Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 429: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 429 The Tomb of the Drought God ([-])
[Thank you book friend, don't use Qianlong 8, the [-] reward just now was directly named the leader of the alliance, it's really awesome!I will have another chapter in the future. In order to thank the book friends for their support, I will stay up all night and write until I vomit blood. 】

"The ring of the god of drought has responded, and the coffin of the god should be nearby."
Chen Zhi looked at the radiant ring in his hand, and shouted to Ghost Saber in the wireless with extreme excitement,

"Quickly pick up the knife, we're going to find the ghost tree, and the coffin shouldn't be far away."

Hearing Chen Zhi's voice, Ghost Knife seemed to have been given a shot of stimulant. He immediately turned over and sat up. The two of them turned their heads and looked behind them. The area behind them had been illuminated by the hot magma, and everywhere was a fiery red The fiery red color, the light of the ruby ​​on the ring softly stretched forward, like a luminous line, shooting straight into a distant area, where it was pitch black, and the heights and ups and downs of the ground could not be seen at all. Can't see clearly in the dark.

But Chen Zhi had a feeling at this time that from just now, his oxygen mask had been filled with a strong smell of sulfur. Although everything here has been covered by black dust, it does not mean that there is no geology here. It can be seen that the dark area in front of them is not a flat river, the air is going against the current in front of them, deforming there, the darkness is more like a deeply sunken area, for example, a crater.

After the two of them confirmed their location, they didn't rush on their way, but sat on the spot and rested for 10 minutes. Although the time was very tight, it was more important not to let the body collapse, especially the ghost knife. The rapid run just now hurt him The tendons must now take a short rest to allow the muscles to recover.

They drank a lot of water in the oxygen mask, like a traveler with a dry cough in the desert, the water temperature lowered the body temperature, and the metabolism gradually returned to normal.

After a brief recovery, the two turned on the searchlights and shone forward slowly.

Soon, Chen Zhi's hypothesis was confirmed. After they walked forward for a while, the place where the ring's light beam was projected slowly revealed the whole picture in front of them. The dark area was indeed a bottomless abyss , cliffs, bare rock walls and volcanic soil everywhere, is a typical dormant crater.

They looked down the crater, and it was pitch black. Suddenly, a strong wind blew from behind, almost blowing them into the volcano. Chen Zhi squatted on the ground and raised his hand to look inside with a searchlight. The sulfurous smell hits the face, and the surrounding rocks are hard and black.

This crater is very spectacular. There is no end in sight from that side, and the left and right sides extend infinitely, and it is not known where it leads.

Chen Zhi knows that, according to historical records, there are many extinct volcanoes left behind in ancient times that have always been unsolved mysteries. The reasons for their formation are very complicated, and they have always been the birthplace of myths and legends.From ancient times to the present, there are legends that there are coiled dragons living in countless volcanoes and then ascended to heaven, and there are also legends that giants are buried in volcanoes.There is also a legend that the volcano is actually the anger of the giant god who sleeps underground. When the giant god roared, the ground fire erupted from below, forming a volcano to punish humans who were not loyal to the gods.

In fact, generally speaking, volcanoes are the result of changes in the geological layer. There is a "liquid zone" 100 to 150 kilometers below the earth's crust, in which there is a high-temperature molten silicate material, that is, magma.Once it breaks out of the weaker parts of the Earth's crust, it forms a volcano.Volcano is divided into "active volcano", "extinct volcano" and "dormant volcano".

But today's geologists have discovered that the formation of many very old volcanoes has nothing to do with geological changes, and in some volcanoes, traces of precision man-made can be found, and the deep holes in some craters are extremely deep. , which cannot be entered with the power of modern technology, but some huge decorations were unearthed inside, like the funerary objects in the burial tomb, but this phenomenon is extremely rare and has been kept secret. any explanation.

The volcano where Chen Zhi and the others are now seems to be quiet, but the nearby surface temperature is very high, and the geological crevices and lava mouths all maintain hot gas vents. Under this seemingly quiet volcano, there may be pressure Such a strong smell of sulfur can only be emitted from a piece of hot magma, it is likely to be a dormant volcano ready to go.And the beam of light from the ring goes straight to the bottom of the crater.

But this is undoubtedly good news for Ghost Saber and Chen Zhi right now. In such an environment, exhaustion and heat have already made them forget the concept of fear and death. I don't have the mind to care about how dangerous it will be below.

The ghost knife felt the slipperiness of the rock wall, then hooked the iron hook at the end of the rope to the rock wall of the crater, and pulled the rope to test its firmness.

Chen Zhi glanced at the timer on his arm, they only have 4 hours now, after 4 hours, the air current that Chen Zhi left on the river bank will dissipate, and they will never find their way back way out.

After confirming that the rope was firmly grasped, the ghost knife jumped down and landed on the rock wall below, and waved at Chen Zhi. Chen Zhi also hooked the iron hook on the rock wall and jumped like a ghost knife. down.

They just grabbed the rope and slowly climbed down the rock at an angle of 90 degrees. This kind of difficult rock climbing, which they had tried in RB, was not difficult for Chen Zhi.But the difficulty is that the temperature here is getting hotter and hotter. The rock walls inside the volcano are scalding hot, and the smell of sulfur makes them dizzy.

Chen Zhi and the others couldn't care about anything else at this time, they just climbed down quickly all the way, but what they didn't expect was that they reached the bottom very quickly.

When both feet stepped on the ground, Chen Zhi felt that the touch underneath was very strange, as if stepping on something slippery, and the surrounding clouds were steaming, and there were precious lights shining everywhere in the darkness. Chen Zhi used the searchlight to shine down. Go, I was startled and almost reached out to draw the knife.

In the darkness under my feet, I saw a huge black dragon circling and entangled together. That giant dragon was trapped in the five-colored boulder, with angry eyes wide open, a hideous shape, and an extremely weird posture. Among the clouds, mist and waves, it is as if alive.

 Thanks for the reward: Don't use Qianlong 8, a big reward of [-].

  Ming Xinxi 1100; Wei Tuo 100; Mr. Almost 500;

(End of this chapter)

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