Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 457 Tang Family Secret Records

Chapter 457 Tang Family Secret Records
After Ning Bin came in, he didn't speak immediately, but leaned against the door and listened, then locked the door cautiously, turned around and whispered to Chen Zhi,
"Brother Xiaozhi, Lord Bao has a message for me to deliver to you alone."

Chen Zhi had already prepared what Ning Bin said. In fact, Chen Zhi discovered many details that did not make sense in all the things that Ning Bin described just now.

First of all, there is a problem with timing. If, as Ning Bin said, Master Bao came down to supply supplies more than 20 days ago, then there is nothing worth keeping secret about this matter. Ning Bin could have said it beforehand. It is necessary to hide for a whole day.

And as far as Chen Zhi knew, Lord Bao's work style was very strict, he would definitely be well prepared before going up the mountain, and he would not easily have the possibility of material shortage, and even if there was a problem, he would not choose to go down the mountain himself, Because this will bring many hidden dangers.

All of this is very abnormal. There is only one possibility for this to happen, that is, Ning Bin did not tell the whole truth. Perhaps the purpose of Master Bao coming down the mountain was not to supply supplies, but to tell Ning Bin something important. Bin, and Ning Bin, for some reason, could only tell Chen Zhi alone.

"Brother Bin, are you still suspecting that there are spies among us?",
Chen Zhi's voice was very low, he looked directly into Ning Bin's eyes and asked,
Ning Bin's small eyes flickered alertly, looked carefully at Chen Zhi for a long time, and said in a low voice,
"It's not that I doubt it, Lord Bao is sure that there must be spies among you,"
Ning Bin then narrated the words that Tuo Ningbin relayed to Chen Zhi more than 20 days ago in the Bao family,

Lord Bao sent one of his personal guards down the mountain to deliver a letter to Ning Bin. The guard looked very miserable at that time. His body was covered with scratches, but most of them were stab wounds.

His time was very tight. He told Ning Bin in a very short time that the situation on the mountain was very complicated and extremely dangerous. When Master Bao was dealing with mutant humans in the mountain, he was attacked by a very powerful team.

And this team is very powerful, their armed forces can't match at all, this unusually powerful team has been lurking in the mountains before Lord Bao entered Changbai Mountain, the purpose is to kill Lord Bao.

Lord Bao had encountered them several times, with heavy casualties and disparity in strength, and this team was very strange, no matter where Lord Bao's team hid in the mountains, this team could always find them quickly and accurately, as if they could The location of Lord Leopard was detected to be the same.

Lord Bao's team has been hit hard now, most of the members have been injured or even died. Lord Bao's situation is very dangerous. After thinking twice, Lord Bao took off all the communication equipment and positioning talisman papers on his body and destroyed them, making everyone think he was He was already dead, so he hid his whereabouts and was not attacked again.

At that time, Master Bao could no longer trust any communication equipment, so he could only send his guards down the mountain to meet Ning Bin in secret.Lord Bao was trapped in Changbai Mountain during this time, avoiding the pursuit of that team. He guessed that Chen Zhi would come to Changbai Mountain soon, so he asked Ning Bin to send a message to Chen Zhi.

Lord Bao asked Ning Bin to tell Chen Zhi that the real ghost had been following Chen Zhi closely all along, and that ghost knew all the information Chen Zhi could get, including Master Bao's location.

The situation in the mountain is very dangerous now, Chen Zhi must seek help from the organization, go into the mountain immediately to rescue Lord Bao's team, otherwise Lord Bao is very dangerous, don't tell anyone this news, otherwise the position of Lord Bao may be exposed, and when encountering those Only powerful teams attack.

After Chen Zhi heard these words, his mind buzzed. In fact, Chen Zhi was most worried about hearing the news.

After listening to Ning Bin's narration, Chen Zhi confirmed three things

The first thing is that the powerful team on the mountain is probably the group of missing blue-ribbon warriors in the organization. When Ji Ying told him that a large number of blue-ribbon warriors were missing, Chen Zhi made this prediction. Killing so many warriors within the organization, they will not disappear for no reason, unless they rebel.

After a large number of blue-belt warriors rebelled, they are likely to defect to Anbu. It seems that Anbu, who has been disappearing since Bingsi's death, is finally about to surface. They are now appearing in Changbai Mountain on a large scale, which seems to be an action against the organization. Knowing that they are in charge, they are bound to win this time, the purpose is to attack Lord Bao, and..., Chen Zhi.

The second thing Chen Zhi determined was about Ning Bin.Judging from Ning Bin's performance, he had underestimated his relationship with the Bao family before. From the last time he dealt with Mr. Cao, Chen Zhi discovered that Mr. Bao actually trusted Ning Bin very much, and the relationship between them was very close. , Ning Bin seems to know a lot of secrets of the Bao family, even matters related to the organization.

The third thing, and the most obvious one, was that beside Chen Zhi, in his current team, there was that ghost.

This idea almost made Chen Zhi collapse. In fact, Chen Zhi has used deduction countless times to deduce the identity of the ghost, but the results are all zero. The ghost is completely transparent as if it has no entity.

Everyone in his team has been suspected, even the old somersault who is loyal to Lord Bao has been highly suspected. The tension of the team has reached the extreme, but this inner ghost has been hiding very well. Can't find it, which is very frustrating.

Ghost Knife is not injured, they only have Pang Wei, Old Somersault, Chen Zhi and Ji Ying in their team. Ji Ying has just joined their team. She has never participated in anything before and is a complete outsider.

The object of suspicion is now only between the three of them. Chen Zhi has accurately confirmed before that there is no problem with Fat Wei, and the old somersault is also completely trusted. Then who is this ghost?Could it be..., Chen Zhi himself....

I don't know why, when thinking of this, Chen Zhi's head started to hurt violently again, this is not the first time, every time Chen Zhi seriously analyzes this part of the matter, his head seems to be blocked Crazy pain.The severe pain made him dare not continue to think about it, otherwise his brain would explode and he would die.

"Brother Xiaozhi...",
Ning Bin called him softly from the side, making Chen Zhi recover.

At this time, Ning Bin said in a low voice,
"Don't think too much now. What you need to do now is to go up the mountain to save Lord Bao. Every day is very dangerous to Lord Bao. I'm so anxious these days, but I dare not take the initiative If I contact you, I'm afraid that the inner ghost will see my flaws.

You should be very confident going this time, the woman you brought should be very powerful, right? "

Chen Zhi nodded slightly,

"That's good",
Ning Bin continued,

"It has been 23 days since Lord Bao last sent the news, and now his life and death are really hard to predict.

That scary team has been wandering in the mountains, you must try to avoid them, tomorrow you go up the mountain, you have to pretend that you don't know the way to find the mysterious village, Lord Bao, waiting for you there. "

When Chen Zhi heard this sentence, he was slightly taken aback. His head didn't hurt as much as before. He thought for a while and asked in surprise.

"Have you not……",
Ning Bin smiled meaningfully,
"I didn't tell the truth just now. Before my old father-in-law died, he passed on the secrets of the Tang family to me. I know the address of that mysterious village deep in the mountains."

(End of this chapter)

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