Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 425

Chapter 425 The Bastard ([-])

The situation in front of her finally began to balance. The old lady Zheng, whose skin was blackened like a stone, no longer showed any expression, and did not continue to try to attack.After she was silent for a long time, she waved her hand, and the girls around her no longer ran around, but all sank to the ground, disappearing into the black bricks underground.

Those girls who were trapped in the barrier by Chen Zhi stopped crying and howling. They lay down on the barrier together and looked at the old lady Zheng in the corner, like a beast tied up in a cage waiting to die. Waiting for Mrs. Zheng to come to rescue them.

"you're right……"

Mrs. Zheng said in extremely proficient ancient scriptures,
"I used to be a human being, just a humble slave of the gods. It was a long, long time ago. At that time, the heaven, earth, people and gods, everything in the world was completely different from what it is now. I was left here to die alive , My status is low, I don’t even know what ghost trees you are talking about, even if there are ghost trees here, how can I let a slave like me know.

In fact, these daughters of mine used to be human beings, but their human race forced them to become ghost girls. Their previous life experience was very pitiful.Since you have human blood, use your human heart to take pity on these daughters of mine, and let them go!Their pasts are far more miserable than you can imagine, and they are all the most miserable women in the world. "

After Mrs. Zheng finished speaking, her dark eyes looked at the girls in the barrier with pity, and then turned to look at Chen Zhi.

"I have no interest in you or these ghost girls. Your past has nothing to do with me. All I care about now is the ghost tree. If you don't tell me where the ghost tree is? I will turn them into minced meat now."

Chen Zhi didn't react at all to what Mrs. Zheng said just now. His eyes were bloodshot, and the veins on his head burst out. He clenched his teeth to activate the airflow, and the barrier quickly became smaller, squeezing nearly a hundred of the demons in it tightly. together.All of a sudden, the girls howled miserably in the enchantment. Some of the girls' bodies had been crushed and deformed, their limbs were crushed like flesh, blood burst out, and the screams spread in the air. The scene was horrible.

Mrs. Zheng's dark eyes kept calmly watching the tragic scene in front of her, and she kept silent. After a long time, she finally uttered a sentence,

"It seems that the most cruel ones are you humans in the end! Let them go, I know where the ghost tree is."

When Chen Zhi heard these words, he let go of his hand, and the barrier instantly opened. Those girls who were almost squeezed to pieces just now fell to the ground, and they were all splashed with the flesh and blood of their companions. Spinning around like ants on the ground.

"Say it! Don't try to play tricks in front of me..."

Chen Zhi's voice was icy, colder than the black rocks here. He didn't even look at the tragic situation in the barrier, and pressed the old lady Zheng again.

Old Mrs. Zheng looked at the terrified girls crawling around in the barrier with flickering eyes, her face full of unbearable, after hesitating for a while, she finally said,
"It is true that there used to be many ghost trees here. The Fusang sacred tree is the essence of the heaven and the earth. It can reach the sky and enter the earth, surpassing all restrictions and boundaries. It was an era of colorful spirits, and there were miracles that are unimaginable now. I Once had the honor to see the style of the hibiscus sacred tree, which is a magnificent and beautiful sacred tree.

But after that war, my God burned down this great sacred tree. Since then, everything in the world has changed.At that time, the roots of the hibiscus tree were intertwined and intricate underground, and spread all over the underground area, but they were all reduced to ashes under the fire of my god. As far as I know, there are no remains now. "

"Smelly old woman, didn't you just say that you know where the ghost tree is? Don't f*ck play tricks with us, the roots of the tree are all burnt, you know a fart, don't talk about those useless things, If you know anything, say it quickly, and if you talk nonsense, you will crush your ghost daughters into meat..."

Fat Wei was still very angry at the matter that Mrs. Zheng used him as a persimmon and dragged him into the ground just now, and asked loudly.

But Mrs. Zheng didn't respond to Fat Wei's scolding. Her voice was dull and hoarse like a broken bell. After a long silence again, she continued,
"My god will never forgive my sins today. In fact, there are indeed no roots of the hibiscus tree left in the ground, but as far as I know, when my god's coffin was built, materials were taken from here. The root of the Hibiscus tree was used. But my status is low, I am just a slave who was buried, and I don’t know the specific situation at that time.”

"Is the god you speak of the goddess of drought in the murals?"

Chen Zhi stared at the old lady Zheng in front of him and asked,

"Drought God, just a name it used to be",
Mrs. Zheng replied hoarsely,
"It has many names, some of which are too old to remember. It was a long, long time ago. The stone gate you see now is our holy place. We dare not enter it, not because of it. Not to go, but because behind this river is the entrance to the tomb of my god."

"Sure enough",
Chen Zhi thought quickly in his mind, and continued to ask,
"When we cross this river, we will reach the cemetery of the Drought God. Is there the coffin we want there?"

"Yes! But I have never seen the look behind this river. Don't forget, I am just a humble slave of God! I will never be qualified to step into the sacred tomb of God. But I know that there is only destruction there. If you insist on going your own way and must go in to find the ghost tree, then you go, and you will eventually be like those people and never come out again."

"Do you mean that before we came, someone had already gone in to find the ghost tree? Who were they and when did they go in?",
Chen Zhi asked hurriedly, he didn't expect the people from Anbu to act before them, and so fast.

"They came a few days ago, they are the same people as him",
Mrs. Zheng pointed to the ghost knife next to her,

"These people came in from the entrance of the cellar in the middle of the night. They are very powerful and fast, but most of them have been killed by us. The two best people crossed the river behind you and entered into the cemetery of my god, and never came out again.”

"Then how did they get past this line of defense?"

Chen Zhi remembered how difficult it was for them to open the stone gate just now, and immediately felt strange, and continued to ask Mrs. Zheng.

"do not know!"

Mrs. Zheng replied calmly,

"These people came prepared. They crossed this stone gate in their own way, but they failed to come out in the end. The end result of you is the same. After crossing this river, you go to another world, where there is no time. , there is only nothingness, everything is reduced to ashes, and you will all be buried in the fire of my god in the end."

"What do you mean?",
When Chen Zhi heard this, he immediately asked,

"You mean to say that the god of drought is still alive?"

 Thanks for the reward: Book Pirates, his team leader 100; Yan Hai Yun Tian 500
(End of this chapter)

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