Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 428: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 428 Drought Tomb ([-])
It was a loud sound like the ground cracking during an earthquake, but it was even more violent. The ground shook under their feet, and there was also a huge roar, which was very dull and deafening.

"Follow me, don't make a sound",
Ghost knife said vigilantly through the wireless, pulled the rope, and signaled Chen Zhi to run towards the direction of the voice with him.

During the long timeless walk just now, no direction was the scariest thing. Now there is a sound suddenly in this dark silence. No matter what the source of the sound is, it is a glimmer of hope for them. It was as if a person floating in the ocean hit a board, and the two of them immediately ran towards the direction of the sound.

The sound continued, getting closer and louder. The ears of the two people were buzzing, and they kept running towards the source of the sound. They soon discovered that the roaring sound It sounds like it is right in the ear, but in fact it is far, far away when running.

They ran like this for nearly two hours in the black dust all over the sky, and Chen Zhi's breath was almost exhausted, but at this moment, the huge roar suddenly disappeared.

Without the sound, there was no direction, and the two fell into endless darkness and silence again. They stopped running, and Chen Zhi sat on the ground. His muscles twitched rapidly. He had been in the high temperature area for nearly twenty hours. The strenuous exercise, which is unbearable for a normal person's body, Chen Zhi's breathing has been difficult to continue, he hugged the oxygen mask on his head with both hands, controlled his violent heartbeat, and breathed greedily.

Ghost knife also knelt on the ground with half of one leg, holding the ground with one hand, and adjusted his breathing in the oxygen mask.

They just stood there for a long time, and Chen Zhi finally allowed his body to stand up again, but every muscle in his body was in pain like a cramp.

At this moment, Chen Zhi suddenly discovered that there was an indescribable humming sound from all around. This sound came from far to near, at a slow and uniform speed, so that it was not noticeable.

But Chen Zhi had heard this special sound before, it was the sound of a huge high-temperature liquid flowing slowly.

When Chen Zhi was in the steel factory in the past, he once saw the front-line steel workers pouring hot molten iron out of the blast furnace, and the red-hot molten iron flowed in the pipe. The sound of liquid flowing, so far, Chen Zhi still remembers the feeling of burning skin and high temperature when he was close to the pool of boiling hot molten iron.

"No, it's magma!"

Chen Zhi shouted loudly through the wireless, and pulled the rope desperately to stand up. At this moment, he saw a sudden bright red in the black sky in the distance.The temperature of the surrounding land increased rapidly, and the bright red color in the sky was getting closer and closer. An extreme heat wave hit, and the work clothes on their bodies immediately squeaked~~~squeak~~squeak~~~ The alarm sounded.

"do not move!"

Ghost Knife had already noticed the changes in the surroundings. He waved his hand to keep Chen Zhi quiet, then he lay down on the ground with his breath held, his ears on the ground, and listened carefully to the direction of the magma around him.

Chen Zhi looked around anxiously at this time, seeing that the bright red gradually stretched, and the scorching red magma gradually appeared from all directions, and then quickly attacked their position, the surrounding was completely red, and they couldn't find it. The direction of escape, standing here like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, the sky was burned red in an instant, and the magma covered the sky, and they could be reduced to ashes in the next second.

At the last moment, Ghost Knife suddenly jumped up and shouted in the wireless.


After Ghost Knife finished speaking, he pulled the rope and took Chen Zhi to run desperately in one direction. Chen Zhi followed behind with all his strength, seeing the hot magma create a huge wave and was about to pounce on them. At this time, Chen Zhi had already seen When they couldn't reach the direction, their whole bodies were covered with magma.

At this time, Ghost Saber grabbed Chen Zhi's arm and carried it to his shoulder. His feet no longer stuck to the ground, and he flew up at an unimaginable speed, rushing forward like a bullet.

At the same time, behind them instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

When Ghost Saber put Chen Zhi on the ground, he fell to the ground all of a sudden, his strength was exhausted, and he gasped vigorously in the oxygen mask.

It was only then that Chen Zhi discovered that in the few seconds just now, Ghost Saber had run a distance of nearly two kilometers, which was an unimaginable speed for human beings.

At this moment, they are on a high ground, but the position they were in just now is actually a low-lying land. It is like a big bowl, which has been filled with magma and turned into a fiery red sea.

The alarm sound on the work clothes of the two people gradually became smaller, and their oxygen masks were all reddish red reflected by the fiery magma. It is hard to imagine that even if the Ghost Knife was only half a second slower just now, they would be ashes now. .

Chen Zhi sat on the ground and panted vigorously. Everything around him was illuminated by the magma, and his vision recovered. Ghost Knife was still lying on his back beside him. His body was twitching violently like an epileptic patient. There was the sound of his heavy, painful breathing, and sometimes his low hoarse cry. Ghost Dao's physical strength had been exhausted. His inhuman rapid running just now made his muscles start to recover.

Chen Zhi watched from the side as Ghost Knife was tormented by convulsions, and then gradually calmed down. After they had been silent in the dark for a long time, Ghost Knife's breathing gradually became normal, and his body also returned to calm.

The counter on the arm showed that 20 hours had passed, at this time Ghost Saber said softly through the wireless,

"That ring can temporarily support the enchantment. If we can't find our way again, you can leave me behind and take that ring back with you! I'll stay here by myself to find the ghost tree. If I find it, I'll go out and find you. "

"To shut up!"

Chen Zhi said without hesitation in the wireless, after taking a while, he finally uttered two words with difficulty,
"All right!"

During the subsequent silence between the two, a red light flashed before Chen Zhi's eyes, and he found that his chest was glowing. The chest gradually spread.

Chen Zhi hurriedly reached out to his chest and took out the ring. He saw that the drought god ring inlaid with rubies had emitted layers of red rays of light, and finally condensed into a bright beam of light, pointing straight at behind Chen Zhi.

(End of this chapter)

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