Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 459 Doubt

Chapter 459 Doubt

"Hehe~~~~~~~, but after I said this to Master Bao, guess how Master Bao replied to me?",
After Ning Bin finished speaking, he pushed his small glasses, narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Zhi with a smile,
"Bao Ye said, even if people all over the world turn into ghosts, Chen Zhi will never be a ghost, because after everything is destroyed, only you will remain in this world as alive as death, that is God's favor for you. The punishment of the tribe is why your ancestors established an organization, because what you fear most is the emergence of this day..."

"It seems that you know the existence of the organization!"

When Chen Zhi heard this, he looked at Ning Bin with a smile,
"I have no idea I have no idea",
Ning Bin immediately smiled and waved his hands and said,

"I just said it casually! What is your identity and what you have done, I don't know at all! I never ask, it's none of my business, don't ask about trivial matters, this is our Tang The principle of dealing with things from generation to generation in the family! Haha...".

"Hehe~~~, it seems that the passing old Mr. Tang is really very discerning. He found a smart person like you to be the son-in-law of the Tang family!"

When Chen Zhi heard Ning Bin's words, he also laughed, and didn't ask any more questions.

In this way, Ning Bin and Chen Zhi chatted in the room for more than an hour, and the two carefully studied tomorrow's itinerary and arrangement.

Ning Bin is really meticulous, even the most careful woman can't compare with him, he has calculated every situation after going up the mountain, and arranged a very perfect path for Chen Zhi and others, even every Stations, the materials consumed for each section of the road are also counted.

After everything was arranged, Chen Zhi returned to his room.

Fat Wei drank too much wine during the day, and fell asleep early after entering the room.But Old Somersault didn't sleep all this time, after he saw Chen Zhi and Ning Bin go out, he was waiting in the room for Chen Zhi to come back.

The old somersault didn't ask any more questions when he saw Chen Zhi came back, but just told Chen Zhi to go to bed quickly so that he could catch the mountain road tomorrow.

Chen Zhi simply washed up and lay down on the bed. At this time, Fat Wei's snoring sounded up and down, but Chen Zhi never felt sleepy.

Chen Zhi listened carefully to the breathing of the old somersault, and felt that he was not asleep, so he opened his mouth and asked,

"Uncle Jin, are you still asleep?",
Chen Zhi's voice is very low, it will not wake up the sleeping Fat Wei at all,

"Well! Are you okay!",
Old Somersault replied in a low voice,

"After the third son left, I have been suffering from insomnia. Maybe it's because I'm getting old! You can sleep in your own, and don't worry about me."

"Uncle Jin... let me ask you something",
After Chen Zhi thought about it, he still asked,

"When did you start doubting me? Was it when you saw the third son's dead spirit? Or did you start before..."

"Why did you suddenly think of asking this?",
Old Somersault heard Chen Zhi's words in a strange way, and turned his head to look at Chen Zhi.

"Nothing, I just wanted to ask..."
Chen Zhi stared blankly at the ceiling and said,
"If you haven't seen the third son's dead spirit, would you still doubt me?"

The old somersault turned to look at Chen Zhi, was stunned for a while, and then looked at the ceiling.

The windows in this room are large, floor-to-ceiling windows commonly seen in modern villas. The bright moonlight shines in from the window, illuminating the interior very brightly. The night view of the mountains is as beautiful as a painting.

"Actually, I have suspected you for a long time."
After thinking about it for a while, the old somersault said frankly, looking straight at the moon outside the window. Now he has white hair, deep wrinkles and vicissitudes.

"When I went to the HLJ Fox Cave, I suspected you from the time our information started leaking...

A lot of our confidential information leaked inexplicably, especially our specific itinerary, only people in our team had the opportunity to know, but it was easily obtained by the Anbu.

I also once doubted Fat Wei, thinking that everything about him was suspicious, but I soon discovered that he could not be the ghost at all.

In our team, Ghost Saber is the official samurai of the organization. It is impossible for him to betray, and I have no problem, so I naturally suspect you.For this reason, I once had conflicts with Leopard. I doubted you. I suspected that you killed the third son before killing Leopard. I doubted everything the organization did, and even persuaded Leopard to leave the organization and join Anbu.

But in the black desert, what you said is very correct. If it is really the inner ghost, it is impossible for Qin Yueyang to have the opportunity to speak, let alone give her the opportunity to summon the dead spirit of the third son and be discovered by me.And most importantly, your identity is too special, to betray the organization is to betray yourself. "

After the old somersault said these words, he coughed lightly, looked at the beautiful moon scene outside the window and continued.

"So now this inner ghost seems to have no entity. It has always been around us, but we can't see it. Maybe we have been ignoring it, or maybe it is really something we imagined. But when I When I saw the third son, Necromancer, and heard what Necromancer said to me, my spirit was close to collapse at that time, and I was really sure at that time that you were the ghost."

After the old somersault finished saying these words, he fell into silence. At this moment, he heard Chen Zhi say softly,

"Uncle Jin, do you know? Sometimes, even I start to doubt myself",
After Chen Zhi finished speaking, he stared blankly at the ceiling.

"For a long time, this inner ghost has become a piece of my heart disease. It has stuck in my heart like a thorn. I don't trust anyone, I doubt everyone in our team, even you and Fatty Wei, I have analyzed every detail and every possibility of every person, every time period, and then overlapped time and events, and used the method of elimination to find a little bit. The result is that I came up with my own unacceptable conclusions.

If I fully agree with the overlapping of these times and events, then the ghost inside can only be myself.Others, neither you nor Fat Wei, have this opportunity. "

Chen Zhi stopped when he said this, he was still staring at the ceiling above, carefully observing the layers of darkness above, and then continued,

"This conclusion broke me down, I don't know why, when I think about this question, my head will tear like pain.

Sometimes... I even wondered if I was schizophrenic and split into two me.Part of my personality is doing the current Chen Zhi, while another part of me is doing things that betray me. I leaked the news to Anbu, and I killed the third son, so he said he saw me before he died.

And sometimes, I feel that this ghost is a real ghost, it exists beside me, maybe standing behind me, standing in the shadow of the corner, standing outside the door, always following me, observing My actions, listening to me, prying into my thoughts, this feeling, almost drove me crazy. "

"Don't think about it, you will break yourself like this",
The old somersault interrupted Chen Zhi, sat up, and said seriously,
"Sometimes, you have to learn from Ghost Saber. Don't just look at the evidence, but trust your intuition. What you see with your eyes is not necessarily the truth. It must be the truth. You can never be the ghost, just like Leopard told me, you are the only person in the world who will not betray the organization, because the organization is yourself.",
After the old somersault said this, he lowered his head and thought for a while,
"In fact, we have been ignoring one person. This person has always been in our team, but she is not conspicuous. She knows the team's movements very well, and she knows the organization and the Bao family very well. She is always by the side of Lord Bao. She will be the first to know about the organization's intelligence.

And only she can forge the news left by the third son after his death, and even pretend to be the dead spirit of the third son, let me see a false impression, have you ever thought that this ghost may be... ",
I know who you're talking about,

Chen Zhi interrupted Old Somersault's words, and after being silent for a while, continued,
"It's not that I didn't suspect this person. If the ghost is really her, we will know right away...".

 Thanks for the reward from Sunday to now: zkmoon, 7000, thank you very much!

  Coastal Sky 500; Great White Shark 500; Ming Xinxi 200; Lady Frigidity 500;

(End of this chapter)

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