Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 420 The Underground Ancient City

Chapter 420 Ancient Underground City ([-])

Chen Zhi raised his leg and was about to go down, when suddenly Ghost Knife coughed lightly from behind, Chen Zhi was startled, and immediately looked back, only to see Ghost Knife's serious face, and lightly nodded at Chen Zhi nod,

Chen Zhi's brain immediately tensed up, and he knew that those things were coming.

Afterwards, Chen Zhi silently turned his head back, didn't say anything, and continued to walk forward as before.

Ghost Knife followed closely behind them, put his hand on the handle of the knife and raised the knife, Fat Wei is a keen person, seeing the appearance of Chen Zhi and Ghost Knife, he immediately knew what he was doing, and he also lifted his steps lightly, Hold your breath and concentrate, and don't make a sound anymore.

Just like that, the three of them walked down the stairs slowly and silently. The whole journey was so quiet and frightening that they couldn't even hear their heartbeats, and their nerves were tense all the time. They walked like this for a long time.

The stone ladder became wider and wider from here, and the stone inscriptions on the wall were too dark to be discerned. Chen Zhi felt that there seemed to be countless eyes staring at them in the surrounding darkness, watching their every move. One move, staring at every detail of them, they may rush from the darkness at any time.

They walked down for another hour or so. At this time, they were already at the bottom of the castle. The surrounding air had become chilly, and water vapor was everywhere.

The stone staircase finally came to an end, and a black stone exit suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, behind which was an extremely wide and tall stone hall. The stone walls and floors in the stone hall were still carved out of black stone, simple and unadorned, neat and orderly, There are countless giant stone pillars in the hall. The pillars are tall and wide, and the architectural lines are simple. They are all made of black stones, without any carved patterns on them.

There is nothing in the entire hall of the stone palace, not even the stone statues in the fountains of the halls on the upper floors, only the empty hall and the dark stone bricks on the ground.

The three people came here and stopped. Everyone felt that there was a dangerous signal in this hall. The stone bricks were engraved with dense patterns, basically totems that symbolized the intersection of yin and yang. They looked ancient and weird. Many ancient divine incantations, layer upon layer, were densely covered on the floor tiles. When Chen Zhi stepped on them, he felt a sense of awe and retreat.

The front of the hall is far away from the end, and the top is too high to see the stone roof, but the water vapor here is already very heavy, and the sound of the underground river can still be heard from here.

"Are we still moving forward?"

Ghost Saber asked Chen Zhi in a very low voice, because the oxygen mask has been taken off, so there is no way to isolate the sound they said on the wireless. What they are saying to each other now can be heard outside, and the underground here is empty. Covering, speaking a little louder will be spread far away immediately.

Chen Zhi hesitated for a moment, then said,

"The sound of running water here is very loud. It is estimated that if we go deeper, it will be an underground river. We must find the source of water. We might as well continue to move forward to see what the hell is inside."

As Chen Zhi said, he quickly swept the darkness ahead with the searchlight. The darkness here is really indescribable, as if there is life, and the black stone bricks all over the walls and floors are completely integrated together, making them feel like walking in. It's like being surrounded by darkness.

Chen Zhi had imagined the appearance of the Tomb of the God of Drought more than once in his mind, and it was always connected with the majestic buildings in the Tomb of the God Fox, but he found that everything here was different from the Tomb of the God Fox. Beautiful and prosperous decorations, there are no words or images describing the origin and history, only darkness and silence, and an indescribable nothingness, as if everything here is the most original and true appearance of this world.

They continued to explore and walked, passing a few stone pillars, and they soon discovered that this underground hall seemed to be a temple, with extremely simple architectural lines, with bricks on the ground forming corridors, but all The directions are directed towards the front.

In this way, they walked slowly in the direction of these corridors for an unknown amount of time. When they finally reached the end of the hall, they found that there was a narrow exit at the other end of the hall.

The so-called narrowness is only a relative term. This exit is about six or seven meters wide, and the two sides are formed by the fusion of black stone walls.Unbelievably, right in front of the exit, there was a round golden jade, suspended in the air, sparkling, just blocking their way.

The other end of the exit was pitch black, so thick that even a searchlight could not illuminate it, but there must be something hidden in that darkness, which was too vague to see clearly. The sound of rushing water came from Came from that darkness.

This round jade is very dazzling. The center of the jade is full of magic colors, including red, gold, and green colors. It is very gorgeous and dazzling, and it looks like a small sun.

"What is this? A gemstone? It's so beautiful! It's definitely an artifact~~~~~"

Fat Wei couldn't stop talking when he saw it. Although he was weak, he still adhered to the professional ethics of Lao Taosha. When he saw this shiny round jade, he immediately wanted to go up to have a look and touch it.

But Fat Wei would not touch such unknown things with his hands easily, but very cautiously untied the iron hook on the rope and poked it over. Unexpectedly, the iron hook just touched the golden ball, and it immediately swelled~ ~~~~ With a bang, a layer of white smoke came out from the heat.

Fat Wei immediately withdrew his hand and sighed softly.

"Damn it! What the hell is the sun? It's so fucking hot."

Chen Zhi pulled away Pang Wei, stepped forward, and examined the jade carefully.

"The heat that can instantly burn the iron hook to emit white smoke must be above 2000 degrees Celsius, and it can emit such brightness, which shows that this round jade itself can release a lot of heat and brightness. Isn't this thing appearing here? If there is no reason, it is likely to be a barrier that prevents people from moving forward.”

After Chen Zhi thought of this, he took a few steps back with Fat Wei, and gave Ghost Saber a flair.

Ghost Knife understood, jumped up into the air, and bounced in from the side wall like a gust of wind, trying to jump over the golden jade and jump into the darkness behind.


There was a crisp impact sound, and after a burst of lightning and flint, the Ghost Knife bounced back, turned around several times and jumped to the ground, then looked at Chen Zhi and shook his head.

"M's, it's really an artifact for gatekeepers!",
Chen Zhi gritted his teeth secretly, pressed the tip of his tongue against the cavity of his teeth, and sent the air flow out of his body forward forcefully.


Chen Zhi was ejected more than ten meters away in an instant, and the air flow was completely sucked in. When Chen Zhi was shot down to the ground, all the Qi veins in his body were about to be shattered.

 Thank you for the reward: 100 Jun Devil; 500 Coastal Sky;

(End of this chapter)

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