Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 424

Chapter 424

Mrs. Zheng's face was very pale in the dark. After she heard Chen Zhi's words, she was silent for a long time, then parted the corners of her mouth, and smiled like a ghost. The whites of Ren He's eyes looked very strange and permeable in the dark.

"Patriarch Jiang, you are too self-confident, you have no qualifications to make a deal with me? You don't even know who I am, and your Jiang bloodline cannot be a star in the night before my God, although it is eye-catching, But I'm too young, don't think that I will be at your mercy like these witches, as long as I want, I can kill you at any time without making any deals with you."

After Mrs. Zheng finished speaking, she ground her teeth until they sizzled, and stared at Chen Zhi with her black eyes.

"I know you are ancient, and I know what you are...",
Chen Zhi said in the center of the barrier,

"If you can escape from my fierce curse, you will definitely not be an ordinary character. Your lifespan and historical origin are likely to be far older than our Jiang family's blood, but you have passed thousands of years, and you and these witches This stone gate has never been opened before, and only after we entered just now, did you dare to follow in, what have you been afraid of... .

As far as I know, the Age of Mythology is a society with a clear distinction between superiority and inferiority. No matter how old you are and how powerful you are, your humble status can never be changed. You are just a slave to God, right?It used to be human too. "

Chen Zhi's words fell to the ground like a dark thunder, and there was silence after that.

The old lady Zheng in the darkness no longer had a smile on her face, her face was trembling with excitement like a cramp, and her whole body began to tremble slightly, like an enraged beast, ready to pounce on it at any time.

"Jiang's concubine, let my daughter go, otherwise, I will kill your friend immediately..."
Mrs. Zheng's arms began to stretch, she hoisted Fat Wei high, and displayed it provocatively in front of Chen Zhi.

Fat Wei was already in a coma at this time, his face was gray and blue, his lips were bruised, and he was completely unconscious.

Looking at Fat Wei held by Mrs. Zheng, Chen Zhi didn't show any expression on his face, and continued,
"Don't think that the person in your hands can pose a threat to me, he has been injured and is useless to us, you kill this person!
My purpose now is to find the Ghost Tree. Unless you tell me where the Ghost Tree is now, I will immediately tighten the barrier and crush all your demons. "

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he operated the air flow, and the barrier began to rapidly shrink towards the middle. The females in the barrier were all squeezed together, howling in horror, like a dying animal in a net, very miserable.

Old Mrs. Zheng began to tremble in the dark corner, her eyes rolled like two black beads, she watched the girls suffer under the curse, her face was full of ferocious expressions, she did not do anything answer.

She just stared at Chen Zhi in the dark for a long time, then suddenly grinned and said in a very skilled divine language,
"You are lying……"

Immediately, Mrs. Zheng's arm moved forward quickly, and the other arm stretched out quickly, twisted Fat Wei's head, and twisted it down hard.

"do not……"

Chen Zhi yelled, let go of all the airflow in his hand, and quickly sent it to where Pangwei was. The airflow quickly swam away and quickly wrapped Pangwei's body. Mrs. Zheng pinched Pangwei's arms and cut them open. Pangwei lost control and fell to the ground.

The girls who were controlled by the barrier just now were unsealed in an instant, and most of the girls frantically escaped from the seal, rolling and crawling, howling and hiding behind Mrs. Zheng.Another part rushed towards Chen Zhi with teeth and claws. Zheng Lvzi's daughter-in-law was the closest to Chen Zhi, and she threw her two claws into Chen Zhi's flesh like iron hooks, and bit Chen Zhi's neck.

Chen Zhi flipped her away on the spot, and pulled out Tushen (Chen Zhi's stone control knife, the blade is blood red, made of intermediate stone control), and with a flash of red light, he split Zheng Lvzi's wife in half horizontally.Ghost Saber had already jumped over at this time, and chopped down all the girls around Chen Zhi to the ground with a few knives. Seeing that the other girls couldn't take advantage of it, they just wanted to escape back, but found it was too late.

Chen Zhi quickly transported the airflow back, and sealed up the remaining girls around him again.

"Hahahaha~~~~~~~~~~~~, a bastard is a bastard, you humans always have such weaknesses, always deceiving yourself and being controlled by stupid emotions."

The old lady Zheng grinned, and stretched out two arms from the back in an instant. Its body began to change color, and the two arms that stretched out were completely black. Hang it up and pick it up.

"Let my other daughters go, or I'll eat him now",
As the old lady Zheng said, she split her mouth into an extremely large shape, and sent Fat Wei into her mouth, so that she could bite off Fat Wei's head at any time.

Chen Zhi's brows were tightly furrowed at this time, and he didn't know what to do for a while. There are less than a hundred demons left in the enchantment he controlled. If he let go, he will never negotiate with Mrs. Zheng again. conditions of.And the ability of this old god slave should never be underestimated. Once she no longer cares about it, Chen Zhi is not sure whether he and Ghost Saber can deal with it. fight.

Ghost Saber was also standing beside Chen Zhi at this time, holding a long knife, not daring to act rashly.

"I rely on your grandma, dead old demon woman, I hacked you to death~~~~~~~"

At this moment, something unexpected happened, and I saw Pang Wei suddenly flipped out of Mrs. Zheng's hand, holding the small stone-controlling dagger that he had been hiding in his trouser leg, (made by the lunatic for Pang Wei) The short knife, made by a junior control stone, is usually hidden in the trouser leg and is rarely used), and stabbed at Mrs. Zheng's face.

This move was really caught off guard. The old lady Zheng always thought that Fat Wei was in a coma just now, and she always looked down on him as an ordinary human being. On the left eye, the knife pierced so deeply that the handle went in at the end.


Mrs. Zheng let out a scream, her left eye was bleeding black, her face melted like a puddle of mud, she let go of the arm holding Pang Wei's thigh, and Pang Wei rolled over to the ground with a grunt.

After Fat Wei got up from the ground, he quickly ran to Ghost Dao with the knife in his hand, hid in Chen Zhi's barrier, and cursed loudly,
"Stinky and shameless old demon woman, she is so old and still doesn't wear pants, and she still wants to threaten Cheng Zi with Fat Master. I'm a vegetarian when you treat Fat Master? If you don't give you some power, you won't know Fat Master. I have grown a few eyes..."

The slash just now had obviously severely injured Mrs. Zheng, and the girls around it began to get anxious, clawing up and down, provoking Chen Zhi and the others, but after a while, Mrs. Zheng's melting body slowed down. It slowly returned to its original state, but there was no human skin color on its face, it was as dark as the stone wall here.

At this time, Chen Zhi had completely enclosed the nearly a hundred baboons in his hands in the barrier, one layer inside the other, tightly wrapped.

Chen Zhi was in the middle of the seal, holding the bloody butcher knife, pointing at Mrs. Zheng and said.

"How? Now our deal can be established?"

 Thanks for the reward: Daosheng Yijian 100; Wang Jiaxing 100 [-]
  Thank you for your support recently, as always, as always, true and true, I want to be real and not fantasy, leave a message to praise me if there is nothing, I am short of love

(End of this chapter)

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