Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 456 Ning Bin's Secret

Chapter 456 Ning Bin's Secret ([-])
For more than 20 days after Lord Bao left, the weather became colder every day, and there was no news from Changbai Mountain. During this period of time, Ning Bin found that this mountain became more and more weird. All the birds in the mountains were gone.

He was getting more and more uncertain, but because of Lord Bao's entrustment, he couldn't get in touch with the government department, let alone show it in front of others. When he was at a loss, Chen Zhi and others came to Changbai Mountain.

This is how it all went...

After Ning Bin told these things, he lit a cigarette, sighed softly and said,

"During this period of time, I assigned people to the villages below the mountain to monitor the movement in the village at any time, and set up many high-voltage power grids and surveillance cameras on the path leading to the deep mountain to closely monitor the movement in the mountain.

Our Tang family has always relied on the breeding industry in the mountains as our main economic pillar. Many villages in the mountains are actually our breeding bases and supply channels. If news of mutants in the mountains spread, people will think that the products in the mountains contain mutations. If no one cares about the Tang family's breeding business, the breeding base in the village will be cut off, and the Tang family's business will collapse.

So even though I am facing danger from the mountains every day, I must maintain the stability of this area and never let the industrial chain here be chaotic. I am under a lot of pressure every day.

But if it goes on like this, I don't know how long it can last..., the mountain is getting more and more wrong, and the life and death of Lord Bao... I am also hard to be sure now. "

After Ning Bin said these words, everyone was silent. Old Somersault had once again lost hope since he thought Lord Bao was still alive, and his mood fell to the bottom again.

"I said brother Ning Bin..."
Fat Wei had already sobered up, and asked Ning Bin with a smile,

"Why do you ask for trouble? Since it is so dangerous here, why are you still staying in this ghost place? You are not short of money, so hurry up and leave here with your wife! Don't want the property in the old Tangjiashan Now, why bother to wade into this muddy water? Since we are rich and full of talent, why do we have to stick to this place? Where can we not go when the world is so big?"

"That can't work!",
When Ning Bin heard what Fat Wei said, he immediately pushed his small eyes, opened his eyes and replied seriously,

"The several routes in the mountains and this property were handed over to me by my old father-in-law.

I lost my father since I was a child, and my old father-in-law funded my college entrance examination, otherwise I still don’t know where to pick coal balls!
Back then I won the first prize in the college entrance examination in Jiangsu Province, and the son of the goddamn township head wanted to buy my entrance certificate, bullied me as a child without a father, and secretly tore up my registered letter.I went to argue with him and was beaten up by their family. My mother died of anger that day, and I wanted to die with that bastard.

It was my old father-in-law who extended a helping hand to me, a helpless orphan who had nothing to do with me, and avenged my mother. The village chief’s family was very well-established. My father-in-law offended many people at that time and paid a lot For the price, I almost didn't take myself into it.But the old man didn't say anything, and he still supported me to finish college, otherwise I am nothing now!

My old father-in-law has been kind and righteous all his life, and never competed with others. I will never repay his great kindness to me in my life. Changbai Mountain is the foundation of our Tang family. He personally handed over this family property to me , I must make this family business bigger and keep his country.

Let me tell you, in the end, I will send my wife out, and then find a reason to evacuate the people here. Even if I am left alone in the end, I will never give up the line on the mountain. My hand is broken! "

When Ning Bin said this, he was still a little excited. This kind of atmosphere made everyone a little infected. Chen Zhi had heard of Ning Bin's father-in-law, Old Tang Ye, before. He was the third child among the four old brothers. They are very kind, their Tang family has the least territory among the four families, but no matter who is in trouble and asks him for help, he will do his best to help. Old Bao Lord trusted him very much when he was alive. Old Tang Lord was the only one among the four brothers who died well. .

Ning Bin's words made Fat Wei laugh.

"I said little brother Ning Bin, I didn't mean you, you said you are talking boldly here, but what can you do with your small body? Have you ever seen a monster with your own eyes? You have small arms and legs. If you really saw a mutant human being, you probably didn’t even snort, so Xiao Minger would have confessed, hahaha~~~~”

Fat Wei's words made everyone laugh,

At this moment, Chen Zhi asked Ning Bin in a low voice,
"Brother Bin, have you seen the mutant humans in Changbai Mountain?"

"never seen",
Ning Bin immediately replied,
"Lord Leopard wanted to keep it secret at the time, and he told me that if there was something wrong coming down the mountain, he had to deal with it immediately, but he didn't tell me what a mutant human was like. Up to now, I haven't seen anything strange things come down the mountain."

I have gathered all the villagers I could find together by taking advantage of the opportunity of recruiting workers in the breeding industry.Now this town should be relatively safe, but I don't know the situation in the depths of Changbai Mountain. "

Chen Zhi nodded to Ning Bin, "That's the same as before. You continue to stay in this town and monitor the situation on the mountain at any time. A few of us will go to Changbai Mountain tomorrow morning to find out."

"it is good!",
Ning Bin nodded in agreement,

"When you visited the factory during the day, I already secretly organized a team, which is the elite of our Tang family.

I will provide you with all the equipment you need, and I have also prepared a guide for you to enter the mountain. I will leave with you tomorrow. Tonight, you should sleep well for a night. After entering the mountain, it will be difficult to sleep well! "

After Ning Bin finished speaking, he toasted everyone with a glass of wine, and then called people over to pack up their things, while he personally sent Chen Zhi and others into the villa.

Chen Zhi and the others were arranged to rest on the second floor of the villa, because the Tang family's house is basically a private bedroom, and there are very few guest rooms, so Ji Ying was assigned a room by herself, Chen Zhi; Fat Wei; Lao Somersault was arranged In a big room.

Ning Bin personally sent them back to the room. After arranging everything, he gently pulled Chen Zhi's arm. Chen Zhi understood and followed Ning Bin out.

Ning Bin led Chen Zhi all the way to the end of the corridor, where there was a separate room, which was very tightly sealed, with soundproof panels stuck everywhere.

After Ning Bin came in, he didn't speak immediately, but leaned against the door and listened, then locked the door cautiously, turned around and whispered to Chen Zhi,
"Brother Xiaozhi, Lord Bao has a message for me to deliver to you alone."

 After a day's work, let's update it today!It will be normal starting tomorrow, may this book bring good luck to everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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