Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 419 The Underground Ancient City

Chapter 419 Ancient Underground City ([-])

"It's too early for you to want to die. Hurry up and wake up. It's not safe here. We have to leave immediately, otherwise something may come out later."

Chen Zhi's words quickly brought Fat Wei from the chaotic state to reality. Fat Wei rubbed his eyes, shook his head vigorously, to wake himself up, then tried to move his body, and looked at the surrounding people. environment.

"Damn it! Came out of the black desert? I'm his mother's fate. I'm already on the roster of the king of hell, and I can get my life back. It seems that Fat Lord, I have accumulated a lot of virtue in my previous life!".

After Fat Wei finished speaking, he wanted to stand up, but found that his body was weak, so he touched his waist, and immediately looked at Chen Zhiwen,

"No! Where are the biscuits and beef jerky on my body? That's my small treasury. Did I let you take it away? Wouldn't you eat all of it? If you have any leftovers, give me some, I will His mother is starving to death."

When Fat Wei spoke, he propped his arms on the ground deliberately, his expression was still as unserious as before, but his voice was obviously weaker, and his lips were also a little blue. Chen Zhi knew that Fat Wei was actually trying to be brave. During the tossing, his body has already been hollowed out, not to mention the severe dehydration.

Although Ghost Saber said that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time, Pangwei definitely cannot leave in his current state. It is not an option to always carry him behind his back, and he will be very passive when he is attacked. Right now, it is the last word that he must be supplemented with nutrition first.

"Eat quickly! Walk with us after eating, otherwise you weigh more than 200 catties like a dead pig, who can carry you?"

Chen Zhi handed the remaining pack of compressed biscuits and beef jerky to Fat Wei, and then handed him the little water left in the kettle.

After Pang Wei took it, he immediately gobbled it up, and said while eating,

"Wait for me to finish eating this pack of beef jerky. I was actually dizzy from hunger just now. It's nothing serious. Let me tell you, my fat man has become a burden to you, little orange, you forgot that you just started eating In the basement of the factory, you were so frightened that you cried and cried for your mother? You fat man, you were still wearing crotch pants when I went down to wash the sand..."

Fat Wei said stubbornly, while stuffing a lot of beef jerky into his chapped and bubbling mouth.

Chen Zhi noticed that Fat Wei's eyes were blue-green, and his hands were shaking constantly. He was still in the late stage of dehydration syndrome and had been holding on.

Fat Wei was chewing something here, Chen Zhi stood up, walked to Ghost Dao, and said softly to him.

"We have eaten up all the food just now, and there is no water in the kettle. Without fresh water, it is like waiting to die in this black desert. Let's not calculate the time of the mission now, no matter how tight the time is, Survival is also the first priority, otherwise even if you find the Ghost Tree, you will have no way to leave this desert.

Moreover, Pangwei's condition is actually very bad now. He needs a lot of fresh water to restore his strength. Our water bottle also needs to be replenished. The most urgent thing now is to find a water source immediately.If I'm not wrong, there should be a dark river underground in this castle, and the scale must not be small. Since there is a stone ladder going down next to it, I think we should go down here! We can draw water before making plans. "

"it is good!",
Ghost Knife nodded lightly, his eyes still fixed on the surrounding darkness.

"Those things don't dare to show themselves now, but I have a feeling that they are around us, maybe they are eavesdropping on our conversation, and they will attack us when they have the opportunity. They will be a problem sooner or later. After a while, you go Lead the way in front, sandwich Fat Wei in the middle, be careful, and try to pay attention to the small changes around you."

"it is good!"

Chen Zhi nodded, thought for a while and said,

"Then get rid of them first"

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he moved closer to Ghost Knife's ear and whispered a few words in a low voice.

A few minutes later, Pang Wei ate up all the biscuits and beef jerky, patted his clothes and stood up pretending to be relaxed, wiped his mouth and said,

"Let's go quickly! We're in a hurry. Fat Lord, I'm fine. If there are any monsters and ghosts, just let them come. Fat Lord promises that I will kill them one by one."

In this way, they simply packed up their equipment and put on the cooled work clothes again. Chen Zhi checked it. Although the work clothes were worn on the surface, they were not substantially damaged. After the temperature dropped, the wireless communication returned to normal. , it seems that the quality of the things produced by these Indian assams is quite reliable.

To prevent the bullets from exploding, all the guns and ammunition on their bodies were piled up at the entrance of the desert. At this time, they only carried cold weapons with them. The three of them carried their respective long knives on their backs and were ready to set off.

Before leaving, Ghost Knife insisted on the wrists of the corpses in the fountain. Like the corpse in the desert, these are white belt warriors with no color on their wristbands. Ghost Knife frowned after looking at the number of people ,
"The Anbu and the organization's samurai management system are very similar. White-belt warriors will never act alone. There are at least two blue-belt warriors in this team as captains. They should have survived this battle and left here. .”

"It's pointless to think about it right now,"
Chen Zhi said to Ghost Saber,

"What should come will come sooner or later. What we need to do now is to go down and find the water source. Let's go!"

As Chen Zhi said, he took the lead and walked forward.

The spell of returning things to find the owner can only be used once. Now Chen Zhi can no longer use the drought god ring to determine whether there is a god's tomb in this city, and he has to explore the future by himself.

They walked down the stone stairwell on the west wall of the stone chamber. The stone steps in the stone stairway were pitch black, the ground was slippery, and the walls were densely carved with strange incantations, some of which the ancient Chen Zhi could not understand.

From here, every time they go down a flight of stairs, they pass through a fountain hall. In the center of the fountain is a black stone statue of a goddess. These goddesses all have no heads, have different postures, and move strangely, looking very strange.

When they walked through the hall on the third floor, they finally noticed the change.

From here, the style of the stone ladder is obviously different. The steps are wide, the black stones are very neat, and the ground is carved with complicated and gorgeous flowing cloud patterns. Each pattern is carved with the same divine inscription—— Sun Tonghui.

When Chen Zhi saw these words, he immediately thought of the ring of the Drought God. He took out the ring and took a look, and suddenly found that the ring was golden and shimmering all over, glowing like a thousand zhangs. The light, the brilliance dazzles the eyes.

"From here, it may be the most sacred place in this castle. Maybe, there will be something we can't think of below...",
Chen Zhi silently looked at the glowing ring in his hand and said,
Fat Wei has been following behind Chen Zhi, at this moment he said with a smile,
"What could it be that is unexpected? I can guess it at my level. If you think about it, you will know. This ring can light up like a light bulb. It must have found its owner! Below, it is probably the one with the date. Tonghui's Tomb of the God of Dryness."


As Chen Zhi said, he raised his legs and was about to walk down when suddenly Ghost Knife coughed lightly from behind. Chen Zhi was startled, and immediately looked back, only to see Ghost Knife with a serious face, gently pointing at Chen Zhi nodded,

Chen Zhi's brain immediately tensed up, and he knew that those things were coming.

(End of this chapter)

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