, and he also had strength. Together with the ghost knife, he pulled Fat Wei to the In a dark, remote corner of the Stone Hall.Then he began to recite the mantra silently, and cast a strong mantra, sealing a circular area of ​​about three or four square meters around them, and then put Pangwei in the middle, Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao each guarded a place, and slept separately.

The enchantment of the fierce curse is difficult to break. It can be said that they are safe to sleep in the enchantment. Ghost Saber has exhausted itself in the past few days. Light, holding the knife lying sideways on the ground and closing eyes, in the darkness, the three of them quickly fell asleep.

After sleeping like this for an unknown amount of time, Chen Zhi suddenly felt his body shaking slightly in his sleep, it was the ghost knife shaking him.

"What's wrong?"

Chen Zhi immediately sat up wittily, and was about to speak, but his mouth was covered by the ghost knife.

Chen Zhi immediately looked to the side, only to see that the surroundings were still in darkness, but there was a sizzling sound at the edge of the curse enchantment, as if someone was scratching and biting with their nails, trying to Break the barrier.

 [Thank you very much Yuwen, Yi Wanshang, the first leader of this book was born, thank you very much for your support all the time]

  Thank you for the reward: Yuwen 10000; scholarly companion 500; how can you have a belly 500; breathing freely 100
  It's fatter today

(End of this chapter)

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