Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 432: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 432 The Tomb of the Drought God ([-])
From the moment when Chen Zhi talked with Ghost Saber, until now he suddenly disappeared in front of Chen Zhi, definitely within 2 seconds. Even Ghost Saber couldn't disappear so quickly in this environment, let alone him. It is necessary to do so.

Chen Zhi felt in a trance at that time, subconsciously closed his eyes, and looked over carefully again, in a daze, he saw only a burst of hot air, and the ghost knife appeared in front of Chen Zhi again.

Chen Zhi shouted in surprise on the wireless,
"What's wrong?",
Ghost Knife immediately replied over the wireless, the voice was very dull

Chen Zhi's mind was in a mess for a while, and he could only answer falteringly,

"No..., nothing"


Ghost Daozi didn't continue to ask, and after agreeing to Chen Zhi, he began to crawl forward at an extremely fast speed.

Ghost Knife was even faster at this time, just like a mountain mouse, he huddled together, and moved forward in a row. At this moment, Chen Zhi even doubted whether he was The brain was invaded by sulfur and had hallucinations.

But the situation does not allow Chen Zhi to think too much, he needs to keep up with Ghost Saber as soon as possible, and every second counts in the remaining time.

But when he crawled past the place where Ghost Knife disappeared just now, Chen Zhi looked around with special attention, and there was no branch hole that could make Ghost Knife disappear, which made Chen Zhi feel a little flustered.

Passing through this gap, and advancing for about 10 to [-] minutes, Ghost Knife suddenly loosened his body and leaned forward. The gap in front became wider and the exit was reached.

The end of the gap was full of rocks that were as sharp as knives. After they climbed out, the two of them shot out searchlights and waved them around. The surrounding space was illuminated. This was a large blank area, which should be a mountain The relatively spacious place in the crack has a width of six to seven meters from left to right, and an area of ​​more than 300 square meters. There are large and small broken stones everywhere, and there are some remnants of ancient stone carvings, but they cannot be seen clearly.

Chen Zhi and Ghost Knife expanded the aperture of the searchlight, looked around, and found that on the cracked mountain wall, there was a large monochrome mural. The mural was poorly painted, with vulgar and dull colors, and the content was blurred. It looked like a goddess flying to the sky. situation.

There are a few small gaps between the gravel, which look very shallow, and the steam is steaming above them, and it doesn't look like people can get in, but there is no exit other than that, and their road has ended here.

After this series of crawling and crawling, Chen Zhi felt that all the muscles in his body were going to be broken. After vomiting blood just now, his chest tightness was unbearable, and he was too exhausted to speak, so he first found a place to lean down to soothe his heart.

After Ghost Knife came out, he didn't rest. He looked around the surrounding environment and immediately looked for the exit on the rock wall.

Chen Zhi sat there, panting, looking at the murals around him. This place was obviously a naturally formed cave with a narrow space, and the rough murals all over the sky gave people a strange and depressing feeling.

On the opposite side of Chen Zhi is a relatively flat rock wall, where there is a large piece of relatively complete murals, but there are not many colors on the murals, all of which are depicting patterns such as celestial maidens flying into the sky, expressing a kind of beautiful The scene of singing and dancing to raise peace is like the style of the weekend period. The scenes are repeated and have no practical meaning. Chen Zhi lost interest after seeing it.

Chen Zhi rubbed his calf, and when he was about to stand up and find the exit with Ghost Knife, he suddenly saw that Ghost Knife in front of him became agitated. He walked around quickly, looked around every corner of this space, and then said ,

"No! Everything here is wrong!"

Chen Zhi had never seen Ghost Knife like this before, felt a little strange, stood up and walked to Ghost Knife to ask,
"What are you saying wrong?",
"The mural here is wrong, not this picture",
Ghost Saber didn't look up at Chen Zhi, but continued to walk around anxiously.

Suddenly, his eyes stared straight at the murals on the wall, and then he laughed,
"This mural has been replaced..."

Ghost Knife then stretched out his hand and began to peel off the murals on the wall.

I saw Ghost Knife climbing onto the cliff like a gecko, scraping off the color on the mural with his fingers, and looking at the peeled off place, there was another mural inside, colorful and completely different from the one just now.

It was only then that Chen Zhi discovered that the murals on this wall actually had two layers, and the outer layer was obviously someone who painted a new layer on top of a mural in order to cover the original mural.

The Ghost Knife continued to crawl on the wall, scraping the rough murals with its fingers, and when the fake murals on it were removed little by little, some bright colors began to appear behind it.

The original murals were not strict in texture and were very easy to peel off. They began to fall off a lot under the scraping of the ghost knife. Soon, a large piece of murals were peeled off. After this old mural, a pair of colorful and imposing A majestic picture scroll was gradually unfolded in front of Chen Zhimen.

The color of the mural is very bright, with a lot of blood-like red. Under the searchlight, it flashes dazzling brilliance, as if the whole rock is oozing blood. It's incredible how well it's kept under another layer of paint.

However, what really surprised Chen Zhi was the content of the mural. It was difficult for Chen Zhi to describe the meaning of the above painting in words. The mural was divided into three parts as a whole, each describing different events. It looks very complete and can be described as beautiful.

This gorgeous mural seems to describe everything in the world at that time.

At the very beginning of the mural, a naked goddess appeared sitting on the throne. The goddess’s body was extremely tall, and the bright sun was right beside her. The goddess’s throne was obviously floating on the clouds. The naked maids are serving on the left and right, while under the clouds, there are rows of men. Those men are bound by ropes, like slaves, bowing down to the goddess.

There are more pictures in the second part, all of which describe war and hunting. The goddess throws weapons on the clouds to those men. A large number of men wearing animal skins and armor hunt huge beasts with arrow stones, and then dedicate them to them. goddess.There are also some pictures that record the battle. The men wearing animal skins and armor shot the people on the ground to death, burned houses and massacred them. The scenes were very brutal.

In these pictures, the goddess and the maids around her have been sitting high above the clouds, never coming down.

The third part of the mural is the most splendid. There are many figures on the screen. The maids of the goddess have come down from the clouds. The goddess on the sky turned into a normal human size, embracing the man on the cloud, the whole intercourse scene is straightforward, everything is exposed, and there is no taboo.

And the last mural was pressed behind an extremely huge stone, where it should be the end of the whole mural.

"Come and push this stone, the entrance is here",
After Ghost Knife saw the mural here, he still didn't look at Chen Zhi. He pushed the huge stone vigorously and asked Chen Zhi to help.

"do not move!",
Chen Zhi gave a low drink, walked over slowly, turned around in surprise and looked at his ghost knife and said,

"Since just now, your oxygen tube has been broken."

 Did you find out, this chapter is a lot fatter, I hope you enjoy reading it.

  That~~~, I want to discuss something with you.

  The next ten days are the busiest time of the year for me. Maybe the update is not satisfactory, but I will definitely not stop updating, and it will return to normal soon. I hope everyone understands, okay!
  Thanks for the reward: Great White Shark; Wei Tuo 2; Ming Xinxi

(End of this chapter)

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