Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 426: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 426 Drought Tomb ([-])

Old Mrs. Zheng's body was as black as a rock, motionless in the corner. Her body began to recover gradually, turning into a normal skin color, and her complexion was no longer ferocious and provocative. Her cloudy eyes looked at Chen Zhi, and slowly moved said,

"Whether my god is still alive or not, I really don't know, but after the great war, my god was buried alive in this place. At that time, she was very angry and released the sky fire to burn everything. So there is a cold river here , to the east of the river is a piece of desolation that was completely burned by the sky fire, and it is also the place where she is sealed.

As for how a powerful god like my god was captured and banned, I don't know, but since then, I have never seen my god again, and the other god slaves who were buried with him all died.For thousands of years, I have been able to hear the heavy and majestic footsteps on the other side of the river, and the roar of the angry fire of my god, but in the past 1000 years, I have not heard it for a long time.

Now he really doesn't know whether to describe the god in it as life or death, but if she is still there, it must be a terrifying god who has gone crazy.So I advise you, concubine Jiang, don't be too self-aware, don't use those foxes to measure the power of my god, behind that is a real ancient god, don't get lucky and think that you can beat her.

When Mrs. Zheng said these words, her tone was very calm, her face gradually turned pale, and she returned to her human appearance.

"I see,"

Chen Zhi replied in the enchantment,
"But I want you to go in with us. You have been a slave of the God of Dryness, it knows you, and you can lead us the way."


After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Mrs. Zheng suddenly laughed wildly.

"What are you talking about? Jiang's concubine, you actually think that I dare to lead you? It seems that you really have more human blood. Don't always think about gods with human thinking. I am just a slave. If I appear before my god, it will burn me without hesitation. I will never go in with you, because I know that entering there is death. If I die, my daughters I can't live. Therefore, I will not agree to your request, no matter what the reason."


Chen Zhi insisted on saying in the enchantment,
"We have missions on us, I am running out of time now, I have to put all my eggs in one basket and find Ghost Tree quickly, otherwise..."

"I know that enchantment of your Jiang family..."

Mrs. Zheng interrupted Chen Zhi and said with a smile,

"The little trick Jiang Ziya did is very interesting. If your barrier is broken, your world will cease to exist, but this has nothing to do with us underground. We will always live in darkness, which is something you despise and forget.

But I can help you with a small favor and help you delay the time limit for the barrier to collapse, but as for whether you can get the ghost wood in the tomb of the gods, it depends on your own luck. "

Mrs. Zheng then looked at Chen Zhi's chest,

"You have a ring that belongs to my god, right?"

Mrs. Zheng's words made Chen Zhi's heart fluctuate, and Chen Zhi immediately took out the Drought God ring from his bosom, and saw that the ring was shining brightly at this time, and the blank area in the middle that should have been inlaid with gems was particularly obvious .

"This ring is so old I can't even remember how long I haven't seen it"

In the far corner, Mrs. Zheng sighed in divine language,
"After that war, I thought this ring was lost. The war at that time... Forget it! Don't talk about it, it's better to forget about the past."

After Mrs. Zheng finished speaking, she lightly made a seal with her hand in the air, and a bright red bright spot rose from the air, slowly drifting towards Chen Zhi's direction.

"This is a ring from my god in the past. The gem that fell on the ring has been kept with me. Now I re-embed this gem on the ring and give it to you.

This gem is a gem comparable to sunlight in the past of my gods. It has a very powerful fire attribute. It represents the demeanor of my god in the past and can compete with the sun. Although this is not the fire stone you are looking for, it should be able to Temporarily support your enchantment, after you go out, use this free time to find the fire spirit stone!Of course, the premise is that you can come out of the tomb of God alive. "

After Mrs. Zheng finished speaking, she tapped her hand lightly, and the bright red light slowly floated into Chen Zhi's hand.

Chen Zhi opened a gap in the barrier, allowing the red light to slowly float in and land on the ring in his hand. Immediately, the ring shone red, and a bright red shining gemstone was inlaid in the ring. At the center of the ring, if you look at the complete ring at this time, it is so dazzling, bright red, emitting a dazzling red light.

Mrs. Zheng stood in the corner and said to Chen Zhi in a calm tone,
"Patriarch Jiang, I have done what I should do, now it is time to fulfill your promise and let my daughters go!"

"I will definitely fulfill my promise, I can release your daughters, but only after I come out of the tomb of God",
Chen Zhi stuffed the ring into his bosom, and continued to Mrs. Zheng,
"Don't worry, if we come out of the god's cemetery alive, we will definitely open this enchantment and let the girls go, but at the same time, if I die inside, this enchantment will never be opened. So your best Let’s pray that we find Ghost Tree as soon as possible, and get out of here alive!”,
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he opened a hole in the barrier, and then retreated out of the barrier together with Ghost Saber.

Then Chen Zhi walked up to Fat Wei, patted his shoulder and said,

"Fatty, listen to me, you can't go in with us, you stay here with those witches, protected by my fierce curse, they can't hurt you, it's too dangerous inside, you're hurt now, just go in Send to death."

"No, what do you mean by Cheng Zi..."

Fat Wei was stunned for a moment when he heard Chen Zhi's words, and then immediately retorted angrily,
But Chen Zhi didn't listen to him anymore, he quickly operated the airflow, and made an extremely thick barrier to wrap Pang Wei inside. Chen Zhi hugged Pang Wei's shoulders with both hands in the barrier, and hugged Pang Wei's shoulders in his ears. Said in a very low voice,

"I lied to them just now. If I die, this enchantment will disappear immediately, and these witches will eat you at that time, but their enchantment will open about an hour later than you. You must Escape from here before the girls react, take care!"

 Thank you for the reward: I heard that Dream 100; Daosheng Yijian 100; Yanhai Yuntian 500; Wei Tuo 100
(End of this chapter)

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