Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 430: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 430 The Tomb of the Drought God ([-])
[More, repeated revisions three times without hydrology, vomiting blood.Thank you again for the new alliance leader, don't use Qianlong 8. 】

After Chen Zhi and Ghost Knife stabilized for a while, they turned on the searchlights and looked around carefully, only to see that this place is actually a super-large five-color stone slab, which is very similar to the large one at the entrance. Like a round lid, it seals the crater.

There is a vivid black stone dragon in the middle of the colored stone slabs. The craftsmanship of the stone carving is very vivid. It is faintly visible in the sunlight, revealing the body of the floating dragon and the colorful scales. The pain is the same, with claws and teeth, fangs and bloody eyes, just like hell ghosts.

Chen Zhi continued to use the searchlight to shine into the distance. When he saw the overall appearance of the dragon clearly, he immediately walked forward. He saw two long wounds on the back of the black dragon, which were very obvious. Chen Zhi went to There, groping for the wound, I felt a cold feeling in my hands.

"This colorful stone slab and this black stone dragon are completely different from the overall style of this place. It seems that they were added here later. Moreover, although this dragon is alive and well, it has a weird figure and an overly ferocious expression. It is not the same as our legendary dragon. The dragon is different, this dragon looks evil, more like an alienated evil dragon, and...",
When Chen Zhi said this, he touched the two obvious wounds on the dragon's spine under his feet,
"The dragon here should be a Yinglong with broken wings."

Yinglong is the god in the mural who was invited by Xuanyuan Huangdi to defeat Chi You, but unlike the colorful dragon in the mural, this black dragon here is extremely painful and ferocious.

In ancient Chinese legends, there are various interpretations of dragons. Dragons are divided into Jiaolong, Chilong, Qiu, and Yinglong. It is said that dragons were originally water gnats. It is a dragon, the dragon is a horned dragon for 500 years, and it is Yinglong for a thousand years.

And Yinglong is a winged dragon. It is said that Yinglong's body is very huge. When Yu was controlling the flood, Yinglong once painted the land with his tail and formed rivers to make the water flow into the sea.

"Shan Hai Jing? The Great Wilderness Eastern Classic" once recorded, "In the northeast corner of the Great Wilderness, there is a mountain named Jili Tuqiu. Yinglong is located in the South Pole. He killed Chi You and Kuafu. He couldn't go up again, so there were several droughts. The drought was a response. The shape of a dragon brings heavy rain." It is this kind of dragon that is mentioned in it.

At this time, Chen Zhi looked at the huge Yinglong floating in the stone slab, and looked at the wounds of its broken wings, and felt that this dragon was so real, as if it could fly out at any time, and he himself was not sure about this at the moment. A dragon, is it a stone carving or real?

"It seems that the ghost old lady didn't tell us the truth",
Chen Zhi whispered to Ghost Saber in the wireless,

"After the god of drought was buried alive in that war for a thousand years, someone came here again. The purpose of this person's coming in was probably to seal the god of drought again. As the ghost old lady said, thousands of years ago She can still hear the roar and footsteps of the Dry God, but for thousands of years, there has been no sound at all."

When Chen Zhi said this, he suddenly felt that something flickering on the dragon was very familiar. He immediately used a searchlight to shine on Shi Long, and saw some golden patterns engraved densely on the body of these stone dragons. It looks like scales, but when you turn on the searchlight and look carefully, you find that there seem to be words under the scales, which are rows of extremely dense and small divine incantations, lined up line by line, very familiar, it is Jiang's strong curse! "

Chen Zhi's head buzzed, and he carefully identified the words on the scales, and confirmed again that this is the whole set of spells of Fierce Curse. Complete, more accurate than those incantations given to Chen Zhi by Chi Yunzi, it is the most primitive and authentic powerful incantation.

Chen Zhi became excited at this time, he walked quickly on the Panlong Stone with a searchlight on, read all the mantras on Yinglong's body, and quickly memorized them in his heart. Only now did Chen Zhi realize that his memory ability was Such an astonishing amount of cumbersome and complicated incantations were all memorized by him within a few minutes.

Chen Zhi knew that in terms of the inheritance of the Jiang family's mantra, only the patriarch of the Jiang family could come here to arrange the fierce curse seal, but judging from the time period and the strength of the fierce curse seal, he could make this The person with the Panlong seal can only be that person in Chinese history who shone like the sun and stars, Jiang Ziya, the Yuan Zun of the Jiang family.

Ghost Saber saw Chen Zhi's abnormal behavior, and followed him on the stone slab. When they reached the dragon's head, they saw a line of big divine characters engraved on the horns of the dragon's head. It was very eye-catching and obviously attracted people's attention. of.

"What's written there?",
Ghost Saber asked Chen Zhidao in a low voice on the wireless.

Chen Zhi looked at the divine text indifferently, with mixed feelings in his heart, and finally shook his head and said,
"It's hard to fully translate the meaning of that sentence, but if you try to describe it in modern language, the meaning of that sentence is——Order to tell my descendants, Burn the Heavens and the Evil God, Swallow the Heavens and Drink the Seas, No one can beat you, It must never be released from its imprisonment, thousands of thousands."

After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Ghost Knife was stunned for a moment, and after a long silence, he said,
"We must go down, but our steps must be light, we must not make any noise, and we must not disturb the things below."

Chen Zhi agreed without hesitation in the wireless.

The two began to look for an entrance on the stone slab. At this time, the wind above had become extremely strong, and the hot magma could not reach here. Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao each turned on their searchlights and looked for the entrance under the light. This stone slab The dragon's body was undulating, extremely uneven, and the dragon's body was extremely alive, as if it was really alive. Finally, they found a gap in the center of the colored stone slab.

That gap looks like a broken stone, where a dragon claw is located, and there is where the fierce curse seal gathers, like a nail, firmly nailing the round stone slab to the crater.

"I'm going to cast a strong spell to break this seal now",
Chen Zhi said to Ghost Saber wirelessly,

"This seal is very powerful. It is the essence of Jiang's blood. I don't know if I have the ability to break this seal. Let me try it. Go farther away and don't come here under any circumstances."

"it is good!"

Ghost Saber agreed, jumped to the side, and landed on the rock wall.

Chen Zhi closed the curtain and stared, dissipating all the airflow in his body, turning it into thousands of branches, leaping, rushing into the air, and then falling rapidly, countless airflows fell on the stone slab like meteors, and the spell on the stone slab began to move, like A series of chains opened.

At this time, a strong air flow flew out from the stone slab, and it rose straight into the air and hit Chen Zhi's chest. The force was so strong that Chen Zhi felt his whole body was shattered, and a gust of blood spurted out. come out.

With his eyes blurred, Chen Zhi suddenly saw the familiar white-haired old man glaring at him in the stream of light in front of him, and scolded him in a deafening voice.

"Nizi, what do you want to do?"

 Thanks for the reward: Don't use Qianlong 8, a big reward of [-].

  Thank you, Shengshi Liren for the 2000 rewards.

  Thanks, good night

(End of this chapter)

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