Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 434: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 434 The Tomb of the Drought God ([-])
Old Mrs. Zheng, whose head had been split in half, collapsed, but her split face was still smiling ferociously.


There was a sound of rock breaking, and Mrs. Zheng's whole body turned into a puddle of black mud, swimming quickly within the curse barrier.

At this time, Chen Zhi suddenly discovered that a piece of soil suddenly dissipated between the curse and the ground, and there was a gap the size of a needle's eye, and the black mud melted by Mrs. Zheng quickly penetrated into the gap. After escaping from the enchantment, it immediately melted into the soil and disappeared completely.

"Oops! What she was standing on just now was fake soil!"

Chen Zhi was screaming inwardly, when he suddenly heard Mrs. Zheng's voice from above his head.

"Bastard! Let me take off your head and make atonement for your ancestors!"

Immediately after a gust of wind hit, Chen Zhi felt a pair of withered hands grabbing his neck, nails deeply embedded in his flesh, and Mrs. Zheng jumped out from the rock wall above, jumping onto Chen Zhi's neck, with his face pressed against his.

"How? Like I said, you'll stay with me in the end!"

After the old lady Zheng finished speaking, her hands were extremely strong, and she tightly grasped Chen Zhi's cervical vertebrae, and twisted them backwards forcefully.

At this moment of life and death, a blue knife light flashed in the sky, a person jumped down from the roof of the cave, and swung countless knives at the old lady Zheng behind Chen Zhi. Flashing sharply in the darkness, the hands that were holding Chen Zhi's neck loosened, and with a bang, Mrs. Zheng behind her fell to the ground.

Chen Zhi immediately felt a sharp burning pain on his neck. The neck of his overalls was poked a few holes by Mrs. Zheng's nails.

The surrounding hot air immediately penetrated in, scalding several pieces of skin on his neck, piercing pain came, Chen Zhi immediately gritted his teeth, the moving air flow covered the hole in his neck, and then reached out to the treasure pouch Inside, take out the metal repair fluid prepared in advance and apply it on it.

This repair fluid was prepared for them by the lunatic before they set off, in order to prevent this kind of accident.

This repair fluid is a liquefied metal gel, and its essential function is very similar to that of glass glue. When the surface of the work clothes is damaged in a small area, this repair fluid can be applied to the hole, and it will be repaired immediately when the wind blows. Solidification can temporarily repair the work clothes and insulate heat and cool, but the compression resistance is much worse.

Chen Zhi gritted his teeth and quickly applied the repair fluid to the hole in his neck. The pain on his neck no longer increased. At this moment, Chen Zhi adjusted his breathing, endured the burning pain, and glared at the ground that was chopped off by a knife. Mrs. Zheng.

The old lady Zheng had been chopped into pieces at this time, and there was no possibility of recovery at all. At this moment, Chen Zhi turned his head to look at the person wielding the knife. The person standing there with the knife was indeed a ghost knife.

Ghost Knife was obviously seriously injured at this time. A thin strip of overalls on his left arm was damaged, and it had been repaired carelessly with repair fluid. Ghost Knife's face was pale, and his hair was soaked in sweat, which was wet on his forehead. .

Chen Zhi was pleasantly surprised after seeing the Ghost Knife, and asked eagerly,
"Where did you go just now? Did nothing happen?".


Ghost Knife's expression was still indifferent, he walked over with the knife in his hand, and looked at the old lady Zheng who was twitching on the ground.

"She dragged me into the rock formations and then grabbed my overalls and tried to burn me there, but I smashed the surrounding rock formations and escaped.

When Ghost Knife spoke, the burns on his face in the oxygen mask were very obvious. It is not difficult to imagine what he has experienced just now.


A burst of rage hit Chen Zhi's mind. Chen Zhi carried the God of Slaughter, walked up to the chopped-up old lady Zheng, and said to the twitching human face with the tip of the knife,
"You've lived long enough, I'll send you away now!"


The old lady Zheng on the ground was already in tatters at this time. She was twitching all over. Except for her face, which still looked like a human being, her body was already pitch black, but her whole body was dry and cracked, looking like a tree struck by lightning. She looked like a scorched tree root, but her face was still grinning, showing no fear at all.

"You lowly bastard, can you really get the ghost wood? You have opened the seal and entered the tomb, and you will be burned by my god's fire immediately.

It's ridiculous that little Jiang Shang's enchantment is about to burst, and the human world is about to be destroyed. All the sons of gods and demigods, as well as you disgusting and lowly humans, will eventually end in a raging fire.

The great and holy ancient gods created human beings, but human beings have to resist the gods. You can't imagine how terrible the wrath of the gods is. "

"Nothing unimaginable",
Chen Zhi looked indifferently at Mrs. Zheng on the ground and said,
"And the gods are not holy. The gods never love the world. Their supremacy is at the cost of human life. They are not worthy of praise. God wants human beings to be enslaved forever, but human beings have their own souls and free will .Thousands of years have passed, your gods are dead, and humans, have become new gods."


After hearing Chen Zhi's words, Mrs. Zheng trembled excitedly. She tried her best to get up and glared at Chen Zhi.

"You don't know anything about the real gods. Don't think that winning that war will change your destiny. You don't know anything about what happened."

When Mrs. Zheng said this, she pointed angrily at the man in the mural who jumped on the clouds and had sex with the goddess, and said,
"If that presumptuous human being at that time hadn't ascended the throne to intercourse with my god, there would be no son of god in the world, and there would be no half-god, and there would be no power in this world that can resist the gods, and there would be no you This dirty bloodline..."

Chen Zhi interrupted her, he didn't want to say anything more to this ghostly old lady, so he put the knife on her neck, and at this moment, the old lady Zheng put her head on Chen Zhi's knife suddenly, her head facing Before him, he looked at Chen Zhi with extremely strange eyes, showing a mysterious smile.

"Haven't you ever thought that your ancestor Jiang Ziya is just a son of god, no matter how powerful he is, how could he have the ability to kill gods? Have you ever wondered where his god-conferring spell came from? Massacre After killing so many gods, are his hands clean? Tell you..."

After Mrs. Zheng finished speaking, she lowered her eyes and looked at Chen Zhi.
"He's the real devil"

 Thanks for the reward: Shengshi Liren 2000; Ximen Bull Rider; Murphy; Wei Tuo; Ming Xinxi;

(End of this chapter)

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