Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 431: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 431 The Tomb of the Drought God ([-])
This white-clothed old man is very familiar to Chen Zhi. His face is full of shallow wrinkles, his pale face has no trace of blood, his eyes are bright and watery, and his white hair is like a handful of silver threads, shining at every root. Bright, draped over the shoulders, with a snow-white silver wooden hairpin inserted in the bun, looming in the light cluster, like a phantom.It was Chen Zhi who saw Jiang Ziya in the illusion when he succeeded the patriarch.

At this time, Jiang Ziya seems to be younger, with white beard and white shirt and silver hair, he looks like a god, the air around him is extremely strong, and Chen Zhi's power is quickly sucked away by the ray of light, resulting in The chains of the world circled back, bound again, and firmly guarded the seal on the stone slab.

At the same time, the fierce curse on the barrier flowed upstream, pressing heavily on Chen Zhi's chest, like a mountain pressing down on the top, making Chen Zhi breathless.

Jiang Ziya's face was blurred in that ray of light, which was different from the last time we met. At this time, he was glaring and his face was majestic. The strong light around him was extremely dazzling, pressing on Chen Zhi's head like the sun was in the sky, deafening anger to drink,
"Nizi, you dare to commit such a heinous crime, what do you want to do?"

Just as Chen Zhi wanted to be lucky, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and he immediately became dizzy. Jiang Ziya's aura left him no room to struggle. Chen Zhi couldn't move under the heavy pressure, and couldn't help shouting,

"The collapse of the enchantment is just in the middle, we have to do it..."

After Chen Zhi said this, he scolded himself for being stupid. He knew that the Jiang Ziya in front of him was not real, it was just an illusion under the curse, it was transformed from the residual power left on the seal , and Jiang Ziya's image will appear here, precisely because Jiang's descendants are currently using a strong spell to unseal their own seal.

But unexpectedly, the phantom seemed to understand it, and then it lowered its eyes, and seemed to let out a low moan.

Then the air flow turned, the light faded, Jiang Ziya's phantom gradually dissipated, the air flow of the fierce curse was activated again, and finally all the curse words on the entire Panlong stone board floated into the air.

Bang Dang~~~ One sound,
It seemed as if a big lock had been opened inside the stone slab, and the giant black dragon slowly jumped up, and it froze in front of Chen Zhi with its teeth and claws open, and an iron ball spit out from its mouth.

At this moment, Chen Zhi covered his chest, swallowed the bloody foam in his mouth, and let the air flow in his body gradually calm down. The ghost knife who had been silent on the cliff just now jumped down, looked at the blood on Chen Zhi's chest and said ,
"Are you okay! Can you still hold on?"

Chen Zhi took a sip of water in the oxygen mask, washed away the blood on his mouth, walked up to the dragon's head, put his hand into the dragon's mouth, grabbed the iron ball and pulled it hard,
Gaden~~~~~~~ One sound,
A wrist-thick black iron chain more than one meter long was pulled out.

After the iron chain was spit out from the faucet, it was turned to the side immediately, and a strong sulfur smell came to the nostrils instantly, and a hole with the width of the mouth of a well appeared in front of them.

"This is an upside-down entrance. People will seal the door immediately after entering. Jiang Ziya set up this Panlong seal at the beginning to prevent the things below from coming out with a strong curse, and also to prevent people from outside from entering. He can unlock the seal to enter and exit. It can only be the patriarch of the Jiang family alone, if the patriarch dies in an accident, the closed entrance can prevent others from entering again."

Chen Zhi squatted down, touched the narrow hole and said,

The hole is less than one meter wide, and a person can barely pass through it. The smell of sulfur comes from below. The temperature on the surface of the hole is extremely high, and there is a constant stream of steam, which looks like a steamer. The outlet is the same.

"Let's go! There is no time",
Chen Zhi didn't say anything more, the cat got up and jumped down, first crawled in through the gap, and then the ghost knife also crawled in, but not long after they entered, they heard a muffled sound, and the entrance door was broken. It's sealed.

This gap is very small, and after entering from the entrance, it is a naturally formed cave. This cave looks like a rock crack that was cracked during mountain movement, forming a steep downward passage. It is very dark inside, and it looks very dark. Deep, it seems to be able to lead all the way to the interior of the volcano.

The gap became narrower and narrower, and the two of them could not stand side by side, surrounded by large sharp stones with sharp edges and corners. The sulfur smell in the hole was terribly strong, the temperature was always high, and the work clothes sounded the alarm several times along the way.

Chen Zhi and Ghost Dao climbed forward with hands and feet together, shining their searchlights on the surrounding rock walls.

Starting from the entrance, the rock walls in the crevices of this mountain are all engraved with densely packed divine incantations, the engravings are very messy, the word frames are old, and many of them have been broken.

The two of them didn't bother to read these incantations, they lined up and quickly crawled to the depths.

Crawling in low places is actually the most test of people's perseverance. The whole gap is almost forty degrees downward. There are no steps, so it is easy to slide down. The inside is wide and narrow, and the surrounding rocks are like blades. In addition, here The high temperature, the two of them were already sweating profusely after climbing for a while.

After they crawled down a few kilometers at a fast speed, the smell of sulfur became stronger and stronger, and the rocks became darker and more colorful, which was the trace of mica melted at high temperature. Chen Zhi knew in his heart that they This should be the lava mouth of the volcano. From the looks of it, the volcano is in a state of excitement. If it erupts suddenly and the magma erupts from the inside of the mountain, they will be burned immediately.

The road ahead was even more difficult, the cracks in front shrank suddenly, and the rocks overlapped, leaving only a tiny gap to get in.Chen Zhi used a searchlight to illuminate the inside of the gap. It was probably caused by the collapse of the gap. The gap inside was very small. If he wanted to get in, he had to crawl and squeeze hard, and it was impossible to even bend his legs.

Chen Zhi took off the treasure bag and hung it on his feet to reduce his thickness as much as possible. This time it was Ghost Saber leading the way, and the two of them went back and forth, squeezing into the gap bit by bit.

This section of the gap is very long, and after climbing for a long time, the front can still pass, which is unexpectedly deep.The tip of the stone inside is very sharp. Fortunately, the clothes on their bodies are made of special fibers, otherwise they would have been smashed by now, but the hot rock squeezed Chen Zhi's chest, and the temperature inside the overalls was getting higher and higher. Chen Zhi gradually felt it was difficult to breathe.

At this time, Chen Zhi pulled the foot of the ghost knife in front and said,

"Daozi, the air pressure here is too low. We have to slow down. If we see a branch cave with a larger space in front of us, we should stop for a while and let's take a breather before we go."

After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he waited for Ghost Knife's reply on the wireless, but after waiting for a long time, there was no sound on the wireless, and the Ghost Knife in front continued to crawl forward as if he hadn't heard it.

Chen Zhi called again on the wireless, but the ghost knife in front seemed to be unable to hear anything, he didn't respond at all, just crawled forward quickly, as if he forgot that there was Chen Zhi behind him.

"What's going on? Is the wireless broken?",
Chen Zhi was puzzled, and adjusted the wireless device on his body again, and when he looked forward again, his brain jumped up~~.

I saw that the gap in front was empty, and the ghost knife that was crawling in front just now suddenly disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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