Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 422

Chapter 422
The moment Fat Wei disappeared, Chen Zhi's head exploded.

It's not that Chen Zhi doesn't know that those things have been following them, and it's not that they don't know that these things can hide their tracks and are very cunning, but he never thought that these things can bring a living person like Fat Wei to him in an instant. Go, let him disappear out of thin air in front of their eyes.

"Fat Wei!"

Chen Zhi yelled hoarsely, and quickly ran to the place where Pang Wei was just now, only to see that the place was empty, and there was nothing around, only Pang Wei threw down the kettle on the ground and the shining stone control machete, full of The black stone floor tiles on the ground were pitch black and shiny, as if no one had ever stood here.

"Why is it Fat Wei? Why didn't you come to catch me and Ghost Saber? Because Fat Wei's body is weak?"

Chen Zhi's mind was running rapidly.

Although Fat Wei's behavior just now was somewhat reckless, Chen Zhi actually approved of Fat Wei's pre-emptive tactics, and Chen Zhi has always been very sure that Fat Wei's location should be safe.

After Fat Wei woke up from dehydration, although he himself has always been brave, both Chen Zhi and Ghost Sword knew that his body was still in a weak state, so they always deliberately protected Fat Wei and put him in their place. later.

So although Fat Wei Gang is very happy, his position is very inside and not dangerous. He is standing behind Ghost Sword and Chen Zhi, that is to say, if there is an attack in front, no matter how fast it comes, it must be attacked first. Pass Ghost Saber and Chen Zhi before you can touch Fat Wei.

But now, how could Pang Wei be taken away instantly without making a sound?This is completely illogical. Chen Zhi carefully inspected the ground under his feet, stepped on it a few times, and knocked. The bottom is absolutely dead-hearted. The black stone below is very hard and there is absolutely no mechanism.If those things want to take Pangwei away from here, unless they know the earth escape technique.

"Earth escape technique..."

When this word appeared in Chen Zhi's mind, it immediately exploded like a bomb. Chen Zhi had read the records about Tudun in Zang Shu Ge.

The earth dungeon technique is a legendary method of burrowing into the ground and escaping with magic. The earth dungeon magician can change the five elements in the body, turning into dust underground, and then cling to the soil and walk quickly.

Now those sorcerers who claim to know the earth escape technique are actually using some deceptive tricks, that is, the bluffing tricks of those magicians who dig holes in the ground and run from the left box to the right box.But in ancient times, there were indeed some powerful warlocks who were able to escape from the earth and turn mountains into rocks. That is the real earth escape technique.

However, the real Tudun technique has to pay a very high price. The warlocks of Tudun were all very paranoid humans at that time. in the purpose.

This kind of spell mainly relies on changing one's own five-element attributes, and then changing the body's functions to dissolve the fat in one's body; biological tissues such as bones, and finally integrate into the ground and combine with the soil.

The process of this kind of spell is very painful. People who have completed this spell don’t need to inhale oxygen from now on, and they don’t feel cold or hot. They are really like stones and dirt. They are no longer human beings, or even living things.

The difficulty of earth escape depends on the hardness of the soil. Sand and loess are best mixed in, but the rocky walls of mountains are very difficult to pass through. , so the real earth dungeon technique is what ghosts are good at in the legend.

This kind of magic technique has long been lost because of its cruelty and innocence. I didn’t expect to see it here after entering. The black stone here is extremely hard and extremely dense. If something can walk through it, it must be a monster. Let’s explain, These things have long been integrated with this city.

At this moment, Chen Zhi thought of the weird smile of Zheng Lvzi's wife, Mrs. Zheng. Now that I think about it, that smile is really too confident. This old hag knows Chen Zhi's identity, and also knows what Chen Zhi has. However, it is very confident that it can keep Chen Zhi and the others in this dark underground.

Chen Zhi's idea was quickly verified. In an instant, the black walls around them and the black stone bricks on the ground began to shake violently, making a buzzing sound, as if countless things were moving rapidly underground. Chen Zhi strikes.

The ghost knife has already jumped to Chen Zhi's side like lightning, pulled out the knife to protect Chen Zhi behind him, looked around vigilantly, turned back and said to Chen Zhi,

"Pang Wei was taken away by them, those guys are coming, be careful!"

As soon as the ghost knife's voice fell, Chen Zhi felt his legs suddenly become very heavy, as if he was caught by something. He looked down and saw that the black bricks under his feet became very black, like It was like a shadow, and there was no response to the light. He remembered that Fat Wei had complained to him just now, saying that his legs became very heavy for no reason, as if he was hugged by something.

Chen Zhi immediately became alert, and immediately took two steps back, but he saw that the black shadow under his feet gradually spread, divided into countless branches, and quickly moved closer to Chen Zhi, covering Chen Zhi's feet again.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Chen Zhi was about to jump away, but suddenly found that a woman's wrist stretched out from the shadow inexplicably, and grabbed Chen Zhi's calf. The strength was astonishing, no matter what Chen Zhi did. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get out of the shadows.

Suddenly, another wrist also stretched out from the shadow, and grabbed Chen Zhi's ankle. In an instant, dozens of hands stretched out, pulling Chen Zhisheng to the ground. When Chen Zhi's body fell to the ground, It felt like the floor tiles were soft, like a swamp, and the arms of the woman beside him grabbed his shoulders; her thighs and arms pulled Chen Zhi down to the ground.

Among the black floor tiles, the heads of women are exposed. Those women are very beautiful, but their eyes are dull and cloudy, which is exactly the same color as the black stone floor tiles. One of the women shows her upper body high, looking down at Chen Zhi from above. Chen Zhi had seen this woman before, she was Zheng Luzi's daughter-in-law.

She saw her eyes were cloudy, her mouth full of blood was open, she was holding Chen Zhi's head with both hands, pressing down desperately.

Chen Zhi wanted to struggle, but found that his hands and feet were tightly bound, and he couldn't move at all. Seeing his body being quickly pulled to the ground, he felt that he was about to suffocate.

At this time, another white-haired head emerged from the black shadow. That wrinkled face was very familiar to Chen Zhi. It was Zheng Lvzi's wife, Mrs. Zheng.

I saw her pale and wet hair sticking to her face, she parted her mouth and said with a sinister smile,
"Patriarch Jiang, after the Son of God, you will stay here with us forever!"

 Thanks for the reward: Yanhaiyuntian 500; Daosheng Yijian 100; Jun Demon 500
(End of this chapter)

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