Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 433: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 433 The Tomb of the Drought God ([-])
Chen Zhi walked over slowly, turned to look at his ghost knife and said,

"Since just now, your oxygen tube has been broken. How have you been breathing for such a long time?"

"What did you say?"

The ghost knife standing opposite was stunned for a moment, stopped pushing the stone, stood up and looked at his oxygen tube, only to see that the material of the oxygen tube was very poor, and it had cracked at some point, and the oxygen mask In other words, for more than half an hour since just now, there is actually no oxygen in Ghost Saber's oxygen mask.

"It seems that the oxygen mask you have transformed into is still different from the real thing, and it can easily show your feet."

As Chen Zhi said, he calmly pulled out Tu Long from his back, and pointed at the ghost knife in front of him.

"I knew a long time ago that you will definitely follow us. You have been acting from the beginning to the end, and you have been trying to lure us in. Your purpose is not to leave me here, but to lure me into the tomb of God , to undo the fierce curse seal set by Jiang Ziya.

am I right!Old god slave? "

The ghost knife in front of him silently listened to Chen Zhi's words, his face was very gray and stiff, as if he had no soul, he just stood there for a long time, finally took off the oxygen mask on his head, raised his face, His gradually cloudy eyes were revealed, the corners of his stiff mouth trembled, and he grinned grimly.

"Jiang Shang's blood is really sharp, you have seen through it!"

After the ghost knife finished saying this, the skin on his face began to dissolve and change rapidly, and his height began to gradually shorten. The overalls and oxygen mask he was wearing disappeared instantly like a wisp of green smoke.The body showed the characteristics of a woman, naked and naked, with deep wrinkles on the face and white hair all over the head. It was Zheng Luzi's mother, Mrs. Zheng.

Chen Zhi looked at the old Mrs. Zheng who had shown her prototype, and moved the airflow behind her with her left hand, and the surrounding aura gathered quickly and powerfully.Form a vortex state, ready to attack at any time.

"Since we crossed the river and entered the tomb of the gods, you have been following us. If I guessed correctly, you should have taught those girls the earth escape technique. You performed that scene very well. They are all attracted into the tomb of the gods. The perfect spell that you have used, Earth Dungeon, will allow you to walk in this dead zone without any difficulty.

It is estimated that you have always wanted to break the seal of the God of Dryness, but you are powerless against the strong curse set by Jiang Ziya, so you have been waiting for my arrival and use me to break the seal for you. "

As Chen Zhi said, he absorbed the surrounding airflow, and observed behind Mrs. Zheng vigilantly. He saw that the aura behind Mrs. Zheng was strong and dazzling, emitting a pale golden light. It was an ancient and powerful aura, condensed Chen Zhi knew that this ghostly old lady was by no means an ordinary character, and she was not as easy to deal with as those witches.


After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Mrs. Zheng grinned wildly.

"You're right. For thousands of years, I've been trying to open this Panlong seal, but the power of the fierce curse is too strong. I have to admit that Xiao Jiang Shang's tricks are very strong. I tried to break the seal several times without success. It failed. A while ago, some blue-belt warriors went to this god's tomb to look for the ghost wood. They looked very powerful, but they still couldn't break the seal of the fierce curse, and finally died in the death zone of this god's tomb.

From then on, I knew that my chance had come. Sooner or later, you would find this place to look for ghost trees, so I have been waiting here, and I was so excited when I saw you appear. It has been more than 6000 years, after that war , My God was betrayed by my own evil son, and her seal was finally about to be released.

And you... you really are Jiang's true blood, the seal set by that little Jiang Shang has finally been opened in your hands, hahahaha~~~~~~~~~~"

"I'm not interested in listening to your nonsense",
Chen Zhi interrupted Mrs. Zheng, pointed at her with the tip of a knife,
"Tell me, where did you get my friend? If you don't tell the truth, I will kill you immediately!"

"Chirp chirp chirp chirp~~~~~~~~~~",
Old Mrs. Zheng opened her mouth, revealing her sharp fangs.
"It seems that you really regard me as those useless girls. Do you think you can kill me? Do you know how long I have lived, hahahaha~~~~~~~~, little ant."

After Mrs. Zheng finished speaking, countless black arms pulled out from her back in an instant. Those arms were like sharp knives, blowing towards Chen Zhi from all directions with a strong wind.

At this time, Chen Zhi was under attack from both sides, and there was no corner to dodge in all directions.

Shua~~~~~~~~ With a sound, sparks splashed everywhere,
In just an instant, the airflow behind Chen Zhi flew into the air like a whirlwind, sharp as a blade, and chopped off all the black arms, hundreds of arms fell to the ground with crackling crackling.

"I know who you are……",
Chen Zhi withdrew his airflow and pointed at the mural with the tip of his knife.

I saw that on the mural, next to the goddess sitting high on the clouds, there was always a white-haired old maid. The old maid kept kneeling at the feet of the goddess, like a pet, even though the goddess was on the clouds with human men. When **, also knelt there, very pious.

"Are you the slave at the feet of the goddess?",
Chen Zhi said to Mrs. Zheng whose arm had been severed,
"It's very honorable to be by the side of the ancient goddess, high above you, right? But the glory will give you the illusion that you are also a god. Don't forget, no matter how ancient and glorious you are, your essence is just a God slave!"

After Chen Zhi said this, he stopped talking to Mrs. Zheng. He put the tip of his tongue against his teeth, and silently recited the mantra, using the air flow of the strong mantra.

These spells are all the original curses that Chen Zhi memorized silently on the Panlong stone slab just now. These primitive curses are too powerful. As Chen Zhi uttered the spells, a section of the divine script of the curses appeared on the screen with golden light. In the air, a dragon-shaped airflow gathered in the air, circling and rolling down in the air, like a big wave pouring into the sky, attacking Mrs. Zheng with unstoppable force, trapping Mrs. Zheng in it instantly.

Mrs. Zheng struggled left and right in the airflow and couldn't escape. At this moment, Chen Zhi had already followed the airflow, raised the Tushen and jumped into the air. The blade of the Tushen's blade was shining bright red, facing Mr. Zheng. The wife's forehead was chopped off by the wind.


Chen Zhi drank loudly, and the bitter air flow followed the Tushen Dao with a wave, and it hit the old lady Zheng's forehead.

A stream of thick black and red blood spurted out rapidly, and Mrs. Zheng's head was cut in half.

 One more night

(End of this chapter)

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