Ghostly Tomb

Chapter 461 Overnight

Chapter 461 Overnight
Changbai Mountain at night is really very cold. Frozen and thick snow can be seen everywhere, covering everything in the mountain in a white glazed mirror, giving a feeling of being outside the world.

At night, the cold north in the mountains brought snow stars to blow unscrupulously, and slapped loudly on the windows of the resort. This resort is not too old. There is thick ice, but some rooms have some tattered beds and piled up wood. Everyone is going to sleep here tonight.

Before they went up the mountain, Ning Bin was very well prepared. He equipped everyone with a self-heating sleeping bag. The surface of this sleeping bag was made of thick windproof cloth, and there were ventilation holes in the middle, which could relieve the high wind and low temperature outside. The interior can be heated by itself without external electricity.With this kind of sleeping bag, even sleeping in deep mountains and heavy snow is no problem.

After everyone heated their sleeping bags in the villa, they all gathered outside the villa.

Once there are more people, it will become lively. Although it is in the deep mountains and heavy snow, these guys from the Tang family are very young and active, and they are different from the guys from the Bao family. The Tang family is essentially a businessman and never involves Underworld business,
So these young fellows of the Tang family are not gangsters.

These guys were told about the dangers on the mountain before they set off, but they have no specific concept of mutant humans. They even reported great enthusiasm for the mission of Changbai Mountain. You think this adventure up the mountain is very exciting, and at this time After making meritorious service, he will also have a lot of status in the Tang family in the future.

Compared with these 20-year-old guys, the leader Da Guozi is much more mature. He has been in the Tang family for many years, and he has participated in many things outside the Tang family. The personal relationship with Ning Bin is very good.He knew the dangers he would face when going up the mountain this time.

When going to the tomb of Tianhu God, Chen Zhi once brought in a few buddies from Bao's family, but the best parrot and Siyan'er died inside. Feeling guilty, Chen Zhi can often dream of them now, and he is under a lot of mental pressure.

This time bringing the Tang family's men into the mountains, the pressure is even greater. The Tang family is not the Bao family after all. These soldiers are all borrowed after all. This time the operation must be planned carefully and perfectly without any mistakes. Otherwise, Chen Zhi's crime would be too great to let these fellows of the Tang family throw their young lives on the mountain.

Everyone soon discovered that there was really no prey in Changbai Mountain. After a group of people walked around the mountain for a long time, they only caught a dozen mountain rabbits in some soil holes, and other larger prey. For example, the mountain deer robes and the like can hardly be seen. This is completely different from Changbai Mountain, which is usually prolific and abundant, and it is very strange.

Fortunately, Ning Bin had prepared enough food for them in advance, including a lot of instant jerky, outdoor noodles and other food.

The temperature on the mountain was very low, and everywhere was covered with ice and snow. They cut down the frozen branches and set up several bonfires. After finally lighting them, they set up a large pot to boil hot water. When the boiling water was gurgling and steaming, Everyone is much warmer.

Everyone cooked the food they brought in a large pot. After a while, the aroma was everywhere. The smell of hot noodle soup and the aroma of roasted rabbit meat mixed very attractively. Everyone’s faces were flushed in the firelight. , The materials brought also included white wine that can keep out the cold. These young guys became happy after drinking some wine, joking and joking, and some even turned on the music and laughed and laughed together. I feel that this adventure into the mountains is very interesting.

More than 100 people made a lot of noise in the mountains, and the scene was very noisy and lively.Chen Zhi, Fat Wei, Lao Somersault, Ji Ying, and Da Guo sat alone beside a bonfire. Someone roasted a wild rabbit for them alone, and served them each with a bowl of hot noodle soup .

"Your Tang family's treatment is better! When we were doing tasks, we ate all the roots and wild vegetables. Thinking of the original food level, we really abused the employees!",
Fat Wei was holding the noodle soup, blowing the hot air on it, and said to Da Guo with a smile,
"I'm talking about Da Guozi, you guys from the Tang family have a big heart. Do you think this is a winter outing in the mountains? They danced and danced happily. Why are they all like children? They have all driven Guns? We didn’t go up the mountain this time to shoot rabbits, but to fight for our lives. These guys encountered tough feet in the mountains, so don’t be scared and pee your pants.”

"Not to ~~~~~~~ not to ~~~~~~~~~~",
After hearing what Fat Wei said, Da Guo immediately smiled and waved his hands.

"You look down on our Tang family too much, we brothers are not harmless to humans and animals, and we are usually not good people.

With such a big business in the Tang family, why can't we come across it all year round?There are those who come to grab the land, and some desperadoes who come to beg for alms and blackmail, so don't use any black hands?There are some things that you can't even think of. Don't look at their innocent appearance now, they are very secretive when they encounter things.Although we can't compare with Lao Bao's family, these people are our elites. We often play with the usual 95-type submachine guns, so don't worry!There will be no shame at that time. "

"Well~~~~~~~~, Da Guozi...",
Fat Wei looked at Da Guo with a smile and asked,

"Do you know what we are doing up here this time?"

Da Guo agreed, without any fear on his face,
"Brother Bin told me about the general situation in the mountains. Isn't there just a few mutated people? Don't care about mutated or not, as long as there is a shape, he will be afraid of the gun on my body."

After Da Guo finished speaking, he confidently patted a long-barreled MK1 on his waist. It was a very violent pistol, made in Germany, with only seven bullets, but powerful firepower. Can blow a man bear's head off.In the mountains, having this kind of pistol is like carrying a small cannon, very confident.It seems that the Tang family is really powerful enough to get this kind of gun.

"Da Guo, tell us about the Bingliugou!",
Chen Zhi roasted his hands in the fire, and asked Da Guo beside him,

"Before we set off, Ning Bin and I made a plan. He asked us to go to Bingliugou to rest for a while, saying that it is the place where your Tang family is stationed, but we haven't contacted the people there yet.

As far as I know, some communication networks in this mountain have been ripped off, and the phone should already be available.Why not call first before going? "

"Hi! What a fart to contact!",
Da Guo drank a big mouthful of noodle soup with the heat and said,

"In our Changbai Mountain, there are almost three seasons of snow in four seasons a year, and the sky is full of snow every day. The broken communication network can be broken nine out of ten days. Before I went up the mountain, I was really hit by Bingliugou. phone call, but the communication there has been cut off."

 Thanks for the reward: Book Friends 160-385; Wei Tuo

(End of this chapter)

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