Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 435: Tomb of the God of Drought

Chapter 435 Drought Tomb ([-])
Mrs. Zheng's words made Chen Zhi's heart fluctuate violently.

In fact, Chen Zhi has doubted this matter countless times for a long period of time. He has sorted out the context of everything, but there is one point that he can never explain clearly.

Although he is not familiar with the world of gods and spirits, he already knows one thing, that is, the world of gods and spirits is hierarchical and values ​​bloodlines. The older and mysterious the gods are, the more powerful they are, and the nine-tailed sky fox has the spirits of the Su family. They are beasts, but their blood is pure, so even an ancient god like Qing'e cannot compete with them.

But Jiang Ziya in the past was just a son of god, heir of gods and demigods, far less ancient than Nine Tails, Su's, so how could he restrain the gods?He used the God Conferring Curse to kill so many gods, causing the gods to change their colors. This is too abnormal for a son of god.

Therefore, from a normal logic point of view, if Jiang Ziya was really able to kill the gods at that time, then there must be some kind of power that helped Jiang Ziya, and this power must be very powerful. It was this power that defeated the gods. Captured, changed the world.

So what exactly is this power?Where did this mysterious and powerful incantation come from?Also, if Jiang Ziya is a son of god, whose god son is he?
There were countless questions in Chen Zhi's mind. He stared at Mrs. Zheng's pale and cold human face. After a long silence, he pressed Mrs. Zheng's forehead with the tip of the Tushen knife, and said coldly.

"Do you know Jiang Ziya?"

"Do I know Jiang Ziya? Do I know Jiang Ziya..., hahahaha~~
Mrs. Zheng laughed wildly when she heard Chen Zhi's question.

"Of course, I know him, I know that little Jiang Shang, that ambitious and smug little god...,
At that time, it was I who brought him to the tomb of my god. It was a long time ago. He was standing where you are now, and asked me to help him open the door behind him.

Little Jiang Shang, that is an interesting little son of God, he was full of hope for this world at that time, he swore in front of my God that he would eradicate all evil in this world, promised to rule the way of heaven forever, and put everything against my God The power of my god was completely destroyed, so he obtained the divine law of my god, and thus won the victory of that war.

And the result?He lied to my god, Jiang Shang lied to my god, this is the biggest lie in the world.

However, in human legends, there are still rumors of the great achievements made by your ancestor Jiang Ziya in the defeat of King Wu, hahahaha~~~~~, how ridiculous!Aren't you ashamed of these lies?Hahahaha~~~~~~~~~"

When Mrs. Zheng said this, she laughed wantonly, her voice was extremely piercing, and at the same time, Chen Zhi's head started to ache.

For a moment, Chen Zhi's mind was full of chaos, and a strong will invaded his brain, causing him to arouse thousands of angers that he couldn't control. He felt that Mrs. Zheng's laughter became more and more piercing, as if all People all over the world are laughing at him, there is a kind of anger that is stabbed in the vitals, and this anger is stimulated into a raging fire, Chen Zhi feels his whole body suddenly involuntarily, and a voice roars passionately in his body: ,

"Shut up, you're just a slave!"

Then Chen Zhi swung his right hand, and an extremely powerful ball of air shot out, hitting the old lady Zheng.

Before Chen Zhi could react, the old lady Zheng had been beaten to ashes.

The boulder behind Mrs. Zheng was smashed into a big hole. It took a long time for the flying ash to fill the air, and Chen Zhi's head gradually came to his senses. However, his brain was still in severe pain. Looking at the place where Mrs. Zheng was in ashes, Chen Zhi was completely overwhelmed. I can't understand what I did just now, and I can't understand where the powerful force just came from.

At this moment, Ghost Saber's voice sounded behind Chen Zhi.

"Let's push this rock and get in, there's no time."

Ghost Saber lit up the timer on its arm, and said to Chen Zhi,

Chen Zhi shook his head vigorously to keep his mind clear. Now is not the time to think too much. They must enter the tomb as soon as possible. Regardless of whether what the old lady Zheng said is true or not, the coffin is made from local materials The story is very believable. In short, in the tomb, it is the last hope to find the ghost tree.

Thinking of this in Chen Zhi's mind, he stopped thinking about other things, and tried to push the huge boulder in front of him together with Ghost Saber. The boulder was really too heavy. Very heavy.

It took Chen Zhi and Ghost Saber a lot of effort to finally push the rock away slowly.

Behind this huge rock, the last painting in the whole mural is exposed.

In this painting, the throne on the clouds in the sky is empty, and there is no goddess anymore.

The man who jumped on the cloud to have sex with the goddess returned to the ground, but this man had an extra crown on his head. He was holding a child in his arms, and his whole body was shining with golden light. Kneel down to the man.

On the right corner of the painting, an extremely beautiful big tree is painted in a large area. This big tree is made up of two branches intertwined together, vertically from top to bottom, and there are many paintings on the top of the tree. It looks like a flying fairy, and the roots of the tree under the tree are intertwined and stretch straight into the bottom.

And there is a blank area at the bottom of the tree root, in which the ancient goddess of drought is painted. The goddess is still naked. She wears a black veil, has a sharp sword stabbed in her stomach, and lies with her limbs stiff. Underground, it looks like it was killed.

In the middle of this mural, there is a very obvious trace of magic spell, Chen Zhi is very familiar with this trace.This is the trace of their Jiang Shanglie curse wrapping, where they made an illusion like a protective layer.

This mural used to be a door. After being closed for a long time, it was violently smashed. Disguised, pretending to be unbroken, this is probably the last seal that Mrs. Zheng mentioned.

But the seal of this powerful curse was very weak, Chen Zhimo chanted the spell and slightly fluctuated the airflow, and the seal on the stone wall began to slowly open.

At this time, the big tree on the mural began to glow red gradually, and with the sound of cracking stones, the seal of the fierce curse disappeared.

The stone room shook for a while, and the wall of the last mural showed its original appearance. It was a stone door that had been destroyed by a powerful spell. There was a gap in the middle of the stone door, just enough for a person to enter.

A scalding heat wave rushed out from the gap, the space inside the gap was filled with the color of fire, and the temperature was extremely high. When they approached there, Chen Zhi's overalls started to sound the alarm loudly.

Ghost Knife looked at the entrance, and was about to walk in, but was pulled back by Chen Zhi.

"Knife, from here on, I will go in alone."

(End of this chapter)

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