Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 460

Chapter 460
At around six o'clock the next morning, Chen Zhi and the others started to get up and prepare to set off.

Ning Bin had a simple breakfast with them first, and then ran out to discuss their going up the mountain.

Chen Zhi and the others returned to the living room to wait after breakfast. They packed up their equipment. In addition to the long knives and pistols that everyone must bring, several MP4 submachine guns had also been transported from Z City to Jicheng.

But apart from these weapons, Chen Zhi and others have no experience in climbing snow mountains, and all professional outdoor equipment for climbing on snow mountains needs Ning Bin's help.

This Changbai Mountain is different from ordinary mountains. Changbai Mountain is very vast, and the top of the mountain is covered with snow all the year round.This is a real frozen land. It’s winter now. Changbai Mountain is covered with snow, roaring in the north, and there is a danger of avalanches at any time. The environment is very harsh. There are not even a single tourist. It is very unsuitable for climbing. It is estimated that it will be difficult to find. Guides are willing to risk taking them into the mountains.

Ning Bin came back from the outside soon, and there were more than [-] large trucks with him. The trucks were full of people, and the back of the truck was full of equipment and supplies, covered with rainproof cloth.

Ning Bin jumped out of the car first, followed by a young man. He was a very strong young man in his early 20s. He was wearing an old camouflage uniform and a military padded jacket. He had a Chinese character face and several bruises on his brows. , Nose and cheeks are red with cold.

Ning Bin introduced this young man to everyone. This young man is a veteran. His surname is Guo, and his nickname is Da Guozi with a painted face. familiar with.

After Da Guo retired from the army, he found a job as a comprador in the Tang family. He was responsible for collecting mountain goods from the mountains and communicating with the local villagers. He was very familiar with this mountain.

The personal relationship between Da Guo and Ning Bin is very good, otherwise he would never risk his life to enter the mountain in this weather.

Da Guo told Chen Zhi that there is no fixed road on the snow-capped mountains in this kind of weather. Due to the change of wind and snow, the mountain roads will change every day. If you accidentally make a mistake, you will step on the air and fall into the abyss.Therefore, no tour guide dares to go up the mountain this season, only those who have served in the army dare to go up.But the situation on the mountain is very steep and difficult, so Chen Zhi and others should be mentally prepared.

Ning Bin also brought a lot of equipment for the snow-capped mountains, which were all placed in the back of the truck.

Chen Zhi and the others all have their own work clothes, which can keep out the cold and cold inside, but outside, like everyone else, they all wear big snow jackets, snow boots and cotton caps.Ji Ying only wore a cotton coat, and inside she was wearing the military trousers and outer shirt she wore when she came out, and the long knife in her hand was pinned to the back of her waist.

In addition to clothing, Ning Bin also prepared a lot of food and water. Chen Zhi looked at the back of the truck and saw that there were tents, shovels and picks, fire starters, small generators, alcohol stoves, communication equipment, etc. It's like going to camp in the mountains.There are also a large number of military equipment and weapons. Chen Zhi looked up and saw that the strength of the Tang family was indeed extraordinary. They all had standing submachine guns and long and short weapons with thick steel muzzles. They were also equipped with military ropes, flying claws, crossbows, and even There are also improvised explosives and grenades. I don't know where Ning Bin got them. They are simply the weapons of professional-level troops.

Of course, there are also large bags of food, chocolates, medicines, washbasins, toothbrushes and other daily necessities in the car, which are well prepared.

Last night, Chen Zhi and Ning Bin discussed the itinerary for entering the mountain. They didn't go directly to the mysterious village this time, because the journey would be too far and too exhausting.

They have to drive 12 hours to enter the mountain from here. When the car reaches a certain place, they will not be able to move forward. After they leave the car, they need to walk on foot. After walking the mountain road for about four days, they will find a mountain on the mountain. A small village in Bingliugou.

This Bingliugou used to be the Tang family's camp in Changbai Mountain. People from the Tang family stayed there. Chen Zhi and the others could organize the team there, supply supplies, and then move on.

Going forward from there is a deep mountain, and in the depths there is the mysterious village on the map that Ning Bin drew for Chen Zhi yesterday.

After several people discussed it, there was no delay, and the equipment was rectified and set off immediately.

At the front of the truck team is a pickup truck, which Ning Bin usually drives into the mountains. The car has a lot of space and powerful horsepower, which is suitable for trekking on mountain roads. Because Ning Bin wants to stay at the bottom of the mountain to guard the overall situation, this This time he was unable to go with Chen Zhi and the others. After making all the preparations, he watched Chen Zhi and others enter the mountain.

Chen Zhi and others, together with Guo Zi, who was a tour guide, drove a big pickup truck with more than [-] big trucks, and drove to the depths of the forest area.

The car drove on the road all the way, and drove straight to the foot of Changbai Mountain.

There is no rest on this road. It is dark and dark when driving straight. Cars are not as convenient as trains. It is very uncomfortable for people to be confined in the narrow space of the car, and the temperature drops all the way. Although there is air conditioning in the car, it feels like the wind is still blowing in. , The outside of the car window is already covered with frost.

After driving for a whole day, Chen Zhi and others finally advanced to the mountain in the dark. The car could not go any further. The surrounding area was covered with snow and ice, and a few hundred meters ahead was an abyss covered with frost. In the woods, there is an abandoned vacation apartment. There is no heating inside, and it is completely frozen, but the glass is still intact, which can keep out the cold wind.

There are no traces of people around here. It seems that this place was once planned as a tourist spot, but it was canceled because it was too remote and there were no tourists. That's why the road was built here.

Guo Zi, the tour guide who drove over with Chen Zhimen, was the first to jump out of the car. He walked around on the snow, stepped on the road, and then shouted loudly to the back.

"Brothers, come down! We'll be staying here tonight."

Everyone in the rear car got out of the car after hearing Guo Zi's cry, and a large number of people came down with a splash. They didn't see it from the car before. It turned out that some people were also sitting in the bucket. This team added up to at least 100 people. many people.

Chen Zhi and the others also got out of the car. They were dressed tightly and looked around at the surrounding snow-capped mountains in the bitter snow wind. The scenery of Changbai Mountain is indeed beautiful, covered in white and white everywhere. Looking up, the mountains Ups and downs, the entire sky is connected with the white mountain peaks, which makes people feel excited.

Guo Zi is a capable person, and he is very talkative. He chatted with Chen Zhi and others along the way, but he didn't know the purpose of Chen Zhi and others coming here, but Ning Bin had already figured it out beforehand. There are dangerous things on the mountain.

Guo Zi told Chen Zhi that the section where he first entered was at the lowest part of the mountain range, and the road was gentle, but the further he went, the steeper he went. At the end, the trees on the mountain were all straight and stiff, and every step was very dangerous.They have been driving all day, and now the team needs to take a break. There is an abandoned vacation apartment here. They will spend the night here tonight, and then they will go to the snow mountain the next day.

(End of this chapter)

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