Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 427: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 427 Drought Tomb ([-])
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the barrier without hesitation, not caring about the furious Fat Wei behind him yelling and cursing.

He picked up the oxygen mask from the ground, carried the knife on his back, and walked towards the dark river together with the ghost knife.

Just as Chen Zhi and Ghost Sword were about to reach the dark river, he heard Mrs. Zheng's voice suddenly ringing in his ears.

"and many more……"

Chen Zhi was startled, and immediately turned around, only to see that Mrs. Zheng had arrived behind him at some point, and was pressing her cheek against his.

"This old witch is so fast, why is there no sound at all...",
Chen Zhi immediately jumped back two steps vigilantly, Ghost Knife quickly drew out the knife and shielded it in front of him.

Old Mrs. Zheng's human face had lost all color, her face was full of deep wrinkles, her eyes were dark, she looked at Chen Zhi like a ghost,

"Jiang's concubine, I have a word of advice for you, you must come back alive, otherwise your friend will be skinned and drunk by us, and suffer unspeakably.

Now, I'm going to tell you two things that you have to keep in mind.

One is that you will easily lose your way when you are in the tomb of the god. You should pay attention to the ring of my god. It will help you guide the direction when you are very close to the tomb of the god.

The second is, you have to remember to leave the ghost tree immediately after you get it, and don't wake it up. If it is really alive, you must try your best to avoid it, otherwise you will never have the possibility of surviving.Don't take the chance of defeating her. If she finds you, you will be burned to ashes by her fire before you can react.

"it is good!"

Chen Zhi glanced at the old lady Zheng in front of him meaningfully, then looked at Fat Wei who was locked in the barrier and cursed loudly, turned around again, quickly passed through the stone gate with Ghost Saber, and jumped to the In the underground river.

The underground river was very deep. When they were drawing water from the bank just now, they didn't feel any difference in this river, but when they entered the river and swam forward, they immediately found that the temperature in this river was extremely low. The river is icy cold and deep, it is simply a natural ice belt.

When they swam to the middle of the river, Chen Zhi's work clothes had already sounded the alarm due to the low temperature. Chen Zhi's face was covered with frost in the river water, and it was already frozen hard. Fortunately, the work clothes had the function of constant temperature, so they could maintain their health. normal status.

They quickly swam all the way to the other side of the river, and the two of them fell to the ground immediately after landing, and their legs began to cramp crazily.

The temperature on the other side of the river bank rose sharply, and there was a scorching hot atmosphere everywhere. The air was deformed and distorted under the high temperature, and the front was dark, and the oxygen was obviously thinner. Vigorously shaking and contracting, all the muscles in the whole body were cramped.

The two recuperated on the bank for a long time before Chen Zhi's legs fully recovered. The two put the oxygen mask back on their heads. Before they were about to set off, Chen Zhi looked back at the other side of the river. Mrs. Zheng was standing On the bank of the river, the expression on his face was weird and complicated, and he didn't know how to describe that terrifying face.

The huge statue of the goddess is beside them at this moment. The feet of the stone statue of the goddess are as big as a big boat. Hei Sha, still strange and inexplicable in the darkness, seemed to be warning them not to enter.

"Let's go! Move faster, follow me, and try not to make any noise",
Ghost knife said something to Chen Zhi after trying wireless, and then walked forward.

"it is good!"

Chen Zhi agreed wirelessly, tightened Tushen on his back, and then quickly walked forward following Ghost Saber.

The wind here is very strong, and it is difficult for Ghost Saber to keep up with him. Chen Zhi followed him very hard all the way. During this time, Chen Zhi kept in touch with Pang Wei through wireless.

The signal of the wireless was very good at the beginning, and Pang Wei kept shouting and cursing in the wireless, but after a while, the wireless buzzed~~ made noise, and the voice of Pang Wei on the wireless side became smaller and smaller, and gradually disappeared.Right now, the only ones who can be contacted wirelessly are Ghost Saber and Chen Zhi who are very close.

The front is a dark place, full of endless darkness, different from the black desert, there are no remnants of buildings or objects here, not even grains of sand. The ashes of the burning fire, and the endless black dust.

The strong wind howled, and the black dust was so light that it filled the air, and fell on their bodies and the glass of the oxygen mask, blocking their sight. Chen Zhi felt that they could no longer see the sky and the ground clearly. Up and down, left and right, and no direction at all.

Their feet feel very soft when they step on the ground, and they often fall into deep pits one after another. The deep pits are bottomless, and once they fall into it, it is difficult to get out.In desperation, they tied the two of them together with a rope, and the ghost knife was exploring the way a little bit ahead. If they fell into a deep pit, Chen Zhi would use the rope to pull him desperately from behind.

The two of them walked together in this dark sky. In the end, Chen Zhi had completely lost his visual ability. There was no reference or color in this area, and his eyes could not grasp the foothold. , eye muscles are extremely tired, vision loss.There are only black dust flying in the sky and howling hot wind everywhere, and the road ahead is far from seeing the end, which makes people feel hopeless.

After they walked like this for about ten hours, the warning lights on the overalls sounded. It was already very hot here, and Chen Zhi's heartbeat began to slow down.

"This place is not right. We may lose our way if we continue to move forward. The wireless on the other side of the river has been cut off. Can you still find the way you came?"

Ghost Saber asked Chen Zhidao in a low voice on the wireless,

Ghost Saber's ability to recognize directions is super strong. If even he gets lost, it proves that there is no direction at all in this place.

"no problem at the moment"

Chen Zhi replied on the wireless,

"I just left a stream of air on the bank of the river. No matter how far we go, I can feel that direction within a day, but after 24 hours, the air stream will dissipate. We think It will be difficult to go back."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he looked at the timer on his wrist. It has been 18 hours since they set off from the river bank. They have been exercising continuously in the strong wind. Chen Zhi's physical fitness has already reached the end, and now it is entirely dependent on his will Force is helping him to persevere.

During this period of time, Chen Zhi took out the Drought God ring more than once, but found that the ring has become dull here, and the ruby ​​on it is like a dead stone, which is of little use nothing.

"There is no way for us to walk around like this",
Ghost Saber said to Chen Zhi wirelessly,
"We don't have much time, your physical strength has been exhausted, you are waiting for me right now, I will go faster by myself, I will quickly search this place, and then come back to find you."


Chen Zhi immediately objected,

"This place is very evil. If we get farther away, the wireless will be cut off soon. You may not be able to find it. It will be even more troublesome if the two of us lose contact. You don't have to worry about me and keep going! How fast do you go? will follow you..."
The two were arguing in the strong wind, and suddenly a shocking loud noise interrupted their conversation.


The ground under their feet shook, and a violent vibration came from a distance.

 Thank you monthly ticket: Ming Xinxi 2; Zhongshan Liuying; 10;

(End of this chapter)

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