Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 423

Chapter 423 The Bastard ([-])

After Mrs. Zheng finished speaking, her cloudy eyes shot out fierce and brutal light. She opened her mouth suddenly. The mouth was split at an incredible angle, revealing four or five rows of sharp teeth, and those fangs were still bloodshot. , the blood glistened, as if it could chew Chen Zhi into pieces at any time.

Zheng Lvzi's daughter-in-law had her head hanging on top of Chen Zhi's head, facing Chen Zhi's face, her cold and slippery black hair fell on Chen Zhi's face, her hands were as cold as stones, pressing Chen Zhi's head , His fingers dug into Chen Zhi's eye sockets, and he pressed down hard. The force was so great that it was hard to describe, and Chen Zhi was pulled into the floor tiles all at once.

Chen Zhi's whole body was completely pulled to the ground, and in an instant, all the girls around surrounded him. Chen Zhizhi heard their rustling voices, and rushed over to eat Chen Zhi.The cold and stiff breath imprisoned Chen Zhi's body, making him unable to move at all. Chen Zhi felt suffocated, and his flesh and blood were bitten by groups of babes.

Those witches had sharp claws and sharp teeth, and they moved very quickly underground. They gathered more and more, and surrounded Chen Zhi layer by layer.

Chen Zhi closed his eyes, and let the girl bite on him, with the tip of her tongue pressed against the upper teeth, and silently recited the mantra of the fierce curse in her heart.

In an instant, a strong air flow swam through Chen Zhi's body, and gradually divided into two streams, and a weaker air flow completely sealed Chen Zhi's body and protected Chen Zhi's body.And another powerful airflow spurted out instantly, completely sealing off the surrounding space within a few hundred meters.


There was a shocking cracking sound, the black stone bricks around Chen Zhi completely exploded, and the powerful airflow of the fierce curse swam quickly, forming an enchantment with Chen Zhi as the center, surrounding all the demon girls under the ground Inside, exposed to crumbling stone bricks.

The number of females was astonishing, there were more than two or three. It was frightened by this momentary change, howling loudly, waving its fangs and claws in horror, like digging under the floor tiles, trying to escape from here.

But they found that the floor tiles below had been blocked by Chen Zhi's strong curse, and within a radius of more than 300 square meters centered on Chen Zhi, a square-shaped barrier had been sealed by the strong curse, and all the babes were besieged I was inside, like a big cage, and I couldn't escape anymore.

"The short-lived victory makes you feel very happy, right? The evil spirit wants to eat me..."

Chen Zhi frowned tightly, watching the panic-stricken girls running around in the barrier, transporting the air flow out of their bodies, instantly separating the inside of the barrier, and at the same time, turning on the searchlight.

Stimulated by the light, the bacons went completely crazy. They slammed and bit the barrier frantically. Chi Luo's body was pale and terrifying under the searchlight. Zhi pounced.But they couldn't pounce on Chen Zhi at all, they all bounced back as if hitting a transparent glass plate. The daughter-in-law of Zheng Lvzi was the closest to Chen Zhi, and she kept biting Chen Zhi frantically, but she couldn't touch Chen Zhi. body of.

Although he has just mastered the fierce spell, Chen Zhi is very talented in mastering this kind of spell. Now he can use the airflow freely to make the strong spell into countless small enchantments of different sizes, and according to different needs use it.Chen Zhi made a small barrier around his body to completely protect himself, and used it very skillfully in the big barrier like a city within a city.

Just when these girls were panicking and at a loss what to do, they saw the ghost knife who had been hiding by the side just now suddenly appeared in midair holding a long knife.

Chen Zhi chanted the mantra silently to open a hole in the barrier, and put the ghost knife in.

After the ghost knife came in, it swept across, and the girl beside her didn't even have a chance to react, and was split in half by the ghost knife, thick blood spurted out, and the body fell to the ground and shrank.

All of this was planned by Chen Zhi and Ghost Sword. Since the target of the girls is Chen Zhi, and they have been hiding their tracks, Chen Zhi is responsible for drawing them out, and then confining them with strong spells.

They have already seen in the black desert that these witches can withstand high temperatures, and ordinary methods can't hurt them, but the long knife of Ghost Saber can kill them, so Chen Zhi used a fierce curse to separate the barrier, like a prison Like the multiple cells in the cell, when the ghost knife enters the enchantment to kill the females, there is no need to deal with too many females at the same time, causing unnecessary damage.

This method is very ingenious and very effective. After a while, the sky was full of blood. The thick blood of the witches splashed everywhere, and the whole body of the ghost knife was soaked in thick blood. Nearly half of these witches had been hacked to death. Others Everyone screamed and roared in the barrier in horror, there was nothing they could do, and they even looked a little pitiful.

But at the same time, Chen Zhi quickly scanned the witches in the barrier with his eyes, and he soon discovered that Mrs. Zheng was not among these witches.

Just as Chen Zhi was looking for the trace of Mrs. Zheng, he heard a strange old voice in the darkness in the distance.

"Patriarch Jiang, are you ignoring your friends?"

"It's Mrs. Zheng",
Chen Zhi was startled, and immediately followed the voice to look towards the corner, and saw Mrs. Zheng showing a pale face in the dark corner.

She was naked, with blood all over her mouth and body, and she carried a person in her hand like a chicken. That person was covered in blood and had many scars. It was Fat Wei.

Fat Wei was obviously bitten very badly. There were bright red bloody gashes all over his body. Mrs. Zheng strangled his neck, his breathing was weak, his face was ashen, and he had no room to resist.

"Let go of my girls or I'll break his neck right now".

Mrs. Zheng's voice was very strange, as if she was speaking with her throat raised, but she uttered the words very clearly without any hesitation.

Ghost Knife immediately stopped the knife in his hand, and the babes stopped crying. They lay quietly on the ground, and looked at Mrs. Zheng with chaotic eyes, as if they were staring at their ancestors. Same, very religious.

"Let my daughters go, I let your friends go, and let you leave here, otherwise,..."

Mrs. Zheng twisted Pang Wei's neck hard, and Pang Wei immediately twitched, his head dropped, and he lost consciousness instantly.

Chen Zhi watched all this silently, without showing any signs of anxiety, nor expressing his opinion, the two sides remained in a stalemate for a while.

Chen Zhi calmly said to Mrs. Zheng in the dark,
"Let's make a deal! You tell us where the ghost tree is, and I'll let your daughters go."

 Thanks for the reward: Monarch Devil 500; Luoshui Wuxian 100; David 88
(End of this chapter)

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